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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Sure: https://competitivecarriers.org/ Well it's available if you're a member.
  2. Looking at that middle story, those must've been some hellacious winds as they managed to knock out Nextel's service in the area.
  3. You didn't run into any trouble because Verizon allows their users to roam indefinitely (domestically) without penalty. They're the only major carrier that does that. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  4. Sprint Q1 results on April 29th: http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/sprint-corporation-schedules-first-quarter-results-announcement.htm
  5. Looking at your screen cap I'm still a bit confused. Why do they need to support Band 2 & Band 5 on the device side? Doesn't Band 25 & 26 obviate the need for either of those?
  6. Correct, they never sold service in Alaska. You couldn't get a Sprint phone number with an Alaska exchange. As you surmised, the only folks that lived there and had Sprint must have had it in the ConUS and moved there with it. I have to believe that was rather small number.
  7. Congrats! Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  8. Yeah it does seem like he's a bit too caught up in this role that he's currently playing.
  9. A. I doubt any of us know the exact details on their dealings with those carriers in Alaska, Kansas, Oklahoma, et al that caused the coverage to change from native to roaming so to say that it was done "on a whim" is a rather audacious (at best) statement to make. B. To the best of my recollection anyone affected by the changes was given advance notice and released from their contract. The "hassle" was minimal. C. As far as the hardware, I guess it's a good thing that eBay, Swappa, etc. exist.
  10. What a tool. They launched their HD voice last year, big deal.
  11. I noticed that John Legere re-tweeted the above tweet from Masa Son which struck me as kind of odd. I guess sometimes a re-tweet is just a re-tweet. Or is there something more going on behind the scenes?
  12. Yep. See: Verizon LTEiRA. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  13. The reverse could be true too if USCC would have the OEMs equip their handsets with band 25 & 26 instead of 2 & 5. Now that Sprint has made a commitment to band 12 it seems like there would be some scale advantages for USCC and other CDMA carriers participating in this program to just have their handsets equipped the same way as Sprint's. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  14. For those interested, Masa Son will be speaking at the CCA event tomorrow and it'll be live streamed: https://twitter.com/masason/status/448787292493062144 Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  15. Those 60MHz channels are actually three 20MHz channels aggregated together. I didn't see where he indicated that the 60MHz of bonded channels would be bonded to another 60MHz of bonded channels. In actuality that would be six 20MHz channels aggregated together. I don't know if there's a 3GPP specification for doing that as of yet.
  16. I swear it seems like Tammy Parker, also of Fierce, wrote pretty much that same article just a few weeks ago.
  17. Thanks for the link. Machine License Holding, LLC was one subsidiary that I missed. Sprint Nextel has so many: http://investors.sprint.com/interactive/lookandfeel/4057219/Sprint_Corporation_-_sublist_-_20130712.pdf Nope. Band 26 is 859-894/814-849. The spectrum in question here is 935-940/896-901.
  18. This is another reason why Sprint may want to pursue using their 900 MHz SMR spectrum for LTE as mentioned in another thread. Anyway, here's a pretty in-depth piece on the lobbying over this matter: http://www.publicintegrity.org/2014/03/21/14433/wireless-companies-fight-their-futures#sprintTeam
  19. I skimmed the FCC dashboard and noticed three major stakeholders in that band: ACI 900 INC, FCI 900 INC and Nextel Communications. ACI & FCI were subsidiaries set up by Nextel and thus are part of Sprint now. Between those the entities I'd imagine they control the lion's share of the 900SMR licenses. However, there are a number of other licensees and I didn't have time to cross check to see if any of them are also Sprint/Nextel subsidiaries as there are a massive number of licenses. I didn't notice the good ole Southern Company on the list, but again I only took a cursory look at it. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  20. It's all about capacity. If Sprint can add another sub-1GHz LTE carrier that's nationwide or near nationwide even if it's only 3x3, I'm all for it. What else are they going to do with that spectrum? Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  21. I guess that's one way of looking at things.
  22. It wouldn't necessarily have to be your area though. If Sprint swapped their WCS spectrum with AT&T, they could ask for PCS spectrum in return from anywhere in the country not just the areas where the WCS licenses to be traded exist.
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