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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I off load at home (most of the time), I just don't have the time and patience away from home having to deal with connecting or finding a wi-fi connection and especially having to deal with that annoying Connection Optimizer on the phone. So I keep it on the mobile network away when I'm away from home. At work I connect the laptop to my phones hotspot and when my work pc is busy running macros, I get on the laptop to watch videos, forums, etc. So that is when the data usage goes up. But considering that I am paying for the 60gig plan I haven't reach half of that. But I pay for it just in case. TS
  2. I agree, aside from the Railroads (Amtrak) and the TSA, I don't think there are many other private industries that have been taken over by the US Government and most likely won't gain support. Then again, one can say that he Bell System has returned when one considers all the mergers that both AT&T and Verizon have done with the previous bells. TS
  3. File under the "Not in my Backyard" folder.... Supreme court today rules against T-Mobile in building a cell tower on a residential property in Roswell, Georgia. PDF here. Discuss... TS
  4. While it is (in my experience) hard not to have a phone for any extended period of time, the rice trick does work so long as you do keep it in there for at least no less than 48 hours. Speaking of dropping phones, this morning I dropped my Edge, not in water but onto the kitchen floor. Luckily it survived. TS
  5. It was bound to happen eventually... So either I was tired from my friends 50th party, or I was distracted by a family member talking to me, but I managed to misjudge the distance of the kitchen counter and managed to hit the the edge of the counter against my phone. This resulted in my phone slipping from my hand and dropping to the kitchen floor in one loud crash. Flip cover went one way, battery went another way and the Edge laying on the floor screen side first. I was in a state of shock. First thought was "oh crap, it finally happened, screen is probably cracked, destroyed." Fear of dread sets in. I stand there looking at its dismembered body for about a minute. Family tells me "well, are you going to pick it up" So I pick it up and in Valens' name, not a scratch. Thanks to Gorilla Glass 4. Naturally if this was outside on concrete, the results would have been totally different. Regardless it is quite nerve wrecking seeing it happen. TS
  6. Evil side says "Its an improvement" Good side says "Ouch" All joking aside, that sucks. How long was it in the water?
  7. Yeah, 6 months for everyone everywhere except Southwest Florida specifically Ft Myers which would be 6 years from now. Sorry couldn't resist. TS
  8. Booo, After I posted that last night, I kept looking around and one article states AT&T being one of them and another says AT&T and T-Mobile. Another article says that it is only LTE with no cdma hinting that Verizon and Sprint are out of the deal. Which would be a slap to Sprint considering that they were the ones that had the first generation. I guess we'll soon find out who the other ones are. lol, true, it does look like a Apple TV box. TS
  9. Something tells me that the recently announced ZTE Spro 2 at CES 2015 today will be coming to Sprint. The specs are really nice (well at least nicer than the current model). ZTE launches Spro 2 - Verge ZTE Spro 2 with Snapdragon 800 - gsmarena ZTE Spro 2 hands on - phonearena Sources: Video: Android Authority Photo: GSMArena TS out
  10. Robot Indian image by Wen Jr over at Deviant Art and is now my background wallpaper.
  11. I still have 1 week left on my cycle and I have 16GB used out of 60 on my 4 devices shared family plan. Its pretty easy like what travis said with streaming video, and uploading images to the google/dropbox image back up servers. Which reminds me, I need to lower the resolution of my images. I really do not need to be taking this huge ass photos when a smaller resolution would do. TS
  12. I didn't know. I agree with that part, but didn't think the plan included the mobile hotspot. (until now) well in my case it wasn't common knowledge since in the landing page for Family Share plans it shows for step 3 to add data access to tablets, wearables, etc nowhere does it mention that the hotspot is included. Even though those extra devices are not the only reason for having a hotspot, but still, there is no mention of it in the landing page. but regardless, floorguy is right, I checked my account also and it does say 3G/4G Data with Mobile Hotspot. TS
  13. My responses below are mine alone and may or may not reflect what other feel and it is not directed to anyone in particular but I am using your comments as a base to respond. 1-Yes, this is a site dedicated to Sprint network upgrades and like most other Sprint dedicated sites it probably would be hard to have an objective conversation. Yet I've noticed that we can so long as we keep it to network upgrades. Once it goes beyond that, it all goes downhill. 2-I honestly think that there will always be some sort of upgrade going on. Granted, it may not be 4G per say but there will be some sort of upgrade to report on. 3-Their are plenty of Sprint users that like the style that s4gru presents as oppose to other sites that are infested with ongoing complaints, over jealous moderators, etc etc and therefore do come over to participate here just for that reason. Are they refugees? maybe. But come they do because they like the style and info. As for Sprint shaded glasses, as mentioned in point #1 this is a Sprint dedicated site. 4-Every site that I know of does some sort of snipping at their competitors, some more harshly than others. I feel that we aren't as bad as some feel it is. As for the staff, well, we are passionate of the upgrades set forth by Sprint but we are also not blind. we will point out any misguided step that they do as well. No carrier is perfect and Sprint may work for some while another carrier will work better for the customers needs. It may seem that we and by we I am including all members not only staff, go off on T-Mobile alot but it is mainly because alot of these carriers (as well as brands, manufacturers etc) market their services to be something that they are not and they expect the customer to blindly accept it without facts. 5-For the time being until a solution is presented, this is all a member can do. TS
  14. This has to be the most thorough review of a Sprint Note Edge yet. (probably the only one since all the other reviews I've read are for the T-Mobile/At&T versions. Phonescoop: Review of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge for Sprint. TS
  15. If you do the Eleven Wood Speeding reading courses you will noticed he is saying... "I read about a possible note 4 snapdragon 810 and 3 carrier aggregation model." TS
  16. hmmm not to sure if I can agree or not, still the TV commercials are fine, but seeing that printed advertisement, I am not so sure. I would have used just a guy (or girl) cut their bill in hand by tearing it apart, but using those weapons may be concern even for some that speak and write fluent English. I just hope there isn't an incident where one crazy SOB goes to a Sprint store with one of those items. TS
  17. I'm still undecided if the data stash / rollover / bendover strategy will be a good one or not for T-Mobile (financially) or if anyone else should copy it. Either way, much like any other plan out there, it will be good for some and not for others. So one can agree to disagree on that topic. As for the ghetto comments, I honestly feel that we should stop using that term. Usually, of late, it is being more associated with skin color and that is problem in of itself. Originally, ghettos were tied to immigration of Irish, German, Italians, Polish, Spanish and Puerto Rican coming from Europe, Caribbean and South America and settling in certain areas like the Lower East Side of NYC, Harlem, etc. all looking for a better way of life and liberty. Naturally with such an influx, folks will be crammed into a spot thus not giving the the view of spacious comfortable safe environment. This is repeated in other cities as well. Some of those areas are now considered hip, cool, visited by the elite since they have been (or are in a transition) much better than their former origins. It is a cycle that repeats all over the inner cities. Then again what is a inner city? Is it (for example in NYC) is it the Business district, the Village, Lower East Side, Alphabet City, Times Square, Lincoln Center, Harlem, Astoria, Corona? Each and every one of those mentioned has spots that can be labeled ghetto or hip or elite depending on who you see and what you see. Does it end at the border of the city or continue into the next county? Now-a-days the term is more associated with race, that ends up being a problem, especially one for such tech sites like ours where we should be discussing the deployment and not who is using the frequencies due to their race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender or status. etc etc. again, while I understand that it may not be avoidable, I feel it has no business in a tech forum such as ours regardless of the carrier being discussed. TS
  18. I don't know how, why, or who was responsible but I got picked by ZTE to get a LivePro. I don't usually sign up for giveaways and I don't recall doing it but I must have and got picked. I actually thought it was a scam to be honest when I read the email. lol But after researching the company doing the promotion and the sender of the email it was all legit. woo hoo. So hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be part of the group of LivePro users in here. TS out
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