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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. No current Sprint LTE phones support triband LTE. The first triband LTE phone will be the LG G2. Even the Moto X phone will be single band 1900 MHz LTE coming out soon. At this point I expect all upcoming LTE phones (Galaxy Note 3 and HTC One MAX) to be triband LTE. The iPhone is still unclear since it controlled by Apple. I really hope the iPhone 5S is triband LTE but we don't know since Apple has their own way of doing things.
  2. Better start researching an alternative ISP service. I mean Clearwire has only existed since around 2008/2009 so prior to that you must have some form of broadband internet service available. Given that you are from San Jose, I highly doubt there isn't an ISP alternative there.
  3. I really wish Ookla would make the same changes for the Android app. The Android speedtest app looks so dated and old. Also I like the animations on the iPhone version. Ok back to talking about Utah market.
  4. Interesting that the date is exactly 1 year from the proposed date that Clearwire is set to end new activations on its Wimax service. I really hope this Aug 2014 Wimax shutdown rumor is true because the sooner that 2.6 Wimax spectrum can be refarmed for LTE, the better it will be for everyone.
  5. Well said... . I love it when these folks complain as if they have zero access to any type of charger, never sleep or they are trapped on some deserted island and need battery life for weeks. Charging in the car or at work, carrying extra batteries and of course charging it while you sleep are perfect examples of how one can maintain battery life usage for their daily lives.
  6. If Verizon works for you then go for it. To me Verizon is no longer an option for me because of the lack of individual plans. Those Shared Everything plans are fine for those that don't use a lot of data and can share a 2 GB bucket with 2-3 other users but for individuals it sucks because 2 GB data is $60/month... . Not to mention that Verizon is on tiered data plans which seem great because you have a ton of coverage now but I can see myself blowing through 2 GB/month. At least AT&T still offers individual plans that don't want to be on their Mobile Share plans and I would take 3 GB for $30/month on ATT vs. 2 GB for $60/month on Verizon. On Sprint, once Softbank really starts digging into Sprint's operations and strategy as Network Vision progresses, I want to be where they are. I don't think Sprint announcing LTE 2600 on all 38K Sprint sites plus Clearwire sites was something that was feasible before Softbank. Due to the new capital infusion and the aggressiveness of our Japanese overlords to catch up to the Big 2, it sounds like great news for the future.
  7. Man I don't know if your Wimax phone was screwed up but your assertions about Wimax are inaccurate. I have and still currently using a Wimax device and yes while I agree the propagation characteristics suck indoors, it works perfectly fine outside AND in the car assuming you are within Wimax range. I can't wait to test out LTE 2600 vs. Wimax 2600 since I know of areas where I drop Wimax signal all the time so I am curious how much further it can take me. From what Robert is saying, LTE in general would give you about an extra -13 dBm RSSI vs. a Wimax signal and that sounds like its going to do wonders in terms of coverage over Wimax. Also the HTC Evo 4G LTE is notorious for its LTE radio and I am not sure how much effort there was to fix it. I hear that the HTC One LTE radio is much improved over the HTC Evo 4G LTE. Also if you are at home, you should be using a wifi signal if you need to browse online.
  8. I think CDMA 800 and LTE 800 are both very important to Sprint. While data is very important to most folks nowadays since people tend to use their smartphone more for internet browsing and watching video but voice is still very important for those that are in rural areas to reduce Verizon roaming charges.
  9. I agree that B26 should be last priority from a network standpoint once LTE is deployed on all bands and the ordee should be B41, B25, B26. I think what makes this community so great compared to other sprint forums is that a lot of the members share information on their findings especially with network vision progress (permit maps and pics of sites in progress, etc) and i think we are all just trying to look for evidence that LTE 800 is underway. We have evidence of LTE 2600 deployed and thats great but what most sprint customers care about is LTE 800 which is really going to be a game changer with indoor penetration and also usable data for those that are just outside of 1900 mhz range. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  10. Its a modest increase assuming these rumors are true. All i am expecting is to get similar battery life to the note 2 except with a slightly larger screen. Don't forget that you need to be comparing with the Note 2's battery which is actually 3100 maH. This means that 3450 maH vs. 3100 maH Note 2 battery is actually an 11% increase in proposed battery life. I don't get the whole 50 maH battery thing...why not just round it up to 3500 maH, Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  11. Nice. I would much rather take a 3450 maH battery than a 3200 maH battery.
  12. You forgot to mention that there will be 2 variants of the Note 3 phone. From the link you posted the US version should be the SM-N9005 given the unknown CPU/GPU (pretty obvious its going to be Snapdragon 800) and the LTE connectivity capability. The Exynos processor is only for the SM-900 model and doesn't support LTE. The most disappointing part of these specs that I am not to keen on is the 3200 maH battery.... . I was really hoping to see a 3500 maH battery to account for the slight increase in screen size. I guess maybe the trade off is a little more slimness to the phone instead of making it a larger battery device. This probably leads me to believe that the dimensions of the Note 3 are going to be similar to the Note 2 in terms of width and height but the depth (thickness) of the phone will be reduced by several mm. I am glad to hear that it will have the latest Android 4.3 software, micro SD card support and most likely removable battery. Thanks for the link. About the core thing, you do know that only 4 cores will be active any time. Four of the cores are used for heavy tasks (video, gaming, etc) and the other four cores are low power that are used for (email, web browsing, texting).
  13. I think his point is that it can be any day now that we could see LTE 800 so why not set priority to B26 on highest. I agree with u in that I think its still too early to assume any LTE 800 is currently deployed. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  14. Hey mike. Any luck so far in getting LTE freq info on samsung devices? I would love to see that info like HTC especially once sprint deploys multiple 1900 LTE carriers. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  15. To be honest, if you are looking for consistent LTE speeds, I would advise you to wait until mid 2014 before switching back to Sprint. Columbus has very little LTE and I don't feel confident that there will be enough improvement before the end of 2013. I know is Sprint is trying in Columbus to catch up but there are still too many unknowns with the in progress sites and don't know how long it will take before those get launched.
  16. Haha...no need to get defensive. We know how fast Sprint 3G EVDO is...blazing fast!!!
  17. Is it up to the carriers to decide if a phone will have removable/non-removable battery and sd card/no sd card slots? If so that really blows. If its not LG's fault people sure are pointing the blame at the wrong party.
  18. This is why CDMA 800 and LTE 800 are going to be crucial to enhancing the Sprint network overall. I mean there is not much you can do if your main frequency band is 1900 MHz. The physics of 1900 MHz frequency are what they are in that the signal doesn't travel as far indoors. This is why Tmobile is in the same pickle as Sprint which is why Sprint and Tmobile are the 3rd and 4th major carriers. Verizon and ATT have the edge because they have 700 and 850 MHz for LTE, voice and 3G. However once Sprint does deploy CDMA 800 and LTE 800 nationwide it will help close the gap against Veriozn and ATT although both ATT and Verizon still have more capacity at lower bands. This is where 600 MHz will come into play in the future. Sprint and especially Tmobile need to score big on the 600 MHz auction to get on par with Verizon and ATT for LTE.
  19. Looks like you "timed out" on your chance to try out Flav's Chicken & Ribs.
  20. Sorry but yes I do know when cell phones use to last for several days but they were small 1.5-2 inch screens though. I am not a young pup. Now granted I don't have a Note 2 to vouch for how long a typical day for me would last me. I do have a Photon 4G and I know when I sat at my old desk at work I had a huge battery drain and that was due to me being deep indoors. Since I have moved to my new desk where I am near a window, my battery life has been drastically improved since my phone is not constantly screaming for a signal. I do agree that 1.5 days is totally reasonable and there are people here who can get that on the Note 2 currently with a 3100 maH battery. It was just that when some people were requesting battery capacities that can last for 1.5 days literally 36 hours of constant web surfing/video browsing that is a different story. I don't know about your situation but I have to guess that your battery problems are due to you being in an area where you have an extremely weak signal (far away from tower or deep indoors) OR your battery in general is bad where you may need to buy a swap a new battery to verify if this is the case. I doubt you get a huge battery drain when you are out in an area with great 3G/LTE signal. There are too many folks that can vouch for better battery life while in that situation. In your case unless you have a 8000 maH battery that is not going to do anything. Again carrying an extra battery is not a pain. You can keep the extra battery in your car or at work. At some point adding a 8000 maH battery does not make any sense since it would weigh a lot and phones would need to be made so huge to accommodate that size (for a reference the Nexus 10 tablet has a 9000 maH battery. Do you really to carry a 10 inch phone just to have crazy battery life?). An advancement in battery technology is really the true solution to have phones, tablets, etc last for days which is in the works.
  21. Since when did the cell phone provider you go with become such a social stigma? I don't see the relevance of how the cell phone provider you use somehow reflects on your character. If people are willing to deal with paying more for tiered shared data, deal with other shenanigans like locked bootloaders on Android phones (Verizon and ATT are very guilty of this), waiting 24 months for upgrades now instead of 20 months on Sprint or paying full retail for smartphones to maintain unlimited data plan (Verizon) in exchange for better voice and LTE service now, all the power to them. I used to be gun ho about switching to Verizon if I left Sprint but now there is no way I would switch to Verizon given all the conditions I would have to deal with as listed above. For me I haven't really experienced the dropped calls issues and the whole handset issue is just honestly laughable. For the past 2 years Sprint has been able to get all the flagship phones just like all the other major carriers have from HTC, Samsung, LG, and Motorola. All the major flagship phones are coming to Sprint. Now if you are saying that you are jealous of Verizon because they offer the Moto Droid series, then I don't know what to say. Those Moto Droid phones that came out last month weren't too impressed anyways.
  22. I doubt it. I don't think Sprint has rallied the troops to begin deploying LTE 800 yet. I hope I can get some LTE 800 by the time I get my Galaxy Note 3.
  23. Oh you mean literally 36 hours nonstop? But even your scenario is not even 24 hours and I know you sleep. You can charge it while you are sleeping. Anyways besides that point I am not saying I am the "appointed one" to determine battery life for each person..LOL. I am just expressing a realistic battery size capacity that Samsung could be pondering. Sorry if you feel this way. The fact is that most people can get by with the current battery capacity of 3100 maH. Could Samsung make the battery even bigger? Sure but the trade off and the compromise of a 4000 or 5000 maH battery could be more weight or thickness and not to mention the cost. Also what is so wrong with the idea of carrying an extra battery around for your Note 2? If certain folks like yourself are just power users on their smartphones, just spend the money to buy a spare battery and problem solved. My cousin uses his smartphone a lot due to work and he always has spare batteries he swaps in and out. If the Note 2 had a non-removable battery you may have a point for that small group but the fact is that the Note 2 battery is removable makes this debate rather silly. I expect the Note 3 to have a removable battery since now it appears they are the only major OEM that still has removable batteries which sets them apart and what consumers love.
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