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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Sprint needs to do this if they want a chance to catch up with the other carriers. Sprint can't be relying on subs in the future for fiber backhaul installation when they have shown thus far that they are unreliable and behind schedule.
  2. Would love to see SERO-P customers eligible for this. SERO folks were part of the group during the rough times of Sprint back in 2007.
  3. It would be nice if Tmobile can get some more AWS spectrum. Verizon and AT&T have plenty of spectrum already.
  4. That is a good motivation. I use the normal Serve account now and its great but would love to sign up for the SoftServe option but sadly its not available to Sprint customers.
  5. With the way current things are running, I don't trust the FCC to do the right thing and seriously consider 700 MHz realignment.
  6. Man I was expecting a better quarter by Sprint but then again for Claure to unravel all the holes that Hesse dug was tough. Typically 4th quarter should be good for all carriers because during Christmas consumers tend to splurge on gadgets and I am hoping Sprint puts out some nice Black Friday deals this year.
  7. I haven't updated to ZVE firmware yet. Are there improvements on LTE connectivity and worth updating to?
  8. Agreed. Way too many places that still can't deploy B26 LTE at this point. At least Sprint is trying to squash the squatters but unfortunately the FCC is still too lenient on these public service groups and grant extensions who have did not abide by their initial deadlines. Hopefully Sprint can also work to kick those squatters so that they can end up deploying a 5x5 LTE carrier at 800 MHz nationwide instead of just a 3x3 LTE carrier which frankly isn't going to do much.
  9. EDIT 4/19/2017: RabbitEars link for the 600 MHz Phase transitions by market. Select each phase number to turn determine which phase number is your market which can be in multiple phases. For example: Los Angeles market area is broken up into Phase 2 and Phase 3. San Francisco market area is broken up into Phase 8 and Phase 9. Ensure the pulldown selection is set to Map for Phase on Channel 38-51 for Phase X (where X is which phase you are currently looking at) https://www.rabbitears.info/phasemap.php?maptype=s&channel=52&phase=1 FCC link to the FCC 600 MHz transition schedule timelines by Phase https://www.fcc.gov/about-fcc/fcc-initiatives/incentive-auctions/transition-schedule EDIT 4/13/2017: Spectrum Gateway summarized the Tmobile 600 MHz holdings with this map http://maps.spectrumgateway.com/t-mobile-600-mhz.html FCC website if you want to look up which specific blocks your market received. Turn on Search and search by Market Name. https://auctiondata.fcc.gov/public/projects/1000/reports/assignment-results_by_license EDIT 3/6/2017: Looks like Tmobile is not wasting any time trying to get the 3GPP to approve a LTE band class for the 600 MHz spectrum. The proposed B71 is in the works with the following Sponsoring members: T-Mobile USA, Ericsson, Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung, US Cellular, Skyworks Solutions, Deutsche Telekom, C-Spire, LG with the plan to support 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidths. Surprise surprise that AT&T and Verizon are not present. Lets hope the spec can be finalized by September 2017 and OEM equipment to be out by early 2018. https://www.reddit.c...ifications_for/ 600 MHz Work Item Description (See Section 4 Objective) https://docs.google....DJhNDQ0ZGNkOGM4
  10. I wish the FCC would clamp down on licensees who miss their build out dates or have no intention of ever building out infrastructure to use that spectrum should not only have their spectrum licenses revoked immediately, pay a tremendous fine that is at least 3x what they paid for the spectrum and be barred from participating in future spectrum auctions. Yes I know this sounds a bit extreme but I am tired of seeing spectrum hoarders. Yes I am looking at you Dish Network!!!!
  11. Interesting. Its hard to believe if the SB county folks are just pulling your tail and just BSing you and if Sprint is truly able to start deploying LTE 800. I know LA/OC/SD counties are still screwed thanks to our friends south of the border but I am hoping that at least Las Vegas is cleared to start deploying LTE 800.
  12. I wonder what the subsidized price is going to be? I hope its $199.
  13. I would have much preferred a $500 price point for the 16 GB version.
  14. Wow $649 off contract... . Sheesh they really upped the price since the Nexus 5 at $349. I am curious to see what the device looks like in person but man is a 6 inch phone pretty big.
  15. I would be curious about this as well since I would like to know what in the world is going on in San Bernardino county. I would like to see that issue resolved so it is one less hurdle to get 800 MHz LTE in LA/OC/SB counties.
  16. According to this article, Sprint plans to finally shut down the Wimax network and provides a hard shut down date of 11/6/15 just like it did with the iDEN network. Hopefully between now and Nov 2015, Sprint needs to be going hardcore on deploying the B26 and B41 LTE network so that more and more ppl jump off the Wimax network. http://www.bidnessetc.com/26979-sprint-to-shut-down-wimax-network-by-november-2015/ Confirms leaked Sprint memo from last week about Wimax network shutdown http://www.androidcentral.com/leaked-newsletter-shows-sprint-will-down-wimax-network-nov-6-2015
  17. So is san Bernardino county the only spectrum squatter left that is preventing LTE 800 from being deployed? All of the OC has already rebanded to allow Sprint to deploy LTE 800?
  18. Hopefully all 2015 Sprint LTE phones are CCA/RRPP compliant. Since I have an upgrade available in 2015, I am hoping to pick up a CCA/RRPP compliant and who knows maybe the Galaxy Note 5 will include B4, B12 and B17 LTE bands.
  19. AJ, can you explain why the B26 LTE frequency range stated in the FCC document states from 824.7 MHz - 848.3 MHz. Shouldn't it say 817 MHz - 848.3 MHz since Sprint only has 800 MHz spectrum in the 817-824 MHz range? Isn't this out of the range of Sprint's spectrum unless its a typo?
  20. I wonder why Samsung and Sprint decided not to support the RRPP and CCA LTE band 12 in the Note 4. Hopefully all Sprint 2015 LTE phons include B12 support.
  21. <p>How likely is it that Sprint is going to release Android updates to add Wifi calling capability to such phones as the HTC One, LG G2, Moto X, etc? It seems like all the 2014 LTE phones all have wifi calling capability built in but i would like to see at least 2013 LTE phones to include wifi calling.</p>
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