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Jaramie3 last won the day on February 9 2016

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About Jaramie3

  • Birthday 02/09/1990

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    iPhone 8+
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    United States
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  1. Im in the Indianapolis area (Greenfield). How can I help? The network has been great a B41 has been really solid here. I work in Fishers and have noticed the network is killing it as well with 50-75mbps on the DL.
  2. I'm in the Greenfield Area, any ideas how the network is out this way?
  3. No the Wifi Connect Router is not the same. Its literally a router that you hook up through your home internet.
  4. Also, what kind of speeds are you getting that you consider to be "slow"?
  5. Dang it. Well Sprint has been terrible in Lynchburg as a whole. LTE has zero data, but 3g is solid (2.5mbps) in most places. I hit 55mbps tonight further up on Wards Road inside a Kroger on my wifes iphone 6s. Hopefully they fix this and get the network up to par.
  6. I was in Lynchburg, Virginia and service is bad. Lte isn't working but then I looked up and saw guys working on the tower. Any idea if this is Sprint panels or not? http://imgur.com/a/npzi1 http://i.imgur.com/KWpzk44.jpg
  7. I completely agree and I even called them several times to display how angry I was that they are falsifying information and not giving customers service in areas that are clearly in the "coverage" maps. Don't get me started on my phone being stuck on 2g all the time in areas again were b12 and the towers still werent upgraded. I kept getting the "it will be finished within 6 months" for the last 2 years. I'm happy with Sprint and the service they provide me.
  8. I had this issue in Pennsylvania. According to T-Mobile, LTE is active, but when I went to many of those locations with my lg g4 and nexus 6p, I had zero bars of service. So I left.
  9. Coming from T-Mobile in December, I can honestly say my service with Sprint in rural areas is much better. At least in North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Speeds arent always record breaking but I've hit areas in Maryland where I would get 100mbps easily, where with Tmobile it was still 2g. T-Mobile is full of crap with their coverage and I was highly disappointed in their B12 coverage.
  10. Thank you. I will send Marci everything I have and be extremely thorough with my issues.
  11. Can i get her information? Im dealing with network issues and the engineers havent foxed it. Ive been calling for the last 4 weeks with zero resolution.
  12. They are definetely still testing LTE out across Lynchburg. In 3-4 weeks, itll be official and we should be getting solid speeds
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