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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. yep it says that on their page here https://now.sprint.com/framily/?INTCID=AB:HERO:010714:Framily:960x320
  2. glad i could be of service! the guys at my work were giving me crap for it when i was showing them when i got back i tried to install it on the galaxy mega but it was giving an error, i set it to reboot and went to look at the G2 and forgot to go back to the mega to try it again
  3. thank you Rocket87 for all the help! just went to my local corporate store to confirm i would get the same answers from them since that's where i will be when we do the switch and i did $15/mo fee will be waived for switching to framily since all 9 lines were last upgraded 6+ months ago. then separately from that with switching, anyone of the 9 lines can either stick with their current phone, or go in at any time and get a new phone on easy pay without turning in their current phone. i did ask how long they would have to come in and get a new phone and he said at least till the end of april but probably longer than that. i didn't ask this but i'm guessing that even if that "deal" went away and someone didn't upgrade, once their "contract" from the subsidized phone is up they would be free to do whatever they wanted at that point anyway. will be talking to everyone this weekend and hopefully making the switch next week. thanks again everyone for their help
  4. just got back from my local corporate store and was told the same thing. i surprised the guy with knowing about it since they just got the memo and hour before i got there so if i switch to framily next week and go ahead with the $15/mo plan i can then later switch it to the $5/mo plan online? i don't need data on a tablet and the only reason i would consider it is because its free and would only do the $5/mo plan. if i can't do the $5/mo plan i will just pass on it. edit: would there be some point at the future, like 2 years, where you could cancel a data plan and keep the device?
  5. ok so i just got back from a sprint store and played with the one max, first i have to say i'm really liking the big screen! secondly, this may be common knowledge that i missed while reading this thread but i installed signalcheck lite while i was there and was surprised to see that it was showing both the GCI and PCI! this is one of my negatives against this phone that just went away i couldn't really compare RF performance when compared to my EVO 4G LTE since the tower sits right behind the store so both phones had around -85db. and with my sleek getting me LTE at work, which is the only place i really need it, negating (for me) the RF differences between the one max and the n5 i'm starting to really lean towards it there is still the 14 day return on easy pay, with a $35 restocking fee, so i can always try it and return if it really is worse. i might also wait till the flex comes out since it will be soon and see what the phone is like. thanks all for the opinions and help
  6. sweet, another deal to entice me to switch i assume it still requires some kind of data plan? minimum is still the $5/mo one right?
  7. yep, there were a couple that the average was under a gig that had a month or two where they went just over a gig. so we will factor that in. also planning on increasing the average by about 50% to account for the increase in usage once 4G is more prevalent around here also going to ask, once i make it to a store, if the data options can be added or removed from month to month since they are no contract plans.
  8. i just compiled the data usage numbers for my 9 lines so we could figure out what line needs what for data when switching to framily, here is what i came up with for average usage from december 2012 to december 2013 4090 1431 381 343 598 675 142 35 62 (4090 = 4.09 gig, 35 = 35 meg)
  9. thanks! we will hopefully be switching next week after i talk to everyone this weekend. there has been so much info in this thread that its hard to keep it straight. just wasn't sure if the fee waive was tied to getting a new phone on easy pay or not
  10. so with the current deals for switching to framily, is the $15/mo fee, for still being under contract and switching, only being waived if you get a new phone on easy pay? if we switch there is at least one person on my account that would be resistant to getting a new phone, just want to know if that fee would be waived still if they didn't get a new one.
  11. thank you both for your input i'm going to the store tonight to ask questions about switching to framily and will play around with the phones while i'm there. i blame s4gru for my dilemma if it wasn't for this site and doing the map/spreadsheet for gathering info for my market i wouldn't have the knowledge/need of the N5's capabilities for that and it wouldn't be weighing as heavily in my decision
  12. thanks for the screen shots! the last one you posted is what we are looking for with LTE confirmations, the only change would be is we like the signal to be -80 or better, which means basically being right next to the tower, to make sure the LTE ID goes with the correct tower. sing you have an EVO LTE when you drive by that tower again you will probably have to do airplane mode at least once to force it to connect to LTE, then with the higher signal strength take a screen shot and post it so we can confirm that ID goes with that tower
  13. yeah thats what i was struggling with, sure right now we can stay on the plan and upgrade, but none of my upgrades are due until after the proposed time frame for subsidized phones going away. and with the current deals and the monthly price not being that much different for me its making it easier to go ahead and switch now.
  14. so is everyone that got this phone still loving it? i might be switching to the framily plans soon and taking advantage of the "early upgrade" and i'm between this one and the nexus 5. i really want a larger screen and it sounds like this phone would be a better option than the galaxy mega. however the RF performance of the N5 and its ability to gather so much info for tracking LTE sites is hard to pass up. i assume this being a HTC device it still only reports GCI and not the PCI as well? i have a wilson sleek that i use at work currently with my evo 4g lte that takes me from not getting LTE at all to having a usable ~-105db signal plus we should be seeing 800 LTE light up "soon" around here so the RF performance difference may not be that big of a deal.
  15. yep thats normal, you will bounce between many towers constantly just sitting there in the same spot. your phone has always done that but without signal check you never knew to take a screenshot on your phone (assuming the EVO LTE your profile lists is correct) you press the power button and the home button at the same time. i find posting pics from my pc to be the easiest, and this is how i do it. i signed up for a free photobucket account. then installed their app on my phone. from the app i can upload the screenshots. once they are uploaded you can sign into your account on your PC and go to the picture you uploaded and there will be a link you can click with IMG tags that you can copy and paste into your response in the forum here. then when you post it will show up with the picture in your response.
  16. do you have "fast boot" enabled on your phone? if so then its probably not fully powering down and restarting which it needs in order to restart that service. as far as we know any tower on the map thats listed as 3G/800 right now will also get 800 LTE. These sites are considered "full builds" and have all of the equipment already installed to allow 800 LTE so there shouldn't be any reason for them not to get it. all towers in the metro have all their NV (network vision) equipment installed and have been accepted and switched over to run on the new equipment. all we are waiting for now is backhaul to get hooked up so they can enable LTE on 1900 and then either very soon after or at the same time they will start turning on LTE on 800. the only site left in the entire "central iowa market" to get the new equipment installed is in boone. if you do drive by that new LTE site off valley west dr and get connected to LTE take a screenshot of signal check showing the LTE connection with the GCI listed and we can get it added to the spreadsheet as confirmed
  17. hello and welcome! looks like you are a sponsor, thanks for that! make sure to check out the link in my sig as it will have a spreadsheet and map of all the towers around here and their current known status as to the signal check question, if you don't get an address that means the google services process that is used to get the address is messed up and you will have to restart your phone in order to fix it are you getting LTE from that tower? its one of the ones that should be broadcasting LTE now.
  18. thank you! i think i've been looking at it the wrong way. i've been looking at the changing plans deals/framily/easy pay as a bundle when they are a little more separate then that. so essentially it can work like this 1) all 9 lines are "upgrade" eligible with this deal since they are all past 6 months from their last upgrade. 2) i can switch all 9 lines to framily and each line can pick what extra data they want, the $15/mo fee for still being under contract will be waived 3) once we are all on framily each person can go to the store, at any point in the future, and get a new phone using the easy pay program and not have to turn their old phone in. they can then sell their old phone or keep it for a backup 4) if someone doesn't want to get a new phone they can just keep their current one and at some point in the future if they do want a new phone they can either start an easy pay contract or buy a phone elsewhere to switch to. this may be much simpler than i thought thanks for the help!
  19. i guess i should clarify in that i meant if i go in and switch all lines over to framily does everyone have to get their new phone at that time (in which they would want to be present to pick the phone, move contacts, etc), or can they go to the store as they have time, once the switch is made, and get their new phone at their leisure.
  20. hmmmmm this might be may angle to sell them on it. all 9 lines could switch, get a new phone, sell their current phone for some extra money and have the same or cheaper monthly bill than we currently do. now to just get everyone together to explain all this one final question for you if we do switch do all 9 of us have to go in and switch/get new phones at the same time? thanks again for your help!
  21. thank you for the info! i'm just trying to figure out what my best route is for the future. i currently have 9 lines total on my account, 4 on ED 1500 and 5 on ED 3000. 1 line is upgrade eligible now and 5 other lines will become upgrade eligible between april and june this spring. not including taxes and fees and with an 18% discount we currently pay $49.24 per line per month ($59.24 if you want to be technical and add in the $200 phone upgrade cost in per month when upgrading at 20 months) here are all the options i could come up with for a per line cost if we switched to framily ($20/mo for the phone on easy pay, 18% off the data options) per line 25.00 per line with 3gig data 33.2 per line with unlimited data 41.4 per line with phone 45 per line with 3gig data/phone 53.2 per line with unlimited data/phone 61.4 so most of the options are less with only 1-2 being more depending on how you compare it. plus all 9 of the lines are eligible for the deal that was posted about switching, keeping your phone, and waiving the $15 fee. so i guess i just have to decide if its worth it to try and explain all of this to everyone on my account and get them all on the same page to switch, or if i just leave stuff as is and hope things don't change and we can still upgrade like normal this spring. do you have any info on how long that deal for switching is going to be available for? as a side note i did sprint chat and they said my subsidized upgrade option would still be there come this may, grain of salt i know.
  22. sorry to bother, i've read through this entire thread and all the FAQs on sprints website but i need some clarification if you could help me out. what will happen to people on the old everything data family plans once what i have quoted from you happens? when a line becomes eligible for upgrade (like mine will on 05/01/2014) will we be forced to switch to Framily in order to use easy pay? Or will we be able to stay on our current plans and use easy pay to get a new phone?
  23. is Framily required for easy pay? or can you go get a new phone on easy pay without having to switch to a framily plan?
  24. nope, that one isn't new. you are a sponsor, check the maps/spreadsheet in the sponsor thread (link in my sig) and you can see where the towers are and what their GCI numbers are to know which tower it was coming from. there were however 6 new towers that got LTE yesterday!
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