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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. I hope Sprint doesn't aggregate the 800 and 1900 MHz LTE carriers together. I just want the 800 Mhz used only for indoors and I dno't know what happens when you aggregate them with a 1900 MHz carrier in terms of coverage. Sprint really needs that 800 MHz CDMA and LTE carriers for indoor penetration.
  2. Thats what she said Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  3. Be a sponsor and u can find out the locations of the sprint towers. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  4. You have stated this many times about a Sprint/Tmobile merger being inevitable and I am not surprised that I have baited you into responding to me. It doesn't really matter that Sprint has set aside a team to look at a potential Sprint-Tmobile merger. Companies in every industry all the time set aside a research/proposal teams to identify "what-if" scenarios in potential buy outs of companies. I am sure there are plenty of "what-if" scenarios that fell through because it didn't make sense. The fact that you have contacts within Sprint that may be working on such a project doesn't mean it will necessarily happen. I am sure your contacts can't reveal that much as well since that is insider information. Sprint just has too much on their plate right now to catch up to Network Vision and focusing on the spectrum auctions for the PCS H block and 600 MHz. At this point the biggest issue I see is the integration of all the different types of networks, GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/CDMA/EVDO/LTE. While I understand that Tmobile is moving to LTE and Tmobile is working to quickly convert the MetroPCS CDMA customers to WCDMA/HSPA/LTE, it is still going to take a few years for that integration to be complete. Also I don't know what Tmobile's plan is for the overlapping Tmobile and MetroPCS towers. Are they going to decommission all those MetroPCS towers OR cherry pick a few MetroPCS towers that make sense and convert them to Tmobile towers OR convert all MetroPCS towers to be Tmobile towers. I still feel that I would much rather have 4 major carriers than to have Sprint and Tmobile combined with 3 major carriers. If Tmobile does start taking some market share from AT&T and Verizon and can just obtain some 600 MHz, they should be fine and I think the FCC would be less inclined to have Sprint merge with Tmobile.
  5. 2500 does use a different panel. So in order to deploy 800/1900/2500 LTE you need to have 2 panels (1 panel with 800/1900, 1 panel with 2500). In most cases the current 2500 panel on Clearwire sites will be reused for LTE.
  6. I am fine with this. With the way Tmobile is trying to reinvigorate itsel and playing catch up, I like to see 4 major carriers with both Sprint and Tmobile offering unlimited data. With the Softbank and Clearwire deals complete, I don't see Sprint making any huge acquisitions in the near future.
  7. Define near? I mean the original Moto X hasn't even come out yet so I highly doubt that a revised version of the Moto X would be in the mix od devices. At some point, these flagship phones in 2013 miss the boat for a revised version. Its too late to add triband LTE to the Moto X.
  8. Well Sprint already said that all devices in 2014 and beyond will be triband LTE so I would say if Moto does make a Moto X2 that it will be 100% chance it will be triband LTE. I know I'm going on a limb here but I feel confident about this.
  9. Good riddance with Thai. Why do people take things so personally that they just want to close their account. Oh well.
  10. It can't be.....Verizon releasing a flagship phone before the rest of the major carriers. This must be a typo...haha. I guess LG and Verizon were able to resolve the Verizon logo issues a lot faster than HTC and Verizon with the HTC One.
  11. That is fine. Look...I get that you are in Hawaii and Sprint NV has barely started over there and is probably going to be awhile before decent 3G and LTE coverage is available in Hawaii. I don't necessarily blame you for switching to Tmobile at this point at least for the next 2 years on another contract just so you have the data speeds. Have you switched to Tmobile yet because it sounds like you really like their service? I mean you didn't really need to write a huge rant on this. Just choose the wireless provider that makes you happy and move on.
  12. I was just going to say...what is up with the 2 line paragraphs. I had to wheel scroll on my mouse several times just to get down to the end of the post. Can't imagine being on a 4 inch phone and having to scroll like crazy.
  13. Sounds like someone wants an iPhone 5S that is rumored for a fingerprint scanner.
  14. So don't put a lock screen like me. As long as my phone can make it until I can get the Note 3, I'll be happy.
  15. Which area of Chicago are you in when you get poor 3G speeds?
  16. Ehhhh...I am still not impressed. I mean if you have a screen lock with a pin code or pattern, can someone still use your phone anyways? Also with Android Device Manager, you can remotely wipe your phone if you lose it. I guess I have to see a presentation that wows me but I don't see the necessity for now especially if it delays shipments of phones.
  17. So where do you read in the FCC filings in generatl that talks about all the transmission paths that are available on a phone?
  18. What would a fingerprint scanner be needed for on a smartphone? I mean it sounds cool as a feature but in reality I don't see the need for a fingerprint scanner. But I am curious what that black box is assuming that image is accurate.
  19. that is because Wimax and CDMA are on separate transmission paths. CDMA and EVDO (3G) share the same transmission path hence no 3G while talking. I have the Moto Photon and I am able to use 4G and talk at the same time but not 3G and talk at the same time.
  20. Right I remember I brought this issue up before in some post either in this thread or somewhere else that perhaps BC41 (LTE 2600) would be able to perform SVLTE but I remember AJ replied back saying that it wasn't able to. I am trying to look for the post but I can't remember where I posted. I do remember it because another poster brought up the idea and I responded to it which got me thinking. If it were able to perform SVLTE over BC41 only, it would be rather strange that the functionality would work sometimes and not others (assuming you are not an LTE engineering menu addict). Maybe AJ can chime in as to what his explanation was that not even BC41 would be able to do SVLTE.
  21. Yes its pretty definitive that it won't support SVLTE. In order to have SVLTE, the phone must have separate transmission paths for CDMA and LTE. See below on more details. Like they say the proof is in the pudding. We will start with the LG G2. From looking at the FCC filing for LG G2 screenshot below (Left screenshot) you can see that CDMA AND LTE 800/1900 (BC 25 and BC 26) go through the same antenna (lavender color). Also you can see from the screenshot below (left bottom screenshot) that there are only 2 transmission paths for the LG G2 ...all the cellular stuff (LTE, CDMA/EVDO) in Path 1 and BT/Wifi in Path 2. Contrast that with the Galaxy S4 which supports SVLTE where CDMA and LTE 1900 go through separate paths. From the screenshot below (middle screenshot), CDMA has one path (yellow color) and LTE has one path (red color). Unfortunately it looks like at least the first generation of triband LTE devices do not support SVLTE. Perhaps triband LTE devices in 2014 could bring back SVLTE but I doubt it. I personally don't talk and surf at all really so this won't affect me much but it would still be a nice handy feature to have. Source for Galaxy S4 info, AJ and his article http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-343-updated-a-short-time-from-now-in-a-galaxy-not-far-away/
  22. Are you talking about the 1995-2000 MHz and 1915-1920 MHz frequencies?
  23. I see. Thanks for the clarification. Would it be extremely tough for Sprint to spend the capital to eventually expand Sprintlink to provide backhaul capabiltiies. I assume Verizon and ATT are backbone and backhaul providers?
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