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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Thanks. I was not aware of this effort. I'll have to keep an eye out on the NV sites I pass through to see if they have started to put up 800 MHz RRUs and connected them to the panels in preparation of the completion of the SB county rebanding effort. I'll report back to see what I find.
  2. First off, Sprint never stated they had 190 MHz nationwide of 2600 MHz spectrum. 190 MHz is the entire B41 range so that can't be true at all. Sprint has said in the past that they have on average about 100-120 MHz nationwide (some less, some more) in its markets. Not sure how they came up with that number since spectrum maps I have seen don't even come close to that. However you have to keep in mind that Sprint is deploying TD-LTE which requires contiguous spectrum. Its not FDD-LTE where if you want to deploy 20 MHz in total you have paired 10x10 spectrum so you need large blocks. WIMAX requires contiguous spectrum too We don't know what 2600 MHz spectrum Sprint is using for its WIMAX network (BRS or EBS). The main contiguous 2600 MHz block is the BRS2 block which is only 55.5 MHz wide of which Sprint is currently using for its TD-LTE netwrk. The rest of the spectrum blocks (BRS1, F4, E2, F1, G3) are scattered chunks of spectrum and most are not nationwide. Look at the spectrum map made by SGT and then tell me where can Sprint deploy its Wimax network. http://specmap.sequence-omega.net/
  3. No that is not entirely true for all of LA/OC. The sites in LA/OC that cannot deploy 800 MHz CDMA or LTE currently do NOT have the 800 MHz RRUs already installed on the racks. The panels are installed but that is only because the panels used in NV are dual band (800 and 1900) supported. I have personally witnessed that many NV sites that falls under the restricted zone (mainly eastern part of LA county and all of OC county) do NOT have the 800 MHz RRUs installed but only the 1900 MHz RRUs. So when Sprint finally gets the go ahead to deploy, they will need to deploy quickly. From looking at the NV complete maps you can see that there is a portion of LA that has 800 MHz CDMA already deployed and I agree for those sites the 800 MHz LTE should be lit up quickly but for eastern part of LA county and all of OC county Sprint will need to send crews to install the 800 MHz RRUs and connect them to the NV panels and optimize.
  4. When do you guys think Sprint will begin to add more markets to the international value roaming program? I am hoping by Q2 earnings call that we will hear some more roaming partnerships especially Canada and most of western Europe.
  5. Tmobile needs to buy that 700 MHz A-block license from Leap (AT&T) eventually so that they can deploy LTE in Chicago which needs it badly. I am sure there is a game of poker being played because I am sure Tmobile will eventually buy the license out in Chicago from AT&T since AT&T has no plans to build out LTE there just for that 1 market and they have build out requirements which need to be met for that spectrum. I think Tmobile isn't in a rush to buy the 700 MHz A-block license in Chicago because it knows the Ch. 51 interference issues can't be resolved quite yet until the 600 MHz auction occurs. I am sure the channel in Chicago can't be relocated to another channel.
  6. I am intrigued about Tmobile's network and how it performs in the LA/OC area. I still want to try the Tmobile test drive for comparison but I do want to wait until I see 2 things first before using up my 1 time test drive. 1. 700 MHz network is built out for the decent portion of the LA/OC areas. 2. The test drive offers an iPhone version that supports B12 LTE. Currently only the iPhone 5S can be used for Test Drive and even the iPhone 6 does NOT contain the B12 LTE bands. I would be curious to see how Sprint's LTE network holds up once Sprint can start deploying B26 LTE later on this year once San Bernardino County is cleared out and has rebanded entirely. Hopefully Tmobile builds out B12 LTE quickly and puts pressure on Sprint to build out B26 LTE quickly as well so that they don't get left behind for the LA/OC markets.
  7. DIE WIMAX DIE!!!! Wimax is taking up valuable spectrum which could be used to deploy more LTE carriers.
  8. Just curious for those with the S6, when you do the dialer code (##DATA#) if you are able to change the LTE band priority for the CCA bands (B4, B12, etc)? I know the current Sprint phones will allow you to change the LTE band priority for its own LTE bands. Just curious if you could alter the non Sprint LTE band priorities.
  9. Well lets hope they stick to the June 2015 time frame. Its been lonnnggggg overdue. Too many areas are being affected by the SB county PS issue.
  10. Where did you hear about May 2015? I thought it wasn't until later on in the year.
  11. Well I was hoping for smaller LG G4 in the range of 5.2-5.3 inches but I guess it will have to be 5.5 inches. Still can't wait to see the official unveiling to get all the details.
  12. I checked my account this morning and it is listed as an Service add-on. I think that is your confirmation that it is added. Sprint does not send another email when service adds on are officially added to your account.
  13. I don't think this is all Marcelo's doing. While Marcelo has been reacting to Tmobile's Uncarrier initiatives rather quickly to compete with Tmobile, it is still a reaction vs. being proactive which IMO is mainly why Sprint gets so much heat for it even though it is a good thing. Also to the fact that the Sprint "Uncarrier" moves are nothing unique or that makes them any better or worse than the ones Tmobile is offering but rather just matching their deals (ex: 2 lines for $100, International Value Roaming with less countries for now) doesn't really help set them apart. I don't think if Hesse was still at the helm that these Tmobile Uncarrier initiatives would have been incorporated into Sprint plans at all so kudos for Marcelo for that. Personally I don't really care which carrier created the ideas just as long as it had a big enough impact so that Sprint had to react and offer the same deal which is good for Sprint customers. The Cut-Your-Bill-In-Half and the $50 single line unlimited plan for iPhone promos are unique to Sprint so I hope Sprint keeps it up for the next few years.
  14. I am not so sure how I feel about this right now. I mean Nokia seems to be doing pretty well with its network equipment but I just don't know how much impact this has on LTE deployment especially in markets that use their equipment for B25/B26/B41 LTE.
  15. It seems like the Everything Data and Framily plans so far do not qualify for the free SDC. I wonder why that is the case. Sprint should make SDC available to all legacy and current plans.
  16. Awesome. I just added that option to my account. We'll see if it kicks in. I even downloaded the Google Play app in anticipation. Damn 3 days is such a long time. I already want to test this feature out with my bro.
  17. Hey Josh are you talking about this option for Direct Connect being free? I see this option on my SERO plan so just wanted to see if this is what you are talking about. The screenshot link in your post is broken.
  18. It should look like this where the Sprint International Value Roaming option should fall under the International-> Data/text while roaming internationally section. Since I added it already, it is not in that section anymore. Your screenshot doesn't show that you even have the Data/text while roaming internationally section which is where your problem is. Call Sprint to find out why that section is missing. Also the press release says you can go to a Sprint store and they can add it for you.
  19. Would be nice and appreciated if you do make a trip to describe the whole international data process like what to expect when I turn on my phone in the other country.
  20. Me too...particularly China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Southeast asian countries. Also Australia/New Zealand and all of western Europe would be good.
  21. I can't wait to hear when people actually start to take advantage of the International Value Roaming data feature. I am curious about the process of such as things below to confirm that you are under the International Value Roaming data feature and not some of Sprint's more expensive international plans. 1. Do you need to setup your Sprint phone before hand in order to use the 2G data? 2. Will you receive some sort of text message from Sprint confirming you are under the International Value Roaming plan. (I know that with Tmobile my friend says he gets a text message that confirms that you get free international roaming data.)
  22. I certainly want to see Sprint expand their international data coverage to many parts of the world but that is going to take time. I expect Sprint should have a more reasonable list by the end of 2015.
  23. No idea....whenver QA gives the OK to it.
  24. It was ZVF before but I guess in internal testing they found a bug so it is now ZVG. Honestly I had hoped that the ZVG update would have bumped the Android baseline to 5.1 but that is wishful thinking on my part.
  25. The new international value roaming provides unlimited 2G speeds while the other 3 options you see are for buckets of higher speed 3G data. They sell 100 MB, 200 MB and 500 MB of 3G speeds which is for those that absolutely need fast internet and can't deal with the 2G speeds . Once that bucket is up, you will fall back to the 2G speeds in the international value roaming plan. Personally when travelling all that matters is to be able to look up Google Maps, Tripadvisor, etc which 2G speeds is sufficient enough. You do not need to pick those other options and make sure you only select the international value roaming for $0.00 so you don't get dinged extra charges. I added it to my SERO Premium plan this morning. Just wish Sprint would have added Canada to its initial partners for this feature but I trust Marcelo to come through as time goes on in adding more and more countries.
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