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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I believe Chicago is the heart attack of the midwest, thanks to 3 inch thick pizza and processed meats... lol
  2. There are not 5 million people in the Sacramento market, and there is not a round 5. This is a blog created to help spread the word of the spread of 4G before Sprint is planning to announce it, not to answer your unending questions about "why why why why why I don't have LTE but Verizon and AT&T have it." Sprint already offers 4G WiMax in Sacramento, and beat both Verizon and ATT to market. Either drop it or go check out www.community.sprint.com or dan@sprint.com
  3. I'd like to know what "small town 30 minutes from Sacramento" is getting NV in early 2013 that isn't tagging along with the big cities in the San Francisco or San Jose markets.
  4. Still nothing from Samsung. There is a Powermat Case that I have been considering, but I really like my Otterbox Commuter and I haven't seen the powermat case in person, so I don't know how much bulk it adds or how well it protects the phone. I am scouring the net looking for a case that provides good protection, allows NFC to operate, has an extended battery in the case, and has wireless charging built in. The touchstone type connection with strong magnets would be awesome for having in the car. I know I am dreaming on this, as it will probably have to be a custom job to get it all. Would be really cool though.
  5. Might not be immediately, or even at the "launch" of the market. The WiMax 4G is provided by Clearwire, not Sprint. LTE is rolled out by Sprint and just because an area has 4G WiMax doesn't mean LTE will be deployed there first.
  6. Opposing views are fine, but you better have a better body of evidence to back up your agruement than the "I'll use what I pay for," tired line. Are you saying I am name-calling?
  7. pyroscott

    LG Optimus G

    So, I was cruising craigslist and saw an ad for a new LG Optimus for $125 and was going to snatch it up, no matter the esn status... until the guy emailed back and said it was the optimus s, new in the box... um, no, not interested. Although, a optimus s new in the box might have some value as an antique.
  8. Good for you guys... my parents live several states away and they get to keep up with the goings on of my life. Also, when i am deployed, it works as a general source for family and friends to see that I am doing fine and I get a little piece of home... all except for a guy I've been friends with for 18 years. He refuses to get a facebook account out of some sense of pride, or he just wants to be a jerk...
  9. This thread is on warning. I expect a whole lot more respectful tone, or I will close this thread. Also this thread is intended for discussion relating to the corporate sprint market covering the Washington DC market, not the shentel affiliate market.
  10. When people get pissy because I won't approve their friend request, I tell them that maybe they should "stop posting worthless [garbage]" Yes, I am an a-hole in real life as well...
  11. If I ever became a pumpkin, I would want to be made into pie.
  12. I certainly hope you are joking... If not, eHRPD deployment has very little to do with the LTE deployment timeline. eHRPD just needs to be deployed prior to LTE for there to be a smooth handoff. So there is no set time between eHRPD occurance and LTE. It could be weeks or many months.
  13. You guys convinced me to consider a tablet with cellular data. The nexus 10 doesn't have it yet, so that leaves a nexus 7 on at&t (yuck) or a xoom... I am on a boycott of forked devices. The Kindle HD is more appealing to me than anything claiming to be android with a mfg skin on it.
  14. I don't allow idiots onto my friend list. Problem solved.
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