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Everything posted by transitwatch889

  1. from my experience is working and high-rise buildings. Sprint LTE which is although I have to go on in my observations is very weak in those instances. The fact that you're getting signal is good as there must be a tower in relatively good line of site for you in that location. What are your speeds? I've been on 40th floor and get just 3g Sprint evdo in my experience when I'm with clients.
  2. from my readings of others in band 26 coverage areas. The 5s doesn't want to switch over actively on it own it will camp on band 25 unless u are out of coverage of band 25 which is rare as the power levels currently overlap each other and give similar dbm readings in most cases.
  3. from my understanding and reading sprints network was intially suppose to be band 25, refarmed and repurposed band 26 from Nextel and and spectrum hosting agreement with lightsquared. Which went backrupt due to spectrum interference of GPS signals. The contingency plan was to use clearwire spectrum but Sprint didn't have the funds to continue to build out the lte network they had planned until Softbank came and purchased Sprint and then helped finance the purchase of clearwire as well. Sprint has had a lot of against them to be where they are currently a lot of mismanagement and wasted resources and just had timing. But! Brightside is that they have the management in place now and the funding. Now it's just being patient. I've jumped and left all carriers besides never having Verizon. I see the most positive in my perspective from sprints position. It's just about being an educated consumer.
  4. if you are in Morningside Manhattan that whole strip is saturated with band 41 and band 26 carriers are being turned on as we speak. If you stayed this long then testing a device on a seprate line that is tri band will give you a better idea of the state of the network in your area. The only way to know is to experience yourself. Our words won't mean much with out you takin it upon yourself to see if there is actual improvement that merrits staying with Sprint on the next upgrade cycle. If not T-Mobile just introduced an awesome rate plan promotion taking effect the 30th and I think they are still paying for people's disconnects. That may work for you in the meantime. You can always come back at a later date to see if things improve. Even in my area I get overloaded band 25 sectors. Band 26 is available and when j need to stream i can force it down or just pop my WiFi on. In the streets I'm always on band 41 in my neighborhood personally. Where I travel most I get consistent service. So it works for "me"! See if it works for you! With the proper equipment I'm sure you'll see a difference.
  5. I don't use my nexus 5, it has a bad radio doesn't pick up band 26 so use my one max mostly. I'm over on broad st in fidi so the area just got band 26 last week turned on. I don't believe there are band 41 in the area only and around rector and and up by Fulton going towards the freedom tower by the west side. South east of that area no band 41 has been observed from my travels in the area. From Broadway 4 train line wall st and down.
  6. that's quite a lot coming down to numbers I don't see how regulators could potentially reject it. From a longevity standpoint the merger is needed for future and continued growth. If not jobs will be eliminated and the company divested if sprint were to go under if Softbank decided the investment at some point was a lose cause.
  7. So another LTE 800, band 26 update. Now have coverage all through out my building in midtown around rock center. full band 26,25 inside with band 41 outside and some inside if u position the phone by the window.
  8. just reporting that band 26 is being lit up in the financial district picked up LTE 800 going to my work today experience some escfb issues as well on another tower that will probably be turned on
  9. tested this myself and it does work on the app just through the default app not through hangouts which is use by default. Can't receive as I use myself as the recipient. But good to know.
  10. you can send MMS when WiFi calling is enabled?
  11. Thats a big deal. I hope this comes to the one max
  12. Where in FiDi because as of this past Saturday there still wasn't any band 41 around wall st around 4/5 2/3 lines and over.
  13. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    I may get it for the boyfriend if he likes it. Its between this and the HTC one m8. I'm not a fan of how he sounds when we speak over his s4. Sound quality is terrible.
  14. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    is that on a WiFi call as well?
  15. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    So I got to see LG g3 and the Sprint store today and it is a lot smaller than I had anticipated I put it side by side with my HTC One max and the max completely dwarfed it. I'm not a fan of the lightness to width personally. I'm sad I don't like it as much as I thought I would.
  16. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    watch the video past the 2 minute mark. He explicitly states that LG is giving away 75 of Korean models such as the one he reviewed in this video I hope that he is incorrect with his information but that's where he clearly states as being the case!
  17. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    just watched his YouTube channel and I think he mentioned is to Korean model which is fine because I'll just sell it anyway! That way I can use those funds to them pay for the Sprint model
  18. as a network it's filled out I don't think that's a bad idea!
  19. The nexus 6 if it follows the release cylces will probably be too soon to support the proper chip set modem combo sadly. This will be the first time I stick with a phone as long as I have. I'll be waiting a full upgrade cycle to update my device.
  20. transitwatch889

    LG G3

    ugh the Sony xperia z ultra is right up your ally then its 6.4 inches of screen realestate there. I'm sure you can find it second hand and pop in a data tmobile sim card to play with it. Not very popular should be pretty cheap relatively speaking.
  21. there are pockets in the Bronx that are still overburdened. That need band 26,41 equipment 6months ago specifically East Kingsbridge and Fordham areas that I frequent. But the area that are surrounding them have good speeds this was 182nd and university ave. I posted this to my g+ not as good or high as Paynefanbro but I will accept it and be happy. I used my nexus 5 as the htc one max radio wouldn't saturate the bandwidth the same.
  22. A light reading article interview with John Saw on the topic of what is 5G and sprints involvement. http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/5g/sprints-saw-5g-opp-is-moving-signal-closer-to-customers-/d/d-id/709571?_mc=RSS_LR_EDT
  23. I don't know if this was mentioned but Chicago is already running the new 8T8R equipment on a trial basis as per this link article.http://gigaom.com/2014/06/23/sprints-8-antenna-lte-tech-moves-out-of-the-labs-and-into-chicago/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+OmMalik+%28GigaOM%3A+Tech%29
  24. So they needed to waste money on paying for a venue and such on this? I'm not sure if I agree with that decision.
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