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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. A week with the device and out of those 7 days, its been 3 days actually using it as my main go everywhere device. I came in trying not to have a bias about it, knowing that it is not a Note with a digitizer stylus, that it can only be compared to a iPhone 6+ or a Mega due to its size. Spec wise it is like the Note (minus the digitizer and minus the Touchwiz overlay). And yet even with all the specs, I have the feeling it is more of a beta device than a full fledged flagship. These are the quirks I've seen. The SMS issue is one thing and the slight lag I've encountered is another that both can possibly be taken care of via an update. The hoopla about getting the latest and greatest update in my opinion is overrated. I find it takes me longer to do a certain activity due to the lack of notification drop down controls. I'm not really liking the new Material Design, but I am forcing myself to its flat Mac like look since eventually all devices will have to conform to it. The notification bar while clean cut and nice looking, does not give me the option of customizing it to include toggles to certain settings I rather have shown. Although i could use xShortcut it still wouldn't be a drop down option. Try as I may, I downloaded every shortcut maker in the play store, AnyCut (both versions), quickshortcut maker and xshortcut (what I usually use). The last two are better at editing and creating a shortcut and yet went through and could not find any Debug or LTE Engineering screen. The closest thing was the Sprint DM activities, Close, but no cigar. I installed SignalCheck Pro but since I am not rooted (yet, and most likely won't if I return this thing), I can't test the reset connection feature. But I did take a screenshot of both screens (N6 on the left, Edge on the right). The signals fluctuate on both devices, and are quite close to each other which is surprising since I was expecting the N6 to have better specs as per the Wall article. The Wif-i is certainly way better on the N6. (At least visually it seems to capture a wi-fi signal better than the Note 4 and Note Edge.) I can probably disregard any of the previous things mentioned but it is really driving me nuts that the back is not flat. True, it feels better in the hand due to the curve of the back but if placed on a table and trying to text, or select any app/control, the wobble is annoying. I want a phone not a weeble lol The speakers sound better than the Note Edge but I attribute that to them being front facing.Wish all phones had dual front facing speakers. Activating the device was a breeze as compared to the Note 4 and Edge. No spinning LTE Walmart like Spark icon. Camera is okay, I think it takes good images. I didn't experience any lag, camera wise, as some owners have mentioned in other forums. Although I can't figure out how to get to the Gallery or photos directly from the app like on the Note series. Maybe that is how it is. I also like that the camera lens is protected from possible scratches due to its design. The Note 4 and Edge lens would touch the surface unless you get a case. There is no way (that I can tell) to install the Sprint Zone app. There are other Sprint apps but I use the Sprint Zone since it has a good reporting feature and it doesn't show in the play store nor did it get installed at startup / activation time.. Will I keep it as a backup as I intended it to be? I honestly do not know. Maybe I am too much of a Samsung fanboy and I'm used to the different settings at my disposal and don't mind the Touchwiz UI, but seriously, I am seriously trying to like this device but I am finding it hard. my 2 cents so far. TS
  2. I noticed that as well, everytime I reported it via the Sprint Zone app, I was back on LTE, the minute I send the report, I lost the connection. Its a conspiracy I tell ya. lol TS
  3. I've noticed this as well over in South Ozone Park, Briarwood, Jamaica Hills and Rego park since yesterday and today. Also reported.
  4. That I know of no. There are only 3 brands that are selling a quick charge car charger. I compiled a list of them here. TS
  5. The images I posted above are in order of Note 4 to the left and Note Edge to the right, that last image is of the Note 4 showing the additional setting buttons that it has. The Note Edge don't have them, to which to answer your question, there is no Download booster setting for the Note Edge.. I still do not know why there are less notifications panel setting buttons for the Edge, when it is basically is the Note 4 application wise. TS
  6. Don't hate. Just posted my first impressions of the Note 4 in its user thread. Hope to do the same for the Nexus 6 here in a day or two. TS
  7. Ok, so far 3 days with this device. I held it and played with it in Best Buy last month, which made me want it. But using it as a daily driver for the last two days is a totally difference experience. I liked it back then and and I am in love with it now. Yes, it's expensive and yes, it's a bit wider than my Note 4 (which I still love too). But it is still less wider than my Mega and (i assume the Nexus 6 which I still haven't taken out of the UPS box). Granted the Note Edge is not for everyone, be it size, Touchwiz, the curved edge, etc. Much like the Note 4, I had to re-provision the device since it refused to get a signal at all. Actually before that I couldn't even sign on to Google since I swapped my Mega for it and I have that darn 2 step verification and it kept sending the code to the device I just swapped from. lol The Edge seems as fluid as my Note 4, feels better in the hand due to the curve in both naked (no cover) and with the cover. Speaking of cover, I had to go to the death star to get a cover for it. Since it's an official OEM Edge cover, it didn't have the AT&T branding thankfully. I received it Wed and after the provisioning, it received my home site signals very well. Thursday at work, it couldn't grab on to the signal, but neither did my Note 4. They both kept dropping in and out of LTE. By the end of the day, seems everything was fine and both stayed on LTE. I took both Notes into Manhattan today (Friday) and both grabbed onto the signal fine. Except when I was in the Museum (i put them both on wi-fi at that point). In Wi-fi it seems the Note Edge found the signal faster than the Note 4. Back home I took a screen shot tonight of both the Note and Edge after installing SignalCheck Pro. . Since the Sprint Note Edge does not have an official Root process yet and I refuse to use the T-Mobile one that some are saying works, The app doesn't reset on the Edge since it needs root, but so far I haven't had a problem with the Edge getting a signal. Then again, I don't have the technical know how or apps/devices that can do a thorough diagnostic for comparison purposes. Battery life is a totally different issue. It does seem to drain faster than the Note 4. But since I am always plugging in my devices (in car, work, home,etc) I am rarely in a situation that I am running out of juice. I may do a battery drain test tomorrow to confirm my suspicions. Although I am a right handed, I hold my devices for the most part with my left hand. But for the Note Edge it feels great in either hand. using my right hand and I can flip through the edge panels. using my left hand i can enable the Rotate 180 degree feature and flip the device upside down. Settings for the most part are the same, the only differences are as follows... 1-In the Device section, there is now a Edge Screen selection. 2-In the System section, under Accessories, the Note 4 has a S View Cover sub-section and the Edge has a Flip Wallet section. 3-In the drop down Notification panel settings selection, there are quite a few buttons not available on the Note Edge for some reason. First part (upper section) is the same buttons. But that is is for the Note Edge, The Note 4 has more buttons. Now I have to wait for Root to determine if that is due to an app I installed on the Note 4 like Wanam exposed or not. Well that's it for now. I'll report something else if I notice anything different. TS out
  8. Vietnam for the Note 4 China for the Note Edge. Nope everything running smoothly on the Note 4 so far (after re-provisioning to connect to the network properly). TS
  9. No one will admit it, but that is just the Nexus 6 rejecting the AT&T bloatware. Similar to throwing up after you eat something not good. lol Anyway, Nexus 6 arrived Thursday, but since no one was here at home I got the infamous UPS slip. I was afraid I'll miss the UPS guys Friday since I had an event to go to, but he arrived before I left, so I have it. But Still haven't open up the box since I am still playing with the Note Edge and setting it up the way I want. Btw, I has a similar issue getting the Note Edge to grab on to a signal on the network after activating it. Had to re-provision it and it worked fine. I have a feeling the Nexus 6 will be the same thing. .TS
  10. Okay, my brain isn't functioning well this morning, can someone explain in detail that last benefit. Does one have to be on a certain type of plan? Is this only for those that have a plan other than Family share correct? TS
  11. according to this article there was a delay with the Nexus 5. I guess it depends on where one buys it (direct from Google, Motorola or by carrier), and where one is located at). I ordered the N6 on Sunday and it will be delivered tomorrow. (The Note Edge was also ordered and its coming today) Both through Sprint. YMMV TS
  12. lol You guys are too much. (That's what she said) hey what can I say, I like em big, (She also said that, or was that him saying that, I can't keep up at this point) lol TS
  13. So while I received tracking for my Note Edge, I still have not gotten anything for the Nexus 6. Anticipation is a bitch. TS
  14. Got notified that the Edge will be delivered tomorrow. So I will be joining this thread then as a user and not a stalker. Be afraid, be very afraid. lol (and yet my other order for the Nexus 6 is still in pending limbo) TS
  15. That explains a great many things... TS
  16. Pretty cool indeed until Skynet infiltrates the network and uses the laser to wipe out those pesky carbon base beings roaming the planet. TS
  17. MoblieTechReviews written review here. and video review below Finally someone gets it. TS
  18. Ok, I'll bite. I was going to post two things but noticed that this Business insider article listed them already and a few more that I agree with. So I'll just post the link instead. 10 Things we really hate about Apple. Now I'm sure one can find a similar article for Google. anyway, as for the topic at hand, lets see them one by one. 1-Apple greatly bolstered AT&T -- with an exclusive, multiyear iPhone contract. What if that had never happened? 2-Or what if the iPhone had never existed? 3-How would that have affected the domestic wireless industry landscape, presently? #1 can't be answered until #2 is addressed. So lets start with that one first. The iPhone would have existed simply because up to that point in time, cell phone makers were A-making phones that had an input for every simple function of the phone. B-Touch input was an afterthought C-An ecosystem that did not present the user with visuals, simplicity software and applications in one device. The LG Prada built around the same time had a touch screen and that alone is proof that it would not have mattered if the iPhone existed since mobile technology and design was already going in that direction. Apple just combined all the items A thru C mentioned above to make a truly unique device. But if it didn't exist, design was headed in that direction anyway. So to answer # 2, yes it wouldn't matter if the iPhone never existed. To Answer # 1, If the answer to 2 is no it doesn't matter if iPhone existed, then The answer to #1 would be it didn't happened. What could have happened was that all carriers would have got on the Touch Screen bandwagon for the Prada and other similar devices and carry them. But since it does exist, then AT&T would have been the only one with the resources to offer the iPhone since it was only GSM at the time. I can't answer the 3rd one since I am not technical in any way shape or form, but my gut instinct tells me that the landscape would be much more different if the iPhone didn't exist. TS
  19. That's one of the reasons why I bit the bullet and decided to go with getting the Nexus 6 thru Sprint. To avoid issues like that. Hope he gets it all sorted out. TS
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