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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. So far the new Family Share Pack plans are meh!!! I mean doubling the capacity of its competitors is ok for now but they took a page out of Tmobile's book and made it only temporary. I am more Interested in seeing some individual plan revamps and for god sakes keep the unlimited data option on the individual plans.
  2. Would be nice if the 2015 flagship phones had this feature since my upgrade is available in mid 2015.
  3. I will make another guess and say that you will be keeping your Evo 4G LTE, Note 2, Note 3, GS3, LGOG, GS4 or HTC One phone for an eternity then because SVLTE ain't coming back.
  4. Maybe Marcelo can help with speeding up NV 1.0/2.0 on the network front by getting the network staff and Saw to be aggressive with the vendors to meet their deadlines. Either way certainly Marcelo can help with reshaping its image and some of its current plans to be more clear. I still can't tell if the Framily campaign has been successful up until this point. I think some proactive ideas from Marcelo and the marketing team to help to get folks to try sprint should also be added to the list of priorities. I think the 7 day trial run...no strings attached idea for the iPhone was brilliant by Tmobile. It not only gave exposure to the iPhone but people can do a true test comparing the Tmobile network to their current provider. Sprint should implement something like that. Maybe another thing could do is extend the trial period from 14 days to 30 days back to what it was before so that it gives customers more time to evaluate the service. I still think the Framily idea is too expensive for the first few lines and to need 7 folks to get down to $25/line is ridiculous. The first few Framily lines need the price to be lower by another $5 or $10. I think at this point getting a higher ARPU is not the main priority when you are bleeding customers. Sprint could also bring back the loyalty premier program for 10+ year customers so that there is a sense of pride to be a Sprint customers and offer some sort of perks for remaining loyal to Sprint through the growing pains of Network Vision. Certainly Sprint has a HUGE image problem regardless of how much progress it has made with Network Vision and there is plenty for Marcelo to start on once he gets his feet wet with the current Sprint operations.
  5. Where you are at yes...but there are still many places that have yet to have a lick of NV. I mean sure there are a ton of sites that are NV equipment ready but without proper backhaul they are just as bad since you can't see the 3G or 4G improvements. Its hard to gauge if NV has helped in those places data wise if the backhaul is still lacking in all those red dots on the map.
  6. Sprint definitely needs a new CEO to kickstart this Network Vision plan. Dan Hesse was ok in coming up with the idea of Network Vision but the execution has been frankly poor the last 1.5 years. Honestly they need a CEO like Legere who is not afraid to go toe to toe with the big 2 and now with Tmobile.
  7. Whoa...this is a huge surprise. Didn't they just reupp Dan Heese's contract as CEO? If this is the case, why did they resign him to such a large contract if he is going to leave. I guess Sprint realized that they are going to face huge opposition from the FCC if they planned to merge.
  8. Wipe ur google services framework app cache and the search time should be much faster for the update
  9. Hmm...I was expecting the icon to be a little bit more obvious than just on the dialer screen.
  10. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    Thanks for the link.
  11. Anyone have a screenshot or have decomposed the SystemUI.apk to find out what the HD Voice icon looks like? I am curious if it looks as lame as the Spark LTE icon.
  12. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    EHHHH...in the past we used to create an entire new thread called "<phone name> Users Thread!" I guess this works as well. I mean its just that first 20 something pages are just speculation discussion about the G3 vs. talking about the user experience with the G3 phone in hand.
  13. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    Shouldnt a LG G3 Users Thread be made to supersede this?
  14. Interesting read. Glad Sprint has a plan for VoLTE that hopefully will pan out and iron out issues for global VoLTE interoperability.
  15. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    How is the RF performance for CDMA/3G/LTE between the G2 and G3? The G2 RF performance wasn't as great as I thought it would be compared to the N5. Was hoping LG would design the G3 to be more on par with the N5. Anyone have any experience doing a side by side comparison?
  16. I would love to see The Lounge active again. I miss the good ole days of sunday night announcements of the next NV markets to be launched in order in 2012
  17. Nice find. I am shocked though that detroit is complete with rebanding given its next to canadian border. Hopefully California can be rebanded soon since it seems no part of California is 100% rebanded. I am curious why seattle hasnt been rebanded already given how detroit was able to get it done.
  18. Now if only the 800 mhz rebanding can hurry up in Orange County so that CDMA and LTE 800 can be a reality.
  19. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    when the hell is Sprint going to release the LG G3?
  20. ericdabbs

    LG G3

    Man when is this stinkin phone going to be released? I want to test the phone already.
  21. UGH...every time someone reminds me of the Sprint coverage maps it just gets me mad. The Sprint coverage maps are soooo horrible and very small. I love how you have to wait for a buffer in order to just view the next county. I hope if Sprint and Tmobile merge that they bring over the Tmobile coverage maps guy and revamp the Sprint coverage maps because it seriously needs help.
  22. No they can't. Sprint LTE phones don't have B4 (AWS) LTE support which is needed to connect to the Tmobile LTE network. Sprint LTE phones only have B25 (1900), B26 (800) and B41 (2.5 GHz) LTE support. Your so called compatible phones are the Verizon, Tmobile and AT&T variants of that phone that can connect to Tmobile LTE. Therefore the expansion of Tmobile LTE will not benefit Sprint customers at all at the very moment.
  23. You mean not counting the additional $27/month or so cost to finance the smartphone with Sprint Easy Pay?
  24. I doubt Son wants to form a joint venture with Tmobile just to bid on upcoming spectrum auctions. Son is very intrigued with Tmobile and how it is transformed itself and the industry in just a short time and thinks a combination with Sprint will help form a solid #3 carrier. I think deep down Son feels that Tmobile's turnaround resembles his own journey when he had to revamp the Softbank brand with Vodafone Japan back in 2006 and wants to help Sprint turnaround itself to be a carrier that is not associated with constant negativity.
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