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Everything posted by transitwatch889

  1. International WiFi calling I wonder how that will work! Removing the CDMA network requirement? Yes please!
  2. Its officially announced at the sprint happy connecting event
  3. Thank you I learned something new to look out for. I appreciate that.
  4. Are you sure? Cuz I was moving between sectors and band 26 was 821-866 this was 10 MHz higher than the normal band 25 pcs g band. Edit you are looking at the upload and download channels to differentiate!
  5. so I was on the Metro North today and came across this reading on signal check pro. Can anyone tell me what frequency this is reading as it happened twice going up and down both ways so I don't think its a error. Its not within the PCS band a-g I'm aware.
  6. I think for me it's official my band 26 antenna is fried. I have zero connection even when it says its connected on the last two radios updates.
  7. I still find the network in my area is pushing me onto congested band 25 even though band 26 is an open highway available too me.
  8. I'll be a slight optimist here. As just judging from my own markets teething issues to resolutions I can see progress. But anyone with triband devices WILL FEEL PAIN! It's the long game with sprint. Just hope the current executives have the patience to see it through. Money is not finite, nor is good will.
  9. The way that read is that they are thinking ahead and preparing to go at it on there own with a strategy that works for them. Which is good I like it. I also like where sprint will be at the end of next year once most work is done. Tmobile marketing has a lot more solid network to play with from a metropolitan perspective. Sprint has a potentially huge national play with proper execution.
  10. That is a some titillating information there. Mmmm I wonder what the happy connecting event will showcase.
  11. you were in my neighborhood all the sites u connected to about 2 weeks ago were dormant it seemed. Its been good tracking and keeping notes of all the sites I've connected too.
  12. if I even ask for such a thing that wouldn't be a suitable response. But I am not asking for an exchange just clarification of others personal experiences! Early adopter issues I understand.
  13. latest radio .13 on the nexus 5. It was something I seen on .15 as well. So it may be the phone hence my question to you all. As the HTC on the unloaded site gets full speed throughput compared which seems artificially limited be maybe a hardware issue. I got my nexus 5 first week of release so as I attempt to use it more comparing it to another triband device makes me aware of inconsistent nature.
  14. This is the image it was compromised and degraded when uploaded. Same site and repeatable result. Not my first time noticing the variance between the two devices https://app.box.com/s/xqvuwauwugfk4b4lvac0
  15. I'm not concerned about the fact that I am getting 10 Mbps more so my HTC one max same location gets a full 10 Mbps more from the same spot and time and network! Which means there is something amiss with my nexus 5.
  16. When I get back in my apartment I'll upload speed test and the screenshots from the site. It definitely is the same site as it is attached to my main band 25 carrier that I get service from as well. I can easily on the one max get 24mbps, down on the nexus 5 I'm lucky to hit 10mbps. Which is nuckin futs. It is quite perplexing. But I definitely am parking on 3g where the HTC one max will pick up LTE. Deep breath as I bought this device before the one max in anticipation of being my main triband device and with each update the one max radio has gotten more consistent yay to HTC for getting there crap together I'll give them that. Edit to add screen shot and site forgot to screen shot on the nexus so has to take a pic of signal check log.
  17. I'm beating a dead horse here but compared to my HTC one max the throughput on band26 has been less than stellar. Its like its a bad reeceiver it catches the signal but degrades the actual connection when active use. Can someone compare the old radio to the new radios band26 performance to check that as well. I feel as I am the only one experiences this.
  18. Coming back from my trip to the city was picking up new frames off the 1/2/3 line going over to 14th and 6th. Lots of eCSFB issues in the area as the phone attempted to connect to a band 41 site it would drop down. on 125thst same issue. Back uptown no issues connected to what seemed all band 41 sites and handoffs were seamless as well!
  19. so I'm taking my first trip into Manhattan with the Nexus 5 we will see how it plays today I can already say that band 26 was a lot better in my house than it was in previous days I don't know why I was getting such high readings compared to band 25... That makes me happy. and just walking to the train I picked up a 3rd band 41 site I never knew was there on the nexus 5... I'm gonna stop my hate of the new radio for now.
  20. Looks like a legitimate replacement for my moms lg optimus g. It may be a Lil late but still relevant.
  21. Mmmmm I'm definitely more interested in the 8.4 myself. Best android tablets to date in my opinion.
  22. Where are you located this is your residence area?
  23. An hour ago. So 10 or so... Yes I've read that and never experienced it till now. So was a Lil surprised.
  24. Anyone else on a framily plan notice speed caps on Netflix I think I'm being throttled to 1mb over LTE. Turn WiFi audio syncs up and clear picture. Was testing band 26 and 41 to compare and both exhitibed same behavior
  25. Was able to finally pick back up the band 41 tower in my room. It doesn't appear to be optimized as ping is high and throughput is low. This is sitting stationary by my window where I can get 90-92 dBm. In hand it goes up to 115 dBm. Makes it hard to attain keep the signal sadly. Not sure either where this site is broadcasting from.
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