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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Why would Sprint not deploy 1900 MHz LTE in Cincinnati when they are deploying it on every cell site (except a small percentage that cannot be upgraded)? You might see both 1900 and 800 MHz LTE in the roll out at the time, but the claim that you will never see 1900 MHz is ridiculous.
  2. It has to be a dead spot. It would be illegal for Verizon to block a cell signal from another carrier.
  3. Friends are free, more or less, and often have service with different service providers...
  4. If you have a complaint with sprint, I will direct you to community.sprint.com or Dan@sprint.com This forum is not the proper outlet for your rants. If you want to stick around, I suggest you read and abide by the forum rules. We don't tolerate these kinds of posts.
  5. Doing what is smart and/or in the best interests of their customers' pocketbooks is not necessarily important to a government regulated monopoly. Southern company can do whatever it wants with southernlinc and pass the costs on to its customers. The cost is "justified" as operating expense, and southern company still takes their profit margin. Meanwhile, the customers, who have no choice in their power needs, subsidise the poor decision making. Anyone who approves the decision-making of southern company should also approve of the "10,000 dollar hammers" that the government is known to buy.
  6. Isn't that the "google suggestion" if you search "Sprint forums" on google?
  7. Sprint is deploying LTE on every cell site (except a select few) you needn't worry about there being large swaths of 3G/2G only on Spint like there will be on att
  8. This post Information about S4GRU Sponsorship levels and how to become a Sponsor has all the information you need.
  9. Ericsson has been doing a lot of upgrades to the legacy network, adding carriers and more backhaul capacity, to help the legacy network keep up with demand until the Network Vision upgrade. The Cleveland market, according to this thread, is a third round market, with work starting in December. This is a guess, based on documents from the start of the Network Vision project. Sprint recently disclosed they are running about one quarter behind in NV upgrades, so you can make your own assumptions. Really, the best way to know, is to become a sponsor of the site and get the updates in the sponsor section, or monitor sensorly for LTE popping up in your area.
  10. Good news, but I don't know if you can really trust what Sprint CSR's or store personnel tell you. Most of the time, they are guessing or echoing what this site says. Sprint is not directly releasing much info, not to the public or their employees...
  11. This thread http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/ contains the most recent information. Sprint is running about 3 months behind, so adjust start dates accordingly. This is based on old information, so don't regard it as fact, but it is about the best information out there.
  12. If you are on LTE getting 1mbps down and 0 up, you probably have a really weak signal... if it is 3G, there is something else going on...
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