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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I really hope this happens sooner rather than later.
  2. Not really a big deal so long as they adjust their service pricing accordingly.
  3. Off the top of my head I want to say 17 sites in Puerto Rico and 6 sites in the VI.
  4. If you really need a device I say get the n5 straight from the play store and just save your upgrade.
  5. It's already the end of January, if you can wait a couple more months then I say wait for the newer devices scheduled to come out in the spring like the sg5 and the One 2. There are great devices now but in my opinion I wouldn't waste an upgrade on devices that can be purchased relatively cheap off contract. You can get a new g2 for less than $300 off of ebay, you can also get the n5 for $350 from the play store. You can then chose to resell those devices and upgrade to a newer device in a few months, but if this is not an option then the nexus 5, g2, and the One Max are all great devices.
  6. The problem is that with 2um pixel size the sensor would have to be a lot bigger if they wanted to keep that and use anything larger than 4 megapixels. The sensor on the phones like the gs4 for example are the same size as the one on the One but those pixels are smaller at 1.1um so they can fit more pixels in the same space which is fine when there is sufficient light but creates a lot of noise in low light situation because each pixel just cant get enough light. Its a trade off no matter which way they go.
  7. I haven't come across anything that specifically talks about low light performance with the new toshiba sensor(assuming they are using this sensor) so I can't really say. All they mention are improvements in autofocus, image quality and depth of field. Also keep in mind that the term "ultrapixel" is just marketing jargon but to htc it means 2um pixel size where as this new sensor is 1.4um pixel size. So more than likely it may not perform as well in low light but software will also play a big role in that. Anyway, regardless of what, I am sure htc will still use the term ultrapixels for this device as well even if it does have smaller size pixels. I am a little nervous though, the last couple of times they tried something new it didn't turn out as well. With the og evo it had an excellent camera for its time but when the evo 3d came out and image quality turned for the worse in the name of 3d. Next came the evo lte which, IMO, also had a great camera but then they came out with ultrapixel camera on the One. Now the camera on the One is great but it takes away any possibly of cropping a photo if you really needed to do so. With this, I don't know what to think, but I really hope it turns out for the best.
  8. Well based on what I have read, if true, has me a little bit more excited. There are lots of advantages of having dual sensors, I just hope that htc doesn't half ass it. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the exact image sensor that will be in it: http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/eng/product/new_products/sensor/1325631_37652.html http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/toshina-dual-lens-module-refocuses-smartphone-pictures/
  9. Well you really have to decide what's important to you, screen size or rf performance. I currently carry both the One Max and the N5 and both are excellent devices and both have their advantages and disadvantages but the lte performance is just way to strong for me to ever replace my nexus with anything else(for what its worth though, the Max is better than the One when it comes to lte performance) and of course you have the flexibility of it also being unlocked out of the box. Honestly, I don't think anyone can argue that, pound for pound, the N5 is easily the best android phone on the market right now.
  10. Yeah, happens on my n5 as well as my one max.
  11. Well 264+150 is 414 so yes, I included the deductible and I was talking about the replacement cost of a device in a situation where you have to pay the deductible. Also for any up to date smartphone, the minimum deductible isn't less than $150. Even if we talk about repairs though, I would still be paying $264 per line which is still $792 for two years with my 3 lines. I haven't used my insurance in..............well now that I think about it, I honestly can't remember when I used my insurance last, this is why I cancelled it. But like I said, if you are not rough on your phones then the insurance is a waste of money for sure.
  12. I use to always make sure that all my lines had insurance on them, but with the increase of tep as well as the deductible it is definitely better to not have insurance right now. I think that in the long run it is definitely better to just self insure. Over a two year period that's at least $414(11*24 for tep and a minimum of 150 deductible for a smartphone) with sprint and in my case having 3 lines thats a total of $1,242, this is just giving money away. Now if you really and truly are rough/careless when it comes to phones then I suppose it may be worth it but for me its definitely not worth it anymore.
  13. I think this is pretty awesome, looks like I may finally move away from my 1500 family plan.
  14. Now that would be awesome, LOL. I think the biggest improvement with the 805 is on the graphics side, the 800 comes with the adreno 330 where as the 805 comes with the adreno 420 which offers a 40% bump in performance compared to the 330. Regardless though, at this point in the game its going to be software that will be the deciding factor.
  15. Days of flagship 4.3" devices are gone for the most part, any flagship you get will dwarf your og evo. Also how can you say the s805 is a minor upgrade? What where you expecting?
  16. Every rumor I have totally dismissed so far but the source of this article was from mike1986 who knows his stuff if you spent any time with anything sense related over at xda. He is speaking with a lot of confidence, not sure if he just wants to generate more clicks for his blog which is where he made his post but its tough to ignore this particular rumor.
  17. http://phandroid.com/2014/01/03/htc-m8-leak-one-plus-specs/ Interesting
  18. First, the general public really don't care much for lg devices and because of that they always end up with little resale value regardless of specs. I said this months ago(don't feel like finding the post but I think it was in one of the lg threads) and will say it again, if anyone really wanted the lg g2 they need to wait a month or two and you could easily get it for well under $300 brand new off contract which is the case right now and the phone hasn't even been out for a full two months yet, in contrast to other devices like the htc one/gs4 for example those are still going for well over $400 to $500 9 months after the fact. Second, the only device that probably needs 3gb of ram right now are touchwiz devices because of the ridiculous amount of garbage samsung puts into it and lg isn't that far behind either but I do find lg's features to be a little bit more useful. Samsung's issue is quantity of features and not quality of features, thats why the htc one ran circles around the gs4 when it came to overall performance and the gs4 had an overclocked s600 compared to the stock s600 in the One. Also these spec wars have just about maxed themselves out. My htc one/one max are just as fast as my n5 and of course the n5 is running stock android with an s800 so at the end of day it is going to boil down to user experience. S800/s805, 2gb/3gb of ram, 1080p/QuadHD, isn't as important to me this time around because all these devices are just as capable as the next so for me the only thing that will probably make me jump for joy would be a top notch camera and insane battery life. Now you are still rocking an og Evo, which is 4 years old now, seriously? LOL
  19. You went through 8 phones? Damn bro, what kinda issues where you having?
  20. Really? You think so? I am still thinking they will go with aluminum just with some minor differences.
  21. I actually like the build quality of the nexus 5 a lot. I definitely prefer that soft touch material compared to your standard hard glossy plastic.
  22. As far as build quality, there really isn't much they can improve on. For the most part the m8 will basically look like the One but with minor differences just so you can tell the difference between the two.
  23. Haven't had any issues with video playback on the max. Now I may have some minor issues with chrome browser(probably flash related) on a few websites and when I do I just use the stock browser which works perfectly.
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