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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Yes but look at how much of a headache it is for Sprint just to reband the 800 MHz band and its not even done yet. Forget about rebanding further bands because I promise you it will not be until 2020 before the few 2-3MHz of 800 MHz that could be freed up will be available for use and not to mention the huge costs that would be associated with it. Sprint needs to look at the big picture which is the 600 MHz auction for further low band spectrum.
  2. The article states B26 (800 MHz) LTE support so yes of course it will have LTE 800 support.
  3. Battery life comments so far on the watch? Is it not as bad as what the tech bloggers have been saying?
  4. Just a heads up for those that are still looking for the Moto 360, motorola.com is still selling both the black and silver versions of the watch and are still in stock since 9 AM this morning. Pick one up before they sell out again. I think the majority of folks out there don't know that motorola sells the watch besides Google Play or Best Buy which are still sold out. http://www.motorola.com/us/consumers/shop-all-other/Moto-360/moto360-pdp.html
  5. Good for Sprint. Get rid of resources that you are not using because the idea of 900 MHz LTE was just a pipe dream and a waste of money when you factoring the need for new RRUs, antennas, etc for just a 3x3 slice. Not sure what demand there was for 900 MHz spectrum but to get $218 million for it is good enough. Sprint doesn't have the time to deal with these hodgepodge bits of spectrum and as long as Pacific Datavision has full intention to make use of the spectrum then good for both sides.
  6. Completely agree!!! Would be a dumb move on Sprint's part if they got rid of the 20 month upgrades.
  7. Would be nice if LA is one of the first few cities that are blanketed with B41 LTE with 8T8R RRUs. Sprint needs to shut down Wimax quickly so that those cell sites can be replaced with 8T8R RRUs.
  8. This brings up another question I have. Will Sprint go back and re-deploy new 8T8R RRUs for sites that have Samsung dual mode Wimax/LTE RRUs? The Huawei ones I don't worry at all since they have to be replaced anyways.
  9. Interesting read. However I am a bit confused about the overall B41 strategy now. I get the desire to shift the B41 deployment priorities to get the B41 network active in markets that are overburdened and need capacity relief but is the ultimate goal still to overlay all 39K NV sites + 16K Clearwire sites + more sites as needed? I don't mind if Sprint shifts its resources for now from having its crews start in every market to sending them to overburdened markets that they need help and just go blitzkrieg to get the B41 network up. Claure is right in that Sprint internally desperately needs those "early wins" but more importantly Sprint needs the consumer confidence in the Sprint brand again. This would be a good start if this can be pulled off. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that.
  10. That is what i am saying ...Softbank and Softcard. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Yes I mentioned Softcard on purpose due to the recent name change. I don't think Sprint has to choose sides on this. I don't see why they couldn't allow both Google Wallet and Softcard. I just think its silly to play the odd man out game again like they did with Wimax and later regretted it. Also the carriers have been pretty good with offering incentives for using the mobile wallet system. I guess my main reason for wanting to use Softcard is the ability to use my Amex Serve card for mobile wallet payments. I don't believe Google Wallet currently offers that feature since it is very limited.
  11. I guess I see all these bonuses that each of the carriers offer for Softcard and not to mention Softcard themselves, I think it makes it worth it. Not sure if Google Wallet actually offers these things. I mean that is not that to say that Sprint can't keep Google Wallet onto its phones but rather it gives people a choice on whether they use Google Wallet or Softcard. Personally I haven't tried Google Wallet and don't really have the urge to unless there are incentives for me to try out the mobile payment service which is why I like Softcard. I personally have encountered anyone using Google Wallet and there are many articles out there that claim that Google Wallet failed. http://marketingland.com/google-failed-can-apple-succeed-apple-pay-99406 Since I use the Amex Serve card, they currently have an offer that gives you back $1 for each purchase you make a purchase with your Serve card via Softcard at participating retailers and its like getting an instant $1 cash back. Earlier this year they were offering a free Jamba Juice smoothie if you use Softcard to pay (which as soon as you scan it, it doesn't take any money from your CC or Serve card). There are other offers where you receive $20 on a $40 purchase. These are just a few examples of why I think the Softcard is much better than Google Wallet.
  12. Sprint is the only major cell phone carrier that has still not adopted the Softcard (Isis Wallet) system for mobile wallet payments and I was curious if you guys think that Sprint will eventually adopt it. I believe so far Google Wallet has been a flop and to be honest I see Softcard receiving a lot more attention (partially due to the generous offers from carriers and from Softcard to sign up for the service) and not to mention the increasing Softcard partners. I personally would use the Softcard mobile payment system and I hate the fact that Sprint has to be different than everyone else. I think its only natural that Softbank would adopt Softcard at some point. What do you guys think?
  13. Whoops...your right about B12. I wonder why the AT&T/Tmobile/Verizon version of the iPhone 6 doesn't have B12 support either.
  14. Oh man...don't even get started with the Moto Photon. Bad memories with the failed promised Android update..but that was the old Motorola. The new Motorola is much better and to be honest the Moto X this year looks pretty nice. Still not planning to get it since I am still under 2 year contract but I kinda moved on from Moto and have been happy so far with the LG G2.
  15. I love the fact that Sprint LTE phones going forward are able to support 8 LTE bands. Hopefully the Moto X, iPhone 6/6 Plus and Note 4 phones are going to be beasts this year. @CrossedSignals = Nice confirmation that the iPhone 6/6 Plus contains all the CCA and RRPP roaming partners LTE bands as well.
  16. If only Sprint would stop screwing around and make and update for all of its 2013 and 2014 flagship phones to have Domestic AND International wifi calling. I hate the fact that Sprint is doing swiss cheese when it comes to wifi calling where some phones have and some don't. My poor LG G2 still does not have wifi calling and now with international wifi calling as an option, that would be awesome if Sprint would add that to the Android L ROM update I will be happy.
  17. So does this means that CSIM is going tyo be present on all future sprint LTE phones? Sent from my TouchPad using Tapatalk 4
  18. And we have yet still to hear what Dish has plans for to use their spectrum assets that they are hoarding.
  19. So according to the spectrum map, it looks like Dish only bought the H block for the western half of the US? Is this true because I would have thought that Dish bought almost nationwide licenses for the H block. http://specmap.sequence-omega.net/
  20. Why are you so adamant to wanting Easy Pay with your old plans? This doesn't make any sense to me. If you want Easy Pay, just switch to the new plans. Explain in numbers how having Easy Pay on the old plans are more beneficial than Easy Pay on the new plans.
  21. You can still upgrade your device as subsidized without having to change your plan. However the only caveat is that you are tied to a 2 year contract. You have to upgrade at a Sprint corporate store but its still doable. Its not confusing to me because I know what I am talking about. Adding Easy Pay to your old plans that are subsidy based is just plain dumb. Your old Everything Data plan price has the subsidy amount built in so if you buy a device outright and continue to stay on Sprint you would just be paying more. The only benefit is that you can hop off anytime but that is only if you are unsure you want to stay with Sprint.
  22. Why would you want to add Easy Pay to your old plans? The system is not setup to add Easy Pay to the Everything Data plans. If you want Easy Pay you will need to upgrade to My Way, Framily, Family Share Pack and this $60 individual plans. Even when Tmobile announced the JUMP program, they required Tmobile customers to upgrade to the Simple Choice plan in order to take advantage of the JUMP program.
  23. My question is with this new $60 individual plan, is there employer discounts? That will definitely help.
  24. Quote That would be interesting if Sprint does bring the $50 plan for individual lines. The key thing is to keep the unlimited data option. Without the unlimited data option for individual lines they mind as well wave the white flag given the ongoing network woes as they try to catch up with Network Vision.
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