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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. The firmware is NOT being pushed out via LG's Software Tool. The links given are from the LG server to download the .kdz firmware files. You need to use the LG's Software Flash Tool to flash the firmware. The firmware is still not yet available for OTA update for Tmobile customers but rather prepping the servers to host the OTA update.
  2. Yes the G2 can have the split screen feature by flashing a fix on TWRP. Obviously this means you have to be rooted. Essentially what the folks on XDA did was extract and ported the files awhile ago from the korean LG G Flex and tweaked it to work with the G2. You can find the XDA thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2544206
  3. Agreed. HTC must find a way to release the HTC M8 before the GS5 does and try to gain market share. In a way I think it seems rather silly to assume that if a consumer was in the market and liked the GS5 but the the HTC M8 was released sooner by 2 weeks that the consumer would suddenly just drop their desire for the GS5 and pick up the HTC M8 or vice versa. I know personally if I was in that situation where I really liked the GS5 phone and the wait was just another 2 weeks to a month than the HTC M8, I would just wait it out. In addition, hopefully HTC finds a better way to implement the fingerprint sensor much better than they did with the HTC One MAX.
  4. Good luck on expecting the HTC One 2 to be released on March 25th. I would guess minimum 2 weeks later.
  5. Interesting. Those that want the GS5 and HTC One 2 will be in luck. Get that one last subsidy price upgrade in before the change. Also I wonder if Sprint is going to carry the LG G Pro 2 this time around. You are correct, when I go to Sprint stores, I only see the Sprint Easy Pay prices and not the $199 subsidized prices.
  6. There is also testing and tweaking of values/antenna downtilt to ensure interference doesn't occur. This takes some time.
  7. Well I am not happy about that either but it seems like Sprint is trying to imitate Tmobile every day and even the industry in general so I could see Sprint moving in that direction. Hopefully Rocket87 who works at Sprint can chime in and see if he has any further details if the subsidized phone thing is truly going away and when and whether grandfathered Everything Data/SERO/EPRP plans are able to still upgrade through this method. The world launch date for the GS5 is 4/11/14 from what I read but you know the US carrier versions are going to be later than that because the trend is that they always have been. The Sprint GS5 probably won't have a launch date until end of Apr/early May date. Just FYI, the Sprint Easy Pay plans in no way forces you to pay your phone sooner than 24 months so that you have yearly upgrades. The yearly upgrade thing is an added benefit for those that want the ability to turn in their current device so that they can qualify for a new device. If you follow the 23 monthly payments with the 24th month payment slightly larger to cover the odd amounts then you are essentially just upgrading every 2 years.
  8. Get a screen protector. Problem solved.
  9. This is assuming that Sprint will still allow old plans to continue to upgrade their smartphones at the subsidized price. There is a rumor from Sprint reps on this site about a March 14th date that Sprint will only offer the Easy Pay plans as the only way to pay for your smartphones. Who knows if it will affect grandfathered plans or is only mandated for those under the My Way or Framily plans. I hope this is NOT true and only affects the new My Way/Framily plans but who knows.
  10. Doubt it. I am sure Sprint, Verizon, ATT and Tmobile will all have their own GS5 variants. There are not going to break that model since all the carriers don't want to see their phones get unlocked and moved to different carriers with ease.
  11. You do know that he was being sarcastic. The point of Sprint even stating that it is the "ONLY carrier that supplies the GS5 with Spark speeds and Sprint Framily plans" is ridiculous. Of course Sprint is the only carrier that can provide those services because no other carrier has access the same pool of spectrum nor have the same type of family plans. Its one of those marketing statements to try to draw attention.
  12. You should definitely upgrade to a triband LTE device. I have the LG G2 and It is so worth it to get access to B41 LTE. Personally on my route to work, the B41 LTE access fills in some of the LTE gaps that currently don't have B25 LTE currently until the other Sprint sites get upgraded to NV. Not to mention that the specs on the Qualcomm 800 chip which helps with battery life and the nice 1080p display.
  13. I wish it were true but out here in the OC where I work, B26 LTE ain't coming for awhile due to rebanding issues.
  14. I have been getting this stupid MIP 67 and MIP 104 issue out in my office. Its rather annoying since it seems like it works outside. However I have been using my phone in my office near a window since I got the G2 and never had problems. Might need to call Sprint to find out what the heck is going on.
  15. Anytime you see some unusual battery drain, check the Battery page in Settings and look at the usage. Usually its the BS Google Play Services app taking up unnecessary battery. Not only would I do the Cache thing but I make a habit of powering off your phone to restart the current state of the phone. Sometimes the phone in its current state could be stuck on sucking resources that just need a reboot.
  16. Hopefully people are complaining to Sprint/LG/Google about the Google Play Services draining issue.
  17. How do we verify if the HD voice encoder EVRC-NW is enabled on the G2? Is there anything else we need to look for?
  18. You are crazy if you think B41 LTE will be available in the top 100 markets by end of 2014. The timeline that Sprint has announced is a 3 year timeline but given their track record I am going to say 4 years just because of the density required with B41 LTE. We will have to see in the Q2 CC if Sprint will announce the beginning of B41 LTE deployment on Sprint sites. Right now only Clearwire sites have been given the B41 LTE treatment and will continue to do so through 2014 and early 2015 until it is finished.
  19. I would say my advice is to go into college with an open mind and just start off by declaring Computer Science as your major since that is your true interest. Take a few introduction courses and you trust me you will know quickly if this is the type of work you want to do for your career. You should be doing something for your career that you enjoy and not only for the money.
  20. I don't think so. I mean Sprint doesn't call out CLEAR brand customer adds/losses and probably doesn't consider them worthy of its own category since I am sure the numbers are pretty low. If anything it might have been folded in the mixing point of prepaid/MVNOs customers adds/losses.
  21. Either way I think Son needs to start making some changes at the top level management to get things back in order.
  22. I am really curious to see what Mr. Son and company have up their sleeve with their announcement today. I wonder if this is just smoke and mirrors. I sure hope Sprint didn't expect a Sprint/Tmobile merger to be a walk in the park in terms of regulatory issues. I think the FCC and the DOJ does like what it sees in how Tmobile has been shaking up the industry especially in what they did in FY 2013. I think its only going to get harder and harder as time goes on especially if Tmobile starts gaining customers in Q1 and Q2 2014. No mergers result in no casualties and I think the regulatory boards are afraid of a Sprint/Tmobile merger could kill the momentum and the Tmobile culture of being a consumer friendly carrier.
  23. Sorry I misquoted the wrong versions. I knew one of latter ones were not as good. My goodness the N5 already has 3 versions out there? I thought it was just .15 and .17.
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