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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I had chicken last night and I also dreamed about my phone, but it was some sci-fi space themed dream where my phone was some kind of controller for almost everything in the ship... Yep, I am also a dork.
  2. I think it meeans you should lay off the curried bacon right before bed. http://voices.yahoo.com/evil-pork-other-foods-which-cause-nightmares-2933187.html
  3. We used to play Halo 1 almost every night on the LAN when I was deployed, then switched to Halo 2 when that came out. We also played some Unreal Tournament on PC. After that, I have never really gotten back into 1st person shooter games. My gaming console history is: pong>NES>SNES>Playstation>PS2>XBOX>Wii>PS3>XBOX360 I also had an original gameboy and a gameboy advanced. I gave the OG gameboy to my ex's kid when I deployed and he called it a "boygame" it was hilarious. I think about the only gaming I do anymore is to play "road to the show" on MLB The Show 2010, maybe it is 09... I have been dabbling at it for several years.
  4. Then they end the call with "thank you call again"
  5. I had burn in issues on my Kindle Fire, but that was right from the start. I think it was a defect in the screen. Other than that, I have never noticed any screen burn in on my E4GT, GNex, or GS3. The Gnex even had screen timeouts set to 5 minutes.
  6. It doesn't really mean much. There are 3rd and 4th round markets that are picking up ehrpd. It is just a software overlay to EVDO to allow data to route through the 4G cores and allow a smooth hand off to LTE. However, it is a required upgrade before LTE goes live...
  7. Interesting, although you know my thoughts on OEM overlays... fits of rage
  8. This topic is impossible to keep from turning into a "I hate this phone because of A, B, C" and a "I love this phone and you don't have a right to your opinion" Or vice versa. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and one person's experience may not be in line with your experience. This thread has devolved into something that is not in line with the community guidelines. Topic is closed.
  9. I will echo the sentiments of themuffinman, everyone needs to simmer down. Any more disrespect to S4GRU staff will result in swift and severe action. Right or wrong, WiWavelength is one of the main reasons why this website is packed full of excellent, insightful knowledge. You had better regard him with respect. I warn you not to test my resolve on this.
  10. I've been sitting outside for the last 10 hours. It's unseasonably warm at about 40 degrees. Maybe that's why the deer are not moving around. Or it could be the glow of my screen...
  11. You can drive to MN, and I'll let you fire off a few rounds with my 300 WSM hunting rifle. That's as good as meditation for me.
  12. It was a momentus occasion, deserving of 5 threads lol
  13. The Optimus G seems gimmicky and destined to fail in my opinion. I could be wrong, but it seems like LG was merely going for shock factor with the stat sheet on the Optimus G. Then again, the last phone I can recall that upped the ante this much was the OG Evo. That was AFTER they made the nexus one though.
  14. The cell sites around here usually have a label on the power meter, makes it easy to see who is on the tower.
  15. My thoughts exactly. I was thinking about the exclusion of LTE and CDMA, and it mirrors what happened with the gnex and nexus s. Sprint ended up with both... However, I can't say that I am particularly drawn to a LG device... Edit: The unlocked version comes in at a really low price, I wonder if the CDMA/subsidized version would see a lower price as well... Might work to change some perceptions of LG (and get some people to try a non-forked version of android) if it was a flagship at a midrange price.
  16. Probably about 7 years ago I was getting a very similar issue. I think customer service reprovisioned my line to fix it. Also, that was during the 3g rollout in the area to the north of me...
  17. What is an iPhone 4GS? I see it in your phone list under your name... you have some kind of prototype?
  18. Anyone see this smart dock? http://www.phonesreview.co.uk/2012/11/01/samsung-galaxy-note-2-smart-dock-perfect-travel-companion/ Looks pretty sweet...
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