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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. HA...but signal bars always existed though. Ehh...i guess to each their own. You mind as well not even have the clock on there and keep nothing at the top. Not really sure what the difference is between the Spark icon, LTE and signal bars vs. 4G icon, data arrows and signal bars. The data arrows were its own icon in the ZV7 and ZV8 firmware if you didn't know that.
  2. Not sure where 3 icons comes from but I can see 2 icons for LTE.
  3. Not sure why the spinning icon is such a big deal. You can always try to edit the LGSystemUI.apk file and replace the spinning icon with something else. I think its just silly to worry about that. But have it if it bothers you that much.
  4. Keep mashing that Firmware update button.
  5. Now I am starting to have less credibility in this rep. Just FYI, the LG G2 is not the first phone to get Spark enabled. The G2 just started rolling out the Spark update last week on 1/27. The GS4 mini, Galaxy mega 6.3 and HTC One Max (on day 1) all got the Spark update on the same day last year since 11/15. I have my doubts about a triband Note 3 but if it comes all the power to them. I just think efforts are better spent to ensuring the triband GS5 comes out on time and working on a triband Note 4.
  6. I don't know if it needs to be activated but then I have to wonder if you are using it just as a wifi device without activating the device then how does it know it to push it to you? You might want to ask a Sprint rep here on S4GRU or at a Sprint store to confirm this.
  7. I understand that but I guess my question was geared towards at which point will all Android, iPhone, Windows phones will use ONLY CSIM cards. We have yet to see an Android phone run CSIM.
  8. When do you think Sprint will start implementing CSIM sim cards? It would be nice to be able to swap LTE phones within Sprint without having to reactive the device each time.
  9. There is no ZVB firmware. There is nothing wrong with the ZVA firmware. You just have to be patient since it still hasn't been 2 weeks yet and theories of issues with the latest OTA which is why they haven't gotten yet always come up. The Spark update will be available to you when it gets to you. Even for this Spark update, I had to flash back to stock ZV8 just because I wanted the OTA to go smoothly. Even though I had to reactivate my device, the OTA ZVA update came relatively quick. I am in Los Angeles though. Not saying its by location but I still believe that the market size does still play some part in the rollout priority of OTA updates.
  10. Well in some cases like in the Southeast where SouthernLinc owns some 800 MHz spectrum but they are not looking to sell their business so there is nothing you can do there. In other cases there are rebanding issues from public safety (ex: LA/OC area) which can't be bought out or it takes a lot of time. Then finally there is the case of spectrum squatters that are looking to profit the most by holding valuable spectrum hostage that they know Sprint desperately needs and have no intention of deploying and try to extort as much money as they can. I believe Sprint is active in trying to go through the courts to have the spectrum squatters evicted of their licenses or forced to sell. Its just a huge hodge-podge this 800 MHz.
  11. Tmobile's 700 MHz A block spectrum is not nationwide but it certainly does cover a lot of the major markets which is most important and to me it looks sufficient. Tmobile still would need to try to buy the Chicago market 700 MHz license from Leap to round out the major markets. Sprint does need low band spectrum and the fact that 800 MHz spectrum is so broken up in all parts of the country where some markets can launch 0 LTE (due to rebanding issues or IBEZ), 3 MHz LTE (due to other license holders) and 5 MHz LTE. Sprint really should do what it can to try to obtain as much 600 MHz as allowed.
  12. HTC doesn't use AMOLED displays. They use Super LCD displays. I just hope the HTC M8 is at least 5" to 5.2" display, include an external SD card slot and include a beefy battery of at least 3000 maH. I fully expect a Snapdragon 800 SOC since I don't think the Snapdragon 805 SOC is available yet. I would like to see the Pogo pins included in the HTC M8 as they were introduced in the HTC One Max as a method to add accessories.
  13. It says the following on the press release I am not quite sure what plans qualify for this SDC service is included. I assume you can always just call up Sprint and find out if your service plan includes SDC service for free.
  14. Ehh...I think ART is still too early to rely on for results. I have read mixed feelings about ART when it comes to performance and especially battery. Most people can't tell the difference in performance between the two thus far mainly because there are not apps that are optimized with ART. WRT battery there isn't really any difference in battery because not enough stuff is ART optimized.
  15. Just use G2 Xposed module and you can clean up your notification bar space. Also I don't get why the Spark icons are sooo annoying to the point that it makes you want to revert. Am I a fan of the Spark icon?? NOOOOO I rather stick with the traditional "4GLTE" plus arrows icons but what can you do. You can always update the LGSystemUI.apk and replace the Spark icons with something else.
  16. Tonights game was a clear example of Murphys Law right after the first snap of the game with the safety. Even Murphy himself would have had more luck than the Broncos tonight. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks for the update on the process. I just made that assumption since it seemed like folks who didn't live in the big markets were mentioning that they still haven't received the update.
  18. You need to start spreading the word to Houston customers to come back to Sprint with LTE 800, 2600 and 1900 coming into the fold really soon it would be good to see Sprint have some good grace again. Houston may be the first market to get an abundant amount of LTE in all 3 bands.
  19. Does SignalCheck app work fine?
  20. Unfortunately I think Sprint prioritizes by population. I think the large pops will always get it first and then eventually roll out to everyone nationwide. A good gauge would be estimate the number of days it took to get the ZV8 firmware update from ZV7 firmware. For example If it took 6 days after announcement to get the ZV8 update, then expect at least 6 days after 1/27 for the ZVA update.
  21. HAHA ...its about time Sprint is ahead of the other carriers in something.
  22. That is not the same case with the LG G2 spark update. To me, the Spark update seems to have improved the LTE scan time to search for LTE. The current firmware on the N5 is only programmed to scan for B25 LTE. With the Spark update it is now programmed to search for multiple LTE bands instead of just B25. However it could be the fact that being in a Spark market that some of the spots that I didn't use to have LTE are quickly picked up by B41 LTE and I see the LTE icon more often now.
  23. ericdabbs

    LG G Pro 2

    I doubt it. If anything they might just introduce it at MWC with a release time frame of around Apr/May. I think LG's release cycle is flipped 180 degrees from Samsung and HTC. Samsung and HTC like to release their flagship 5 in smartphones devices in the Apr/May time frame while LG likes to release their phablet device. In Sept/Oct, Samsung and HTC like to release their phablet devices while LG likes to release their 5 in smartphones.
  24. Like I said before anyone who wants to get into the rooting/flashing custom ROMs game must learn about how to flash back to stock in case anything happens and the DOs and DONTs once you are rooted. This ZVA firmware made it more difficult to run custom ROMs so you have to know what you are doing. There is no need to backup anything while you are on stock unrooted since there isn't a way to backup your current phone settings if you are helping out your friend. Just use ioroot v21 if you want to help your friend root his phone and enjoy. Please read this XDA thread below if you are interested in what to do for rooting. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2522346
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