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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Those markets in the IBEZ aren't going to be getting 1x800 or LTE 800 for another 2 years minimum. I am sure internally Sprint must be behind in LTE 800 deployment since we haven't seen much progress on that front. Like anything I am sure part of the reason is supply issues for carrier cards/manpower. Like most things I am sure there is some internal issues that prevents a mass launch of LTE 800 thus far. Hopefully by end of Q2 that Sprint should really start ramping up LTE 800. The longer Sprint procrastinates in deploying its LTE 800 network, the worse off it will be when Tmobile finally gets approved of the 700 MHz deal and can start to deploy its LTE 700 network in the major markets. Hopefully with the firings of Elfman and Azzi that Saw and the other senior technical management can bring this ship back on course and help speed up the progress.
  2. 1x800 acceptances are not the same as B26 LTE acceptances There is not a correlation that 1x800 and B26 LTE have to be accepted at the same time. Its evident even with regular NV where you have 3G only accepted but not LTE. Just because 1x800 acceptances may be in your area doesn't mean B26 LTE is live. There is plenty of 1x800 CDMA sites accepted in Los Angeles but I have yet to see any B26 LTE.
  3. The fact is that B26 LTE is in active deployment and those that live in a market where B26 LTE is deployed so far have been able to pick it up. Since you are NOT a Premier Sponsor you have no idea which markets have some B26 LTE so you are assuming that you need some sort of PRL or profile update in order to use it which is not true. I can see which markets have B26 LTE so it totally makes sense why some folks were able to post screenshots proving it to be true. I suggest that if you are curious about which markets have B26 LTE that you donate to become a Premier Sponsor. Otherwise you are just spinning wheels and assuming things are wrong with your triband phone when in reality there is nothing wrong with it.
  4. I agree as well. I think its totally doable for Tmobile. The old Tmobile pre-Legere is entirely different than new Tmobile with Legere. Its like comparing any issues with Sprint assuming management from the old Sprint pre-Hesse and how new Sprint is with Hesse. Entirely different with Hesse. I don't see Tmobile keeping their old 2G network especially with their game changer attitude. If they do pull this off, it might force AT&T to shut down its 2G network quicker too. 2G is a complete waste of spectrum and 2G is on the way of the dodo. I see Tmobile being aggressive with their campaign to refarm PCS spectrum to LTE (most likely a 5x5 block since the majority of PCS still needs to be for HSPA+). So far Tmobile has been doing well in their execution of their Uncarrier campaign as well as capturing new customers. They certainly are making the right moves including picking up 700 MHz in Jan to add some low band spectrum into their portfolio. Right now though Sprint does need to pick up the pace because it has fallen behind on NV. Hopefully by mid 2014 there will be a decent B41 LTE network and B26 LTE has really picked up (too slow of a rollout IMO especially when it was touted heavily for saving on costs and enhancing customer experience and really using that old Nextel spectrum for LTE).
  5. For the bajillionth time, the PRL has NOTHING to do with LTE. PRL is only used for CDMA. There are still very little amount of sites that have B26 LTE. It could be that Sprint is not allowing access to B26 until they feel is ready. B26 LTE will come when its ready.
  6. There should be no correlation between when the LG G2 device was initially released between the 4 national carriers and when the KK update is available. The Sprint LG G2 device was already complete back in Aug/Sept but it was Sprint's stupid marketing plan that they wanted to time it on Nov 8th to announce the Spark program. That is the only reason why it was delayed by 2 months. It wasn't because of Spark incompatibility, supply issues, etc. Sprint could have easily sold the LG G2 back in Sept if they wanted to and announce Spark back then. When LG or any other OEM makes an Android update, they are making the update for all 4 national carriers with slight tweaks to add each carrier's bloatware. To prove this point, AT&T and Verizon released the LG G2 about 1 day apart and Tmobile about 2 weeks later after AT&T and Verizon but yet with the KK update status so far, AT&T and Tmobile have received it thus far. It all comes down to what the carriers want to add on their twist for the KK update and has nothing to do with when the device was released.
  7. We heard it first folks. Let this go on record. Why don't you use your tmobile hotspot?
  8. This is good news for Tmobile customers and everyone in general. We should be rooting that Tmobile is trying to fix its 2G network to LTE to be more competitive. Hopefully it fuels Son and Dan to really step up their game quickly to fix Sprint to compete with Tmobile. With NV being behind by a quarter if not longer its hard not to think that Sprint got complacent. Sprint really needs to get a kick in the rear to step it up because it just seems like Sprint will not meet its mid 2014 dates to complete NV since there are still plenty of markets that have yet to be started. But then again the mid 2015 date seems rather aggressive and I still need to see Tmobile actually back up what they are saying.
  9. Interesting but I don't have Skype app on my phone and I noticed sometimes I get the Google Play Services app draining the heck out of the battery. I would probably think this is due to whenever you use something like Google Maps or some app tracking your location. I usually turn off GPS after I don't need to use it anymore. However it seems like for some reason it gets into this infinite loop where it keeps searching for location even though you don't want to and drains battery.
  10. I hope the ZVC update doesn't contain the anti-rollback software. Hopefully ZVC is the official 4.4 KK update build.
  11. Wrong!!! Whereever you read that source, I believe you should stop reading those forums for future reference. Rooting on the LG G2 is really easy. Just run the .bat file and follow the instructions.
  12. Have the LG G2 ATT and Tmobile 4.4 KK update versions included the anti-rollback software?
  13. OMG yes!!! That auto brightness bug not working is really annoying. I for one would love to see it fixed in the KK update. Also can't figure out if the Spark update radio was better or worse than it was with ZV8. Either way any improvements in radio if possible will be welcomed.
  14. For real? ? ? Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  15. Good riddances. Never was a fan of elfman and azzi up top. Hopefully Saw can steer the ship in the right direction. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  16. Yes and I am pretty damn sure the firmware update is done and its going through its QA testing/verification at LG/Sprint. It hasn't updated to beyond ZVB since it was first reported on 2/17 in the post below about 2.5 weeks ago. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4886-lg-g2-users-thread/?p=283776
  17. Please don't copy the entire thing to preserve forum space. I would edit your post and delete the contents or AJ will . Yes just do a Ctrl+F on your browser and search for "ZVB" and you will see that it is still the latest version. This makes sense since the current firmware version for the Spark update is ZVA.
  18. You need to carefully reread my previous post. I said u had to add the /lg....etc to the end of the device.sprintpcs.com address Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
  19. Wow...I didnt think u would literally type that. I didnt post the entire link since I was lazy. U need to add /LG/LS980-SPRINT/LATEST. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  20. I highly doubt it. The KK update is done. I think its just a matter of doing the internal QA process over at LG and Sprint which is stretching this OTA release. Unless we see the "device.sprintpcs.com" website get updated with a later build other than ZVB, I doubt we will see any of these Knock Code features. Typically LG makes the same feature firmware update baseline for all the carriers and tweaks it slightly for each carrier which not to mention each carrier adding their own bloatware. Since the AT&T and Tmobile KK firmware updates have been released, I don't expect the Sprint and Verizon KK updates to be that different.
  21. Thats about right. The LG G2 was announced on Aug 7th so it makes sense that it would be around that time frame.
  22. Its good to hear that the HTC M8 is already done and HTC can boast the hell out of it on Mar 25th. Hopefully it turns out to be a winner and wins some fans over back to HTC from Samsung.
  23. Finally had a chance to see the video. I must say that it does give the average consumer a better sense of what Network Vision is all about and how Sprint plans to use its 800 and 2500 MHz spectrum for additional data capacity. It dumbs it down so that the average consumer can understand it. Now if only Sprint can start sending this video message out without hiding it on their Youtube channel so that more people understand. But I still feel at the end of the day, people will always whine and complain and have that "what have you done for me lately" attitude which equates to ongoing slow data speeds and lack of LTE coverage.
  24. I understand how the process works. I am just saying it is NOT the LG Support tool that is pushing out the update. It is just someone who found the link to the LG servers for the Tmobile version. You still have to use the LG Flash tool to flash the firmware update. That article is based on this XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2664028
  25. What do you guys think will come first, Spark update for the N5 or the LG G2 KK ZVB update?
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