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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. twospirits

    Saygus V²

    Impressive little device. Even if it is Kit kat. Just missing a stylus and make it a bit thinner but larger ala Note series and I'm sold. Even with out that it is still quite impressive. If Sprint gets this I'll be shocked. I hope it makes it to market, the last phone they did (V phone) never did and was cancelled. TS
  2. lol, I wonder what it will be. I dislike US football, but I just may tune in to see what they plan on saying. I believe I read it will be their first Super Bowl commercial, so it better be a good one. btw, was the goat commercial created by the new advertising company or the old one. I figure this one and the upcoming Super Bowl one was made with the newer agency. TS
  3. This is true, but I'm not saying that Chromecast was the cause, I'm just saying that is what I was doing when it got warmer than usual. I also had it plugged in to the wall outlet at the time. But I have done the same thing many times after that and I did not experience the same thing happening.
  4. Ok I get it, Sex sells, and showing your butt profile in a commercial referencing data could be eye candy for some men, but seriously, Kim? Fray is correct, if it wasn't for the tape she would a nobody. Carly was 100 times sexier, better body, and more beautiful. TS
  5. hmmm interesting. I haven't experienced those issues with the exception of it getting more warmer than usual when I was streaming a movie to Chromecast. But that only happened once. TS
  6. ok I admit, that 100% is a over-hyped, sorry. It should be 90% I kid, I kid, And yeah I do remember the weather guy saying something about RPM, but can't for the life of me remember what the other model was. Either way, both models got Boston correct. If it wasn't because Mother nature pushed the storm 25 miles east, it would be a totally different story here in NYC. Personally I just don't see how folks out in the upper mid west deal with it. TS
  7. That may be, but folks are going to complain regardless if it was over-hyped or not. Its that damn if you do, damn if you don't scenario. I say we call it the Juno effect. lol Then again we are not only talking about NYers but North Easterners in general, same group that trusts the predictions of a Pennsylvanian or Staten Island rodent on how much more weeks of winter we get and make a big deal about it. lol TS
  8. I voted No. Funny you mention that. When I went to London a few years back, we went countryside a few times and in one of the bars they were surprised that we were from NYC since they never had travelers go out there. While it true that most travel sites stay in the touristy sections, I've noticed that there are times that you find really awesome hidden stuff great folks, etc when going to non-traditional areas of said visited city. TS
  9. Okay people, not to defend meteorologist because I'm the first one to say they are the only profession where they can be wrong 100% of the time and still have a job, but lets be fair and real here. In regards to NYC, 1-yeah they may have over-hyped it a bit, but its better to be safe than sorry. First if I am not mistaken they were using an existing model that predicted such high totals. There is a newer model that I believe CNN was also testing that hit the numbers right on the mark and they said that they will be using that from now on. Regardless, I rather have them be a bit over hyped and scare us than not. There are countless stories of idiots not heeding the warnings of not going out, driving etc and getting stuck, into accidents that make it hard to clear the streets of snow, no matter how much fell. 2-Yeah Manhattan didn't get much and most news is reporting on that one place. woopie freaking do. NYC is not just Manhattan, there are 4 other boroughs that are larger and got hit much harder. Shoot, here in Queens I took out a ruler and it was exactly 19 inches. And that's not counting the snow drifts. Granted, 19 inches is nothing compared to places like the northwest, but they are used to it. Over here 2 inches and folks freak out like roaches scattering when the lights go on. 3-Crying over having the transit system being shut down is stupid. Unless you are a city worker (sanitation, police, healthcare) there is no need to go to work and most likely provisions are made to keep you at work avoiding being out in the streets getting stuck etc. Most of the subway transit lines (outside of elite Manhattan) are above ground and can be snowed in themselves. So I feel it was a good decision. Shoot they should shut down the system everyday much like Washington DC does. The meteorologists were partially correct on the totals, the politicians may have over reacted by closing things down, but bottom line we were lucky (at least here in NYC). Mother Nature is one not to mess with and she can be a real bitch at times. TS
  10. Topic added to the Network Vision section of the FAQ. TS
  11. lol on the Juno naming part. I feel your pain. But hey, I only post what I heard. As for Squall (and polar vortex, I don't recall them saying that before last year. But I'll get used to it eventually even though I don't like it, much like "phablet". Anyway, on the home front here, They had set up cots for some hospital workers to stay overnight. But since we aren't first line/medical staff, they let my department go. I don't know where they said that this first front was only going to put down 1-3 inches before the main storm, because I saw 4" at work and at home (took me about 90 minutes on a usual 15 min drive) and there is about 4-5 inches on the ground here. On the way home I saw quite a few awd cars slipping and sliding, then again I slipped once too. I put my suv in the garage but had to move my nieces puny little Honda away from the devil tree that has a habit of dropping its huge branches onto cars. The winds are picking up. TS
  12. I feel the same way, much like what happened to Motorola. No one saw that transaction coming and they bought them out only to release them to Lenovo later on. And although Motorola was basically a patent buy and not a telecom I too say never say never. Plus, I could be wrong, I also think if such an buyout would happen that Google would buy T-Mobile instead of Sprint since it is more global than Sprint is. TS
  13. Same thing here in NYC except Schools will be closed only tomorrow, open Wed. Which means plenty of huge school buses on the roads getting in the way. I thought bimbogenesis was the code name for S. Ali? TS
  14. Word of the day... "Bombogenesis" is the equivalent of a meteorological bomb and occurs when a storm's area of lowest pressure experiences a rapid drop of more than 24 milibars in 24 hours. This basically turns a routine storm into an intense storm very quickly. I swear these meteorologists love dropping new words never before heard. last year it was "squall". and they name it Juno. Since when did we start naming nor'easters? Anyway, 2 inches on the ground now here in HIllcrest/Jamaica Queens NYC. TS
  15. Breaking News Now... Hell (NYC) has frozen over. Reporting now live from Times Square is temp meteorologist two (feet in snow) spirits filling in for Storm Fields... Yes, Brian, folks are running around like its the end of the world and its only 2 inches right now on the ground. All joking aside, its been a while since we have gotten hit with a major winter snow snow, even less with blizzard conditions. Right now we are getting hit with a tiny pass that is leaving 1-3 inches on the ground, but the main one is set for tonight thru Wed and although we are suppose to get 18-24 inches of snow I feel it may be higher like 33. The snow amounts is not my scare, its the winds bringing down these power lines. (Yes we have external power lines in the outer boros). Manhattan and downtown Brooklyn is power line free with everything underground. Its funny but the chief of my hospital said that they are going to close my building tomorrow due to safety concerns and to have us report to administration instead. I don't think so. Homey don't play that. I'll rather take a day without pay than risk life and limb getting to work. Besides all my code and macros are on my pc and running reports on someone else's pc won't work anyway and I'll be just there staring into space. I'll take pics as the storm comes through and post them (providing the power stays up). TS out (reporting live from NYC)
  16. Probably right, but they have worked for me (providing I can connect at all to any site) TS out
  17. If it is not Then you shouldn't complain. That is how much Robert pays a month with all the devices he has on hand. All joking aside, my bill is currently at about $210 for 3 devices. TS out (adding more devices)
  18. You can always check this link to see if Sprint is down or not. (Actually you can use any website using the like box in the upper right side of that site.) Is Sprint.com Down? TS out (finding more link sites)
  19. I've been keeping a track of all the changes since its inception. It is quite interesting seeing the list grow throughout the years as well as seeing where one stands in the rankings. S4GRU Honors List through the years. TS out (making more lists)
  20. I am shamefully copying this image for the first post. TS
  21. I liked that he did a video and didn't curse or act like a fool in it. Wish Marcelo would do the same (doing videos I mean).
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