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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. in most of the east iowa market towers were install as "GMO" towers, meaning all the base cabinet equipment was installed, but no new panels were installed, they were re-using the legacy panels. the trend appears to be that they are converting towers to full build (meaning new panels get installed) before they can get LTE. so assuming the work you saw was sprint they would have been installing the new NV panels and removing the legacy panels.
  2. without saying too much in the non-sponsor area, this is one of several towers around the area that have been 4G accepted but are not broadcasting 4G yet. we don't know why they aren't broadcasting or when they will, but that would explain what you are seeing. If you want more detailed info post in the sponsor thread and i can answer more in there.
  3. sponsors in Dubuque check the sponsor thread, you might find some good news in there!
  4. so i decided to be daring and went ahead and tried to install the update. the update installed without issue, of course after i no longer had root. downloaded IORoot25 and now have root again
  5. finally got the update prompt this morning! except i haven't applied it yet because it sounds like root may be broke on sprint and t-mobile version after you update. not sure if i can do without my airplane mode from signal check yet!
  6. i have two coworkers with the N5, all we did for them is enable B26 and do a profile update to get on B26 initially, ever since then it connects on its own, based on the network putting it there or not. neither one of them are rooted or running different radios then the stock one, .23.
  7. add the des moines iowa metro to the list also when zoomed in to see the different levels of signal strength i have to say it appears to actually match really close to what i'm seeing around here. which was surprising after reading all the posts about them exaggerating the LTE signal.
  8. thanks, did some quick looking at XDA and it looks like the update is new enough that there isn't enough data to know for sure what will happen with root. since there are no ROMs or recoveries for the sprint version i don't have any of them on my phone, just root. i did check for update and its not ready for my phone yet so hopefully it gets figured out before the update pops up for me
  9. did you root your phone before kitkat? and if so did root still work after? i wouldn't mind taking the update but i don't think i can lose the ability to do airplane mode from signalcheck pro
  10. read my last few posts in this thread replying to cerebasan, 37meg shared by hundreds of people on 4G = slow speeds. 3G is faster because most people have 4G phones and don't know you can put it back to 3G = usable speeds.
  11. 37 meg per sector is because they are deploying a 5x5 configuration with the frequency. FDD LTE works that way. Verizon deploys a 10x10 configuration so each sector has 74 meg (37x2). when they deploy B26 it will also be a 5x5, so it will have its own 37 meg of bandwidth per sector. then when they deploy B41 it will be using TDD LTE and they will deploy in 20Mhz chunks, i believe the max bandwidth per sector on that is around 80 or 90 meg.
  12. you should probably just go ahead and switch carriers, sprint is obviously not working for you where you work/live/play. sure there are 2 more "downtown" towers to get LTE, but there are also so many people downtown during the work week it probably won't make things much better, not until B41 comes along anyway. thats the bane of downtown areas, wireless is a finite resource, each sector sprint is deploying has a max capacity of 37meg down, that is shared by every user on it, so in a downtown area where you have several hundred, if not a thousand, people they are all sharing that 37 meg pipe. sprint has been great for me everywhere i work/live/play, i get speeds anywhere from 5 meg to over 25 meg down consistently. i highly doubt that when the other 2 towers come online speeds will increase enough to make you happy. will they be usable, probably, but they won't be amazing with so many people there. so if its affecting you that much you need to look at other carriers..... EDIT: sitting at work and just got this for a speedtest and really that speed is more limited by my signal than tower load, if i move my phone to a spot with better signal i can get closer to 10 meg down.
  13. neither one of those phones are tri-band phones, so they are both limited to B25, so you will have the same experience no matter which one you use.
  14. this post has some links to guides for various phones http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3059-800smr-s4gru-sponsors-prls/ as a side note, i randomly got connected to 1x800 again today. i wasn't even in a low 1900 signal spot, was just doing airplane mode searching for LTE and next thing i knew it was connected to 1x800, have been on it since then.
  15. 1x800 is still alive and around. A couple of weeks ago they sent out a new prl that changed it so 1x1900 was scanned for first instead of 1x800 getting scanned for first. You will still connect to 1x800 if your phone loses 1x1900 or the network thinks you need to be on it, otherwise it will park on 1x1900 for the most part now.
  16. we also have a spreadsheet and map setup in the premier forum here for tracking these! Congrats East Iowa!!!!
  17. thanks for the input! i would much rather use the VVM app but with as few VM as i get i will just stick with hangouts for now
  18. thanks for the suggestion! i checked out the settings in the dialer and could not find anything relating to voice mails. also checked the VVM app settings and nothing in there either
  19. ok, so i've narrowed it down to why its not working, just need to figure out how to get it working. i'm using hangouts for SMS and when using that its not allowing the texts to get routed to the VM app so they show up there. anyone have any ideas on how to use the VM app and hangouts for SMS?
  20. yes, the visual voice mail app is what i'm referring too. i have used it on my past phones and never had to do anything to set it up, VM would just show up in it automatically. but so far on this phone none of my VM show up in it. the app opens and everything looks OK, just isn't working.
  21. has anyone had voicemails show up in the voicemail app? its installed on the phone by default, but i had some VM get left for me recently and they did not show up in the app, i just got texts that i had VM and had to dial into VM to listen to them.
  22. yes that will work. just as a side note, i have the "old" sleek that doesn't specifically say it covers the 1990-1995 frequencies, it actually lists that it stops at 1990MHz, but it has been working for me to boost LTE signal.
  23. just passing along some battery info from this weekend on my flex. was sitting around playing on my phone most of the day yesterday. i'm not sure how this compares to something like a G2, but coming from my EVO this is much improved. screens are in order, first couple are from the battery stats screen and then a few more from the top usage apps. also display was set to "Auto" brightness.
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