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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I haven't been to PR in a while but I don't think it will be an issue. I am currently in the VI and my N5 is working perfectly. I think the issue is from lte sites that haven't been upgraded on the 3g side, all of the PR/VI sites have long been upgraded on the 3g side.
  2. All this whining needs to stop and those that have a problem with whatever sprint did or didn't do need to get over it and move on. It is what it is and we should be glad that we have a place like s4gru to discuss these issues and understand why its happening in the first place. At the end of the day Sprint made a business decision on their end, plain and simple and if you don't like that then you need to decide what's best for yourself.
  3. There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path(Morpheus) This is the problem right here, people are just to friggin lazy to read and to search. They would rather just be spoon fed answers which takes away from the overall learning experience. Now obviously there are questions that may not have a straightforward answer that may be more technical in nature but most of what we are seeing here are basic and can be easily answered.
  4. Every once and a while they send out invites via Facebook or Twitter. Once you sign up they will select who they want out of that pool.
  5. The recent samsung phones doesn't have anything on how cheap the moto x feels, seriously, its that bad.
  6. Well they usually have all sorts of "activities" they would ask members to do and then they will pick random members who did the activities to give all sorts of htc swag including phones. They also do early software testing(which is very difficult to get into because of possible leaks) as well as early device testing. So basically you just have to get lucky, and I must say that I have been very lucky so far.
  7. I am currently in the virgin islands and lte is working perfect on my nexus 5 but I will be back home in atlanta on thursday which has lots of band 41 sites all over the place. I will give an update then.
  8. From what I have seen, various sites would just say android 4.4 and thats it. To add even though its an htc device, you can purchase a One with stock android.
  9. Sorry but that was kinda your fault with the way you said it. If you said Android 4.4 then what would have been fine but you said 4.4 stock which is vanilla Android.
  10. Well I am flying back to atlanta next thursday and there are quite a few sites in my area that have band 41 so if my nexus starts to freak out when I get back home then we know why.
  11. About the Moto X, that has got to be the cheapest feeling phone ever made. I played with one the other day for the first time and when I picked it up I thought it was a dummy model but it turned out that it wasn't, LOL.
  12. I agree with everything you said but I prefer sense over stock android and as long as it comes with at least 32gb of memory then an sd card slot isn't as important to me as it once was.
  13. At this point it doesn't matter as much to me anymore, it's about software optimizations. The gs4 and the one has the same processor with the gs4 clocked at a higher speed and the one kills it when it comes to responsiveness. I definitely won't complain if the next version of the One has an s800.
  14. I am going to be all over this when it comes out no matter what but I really hope they do something about their rf issues. The nexus 5 got me really spoiled right now.
  15. I think another tower just came online but I'm not sure which one it is. I am in the Agnes fancy area and never got lte in this area but now I am. Can't wait for all the towers to get fired up.
  16. Oh ok, guess I never really noticed before.
  17. Yes the bars reflect data strength then changes to voice strength when on a call.
  18. Could just be the reflection of the digitizer on the back side of the glass. Using hangout, I can't go further than 160 characters so I switched to handcent and disabled hangouts for my sms. No issues for me personally, at least not yet(knocks on wood).
  19. I have never noticed this before on previous devices but I am currently connected to wifi and lte at the same time.
  20. Battery life was pretty decent for me yesterday but today its definitely not as good, especially compared to my One.
  21. I am curious to see how the g2 performs as well being that they are basically the same device.
  22. St. Thomas is very small but has a lot of hills and mountains so yeah I had to through that in there. I been mapping on senorly as well but the information has not been updating on the maps for my location. I need to contact those guys to see whats up. Yeah, it really is shocking to see the difference in lte performance. It makes me really think that most of these phones really are pos's when it comes to lte performance. I am now thinking that sprint really isn't that bad after all and its just these crappy devices, LOL.
  23. So I been rocking a nexus 5 the last couple of days and I got to say that this thing picks up lte everywhere. Seriously, if lte connectivity is the most important thing to you then I highly recommend the nexus 5 for sure. I just went from crownbay to redhook and the only time it disconnected from lte was when I past the sapphire area almost to redhook. On the way back to town from redhook, it connected right before I got to sugarbay and it stayed connected from there all through skyline, down mafolie hill back into town without disconnecting once. If you want lte coverage, the nexus 5 is the device to get.
  24. I have been doing a lot of real world testing over the last 2 days between my nexus and my One and from what I am seeing 1x and 3g rf performance are basically the same between both devices. The big difference though is in lte connectivity. I have never seen such a discrepancy between two devices sitting in the same spot connected to the same tower. Other users have already commented about this as well, I am easily seeing a difference on average of about 15dbm's in favor of the nexus when connected to lte. Now currently I am in St.Thomas and due to the island's topography and your typical building construction, things can get very frustrating when it comes to rf performance but I am getting lte in places I wouldn't think was possible and my One just stays on 3g and toggling does nothing. Overall I still prefer the One but this nexus 5 is definitely an lte beast without a doubt and if lte performance is important to you then you need to buy this device right now.
  25. Same here, very annoying. I have a tpu case on both devices but I ran tests with and without cases just to make sure and it didn't make a bit of difference. The nexus 5 is an rf beast. Yeah, no other messaging app other than whats included in hangouts.
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