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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Great story. I have a dirty story... A pig fell in the mud.
  2. He had wimax and 3G speeds in the post. Sheesh you LA folk are picky. "Give us speed tests" "get your wimax out of here"
  3. Not that I am some kind of nature loving hippie, but I am happy to see sprint taking measures to protect wildlife. I think they should figure out a way to coexist with nature. If it takes building an extra platform for the birds to nest, great, whatever they need to do to respect a species that humans have pushed to the brink of extinction before realizing it. They should think long-term, as this is not the last time they will ever need to get up there and mess with that equipment. Yes you can remove the nest and install the equipment, but the birds will be back, and their presence can mess with the equipment, or leave you with delays at the next network upgrade. Sometimes regulations go too far to protect nature, but I don't believe this is one of those instances. The area has cell coverage already, so nobody is going to die because they can't get a cell signal to call for help. And I hardly think the inability to stream netflix is life threatening. I also doubt that this is having a huge impact on the market yet. The contractors will just work on the sites without birds until a solution is found.
  4. They could have spent a little less time on the weather report and geography lesson... nice find though.
  5. I would buy it, but I just bought an external HD... not a NAS though.
  6. Hey if anyone is still looking... http://m.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=7152579&SRCCODE=WEM3267&cm_mmc=RSS-_-TigerDirect-_-Main-_-RSS&utm_source=EML&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=WEM3267 Tiger direct has an iomega 1tb "cloud" drive for $90 this weekend.
  7. They use the WiMax network. They have a huge stockpile of spectrum. It is not the same cellular network as 3G or LTE.
  8. Well, that's why I asked. I wouldn't want you to be "out of the know"
  9. Have you guys checked out the Frequently Asked Questions? It answers that, and a lot more questions.
  10. ...and raising rates/moving to tiered data allowances. The clearwire hotspots will cost Sprint a lot of money. Why is it so hard to accept that WiFi offloading will delay raising prices and ending unlimited data?
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