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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I would say most phones are dropped from the waist or so area. So from that distance the only thing that might save you would be if it dropped on some nice plush carpeting but any where else and more than likely the screen will shatter especially if it falls on an angle which it probably will.
  2. "Gorilla Glass" is just marketing language and even though its more dense than standard glass it is still glass and while it may protect against everyday items like keys, coins and minor bumps and scrapes it will not stand a chance against any type of sand/silica which by the way is probably the cause of 95% of all screen scratches. A sapphire screen would be awesome but I wonder how much of an additional cost that will be but whatever it is, I know it ain't cheap.
  3. The twitter pic is fake as well.
  4. Similar to the original and exactly the same aren't the same things. When I first saw the photo I will admit that I got a little excited but then I realized that it doesn't look similar, it looks exactly like the back of the current One with the addition of the hole up top. From what I have read, yes the m8 will look very similar to the One(everyone knows this by now) but the corners will be slightly more rounded than what you see in the photo. Also there are m8 cases you can purchase online that has the slightly more rounded corners. Also, this is a picture of an m8 case I have sitting between a One Max tpu case and One tpu case: http://s1154.photobucket.com/user/themuffinman75/media/HTC%20One%202%20tpu%20case/2014-01-28072206.jpg.html
  5. Yeah, not surprised at all.
  6. Well I don't know what to think but if I had to bet I would say its an ir blaster. The case that I already bought for the m8(assuming its a legit case) doesn't have any cut outs for the ir blaster on top of the case. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen any m8 cases with cut outs on top of the device. I also don't see how htc will release this device without an ir blaster so the only other place would be right there which makes sense to me as far as being the best place for the ir blaster instead of incorporating it into the power button(which was ingenious in itself).
  7. Now I am just speculating here but you would have to agree that it is just too small to be a fingerprint scanner. Also, looking at the exact location of the first whole, if that area is designed like it is on the One then it slopes slightly as it gets closer to the edge so I don't see how it could be a camera so my only guess would be that its for an ir blaster.
  8. Well technically it was the small tiny space above the logo but it really wasn't meant for that purpose and would only work with a custom kernel.
  9. The more I look at that photo the more doubts I have. Other leaks have stated that the m8 would have slightly more rounded corners but the corners on this looks exactly like those on the current One. If this photo is accurate though I definitely don't think that first hole up top is a second camera and it is definitely too small to be a fingerprint scanner. Based on the location of the first hole, whatever will be there would more than likely sit at an angle compared to the main camera so that leads me to believe that its an IR blaster.
  10. LOL, I feel the same way.
  11. Assuming that both devices are already in production I find it difficult to believe that either will come with the s805 but only time will tell.
  12. Seems ligit, thoughts? https://twitter.com/HTCFamily_RU/status/430768302625812480
  13. HTC did say that there may still be a possibility that future devices may come with beats audio even though beats bought back their shares.
  14. Beats audio is still there.
  15. As far as responsiveness its just as snappy as my nexus. Other than a difference in benchmarks you really can't tell the different between the One running 4.4.2 with sense and the nexus 5 running 4.4.2 stock.
  16. Its simple, samsung has literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the last few years to spam the airwaves as to why their galaxy devices are the next best thing which has resulted in them being the number 1 android oem. It has nothing to do with removable batteries, offering stock android or sd card support like everyone and their mama like to always say. Samsung has spent the money so that the galaxy brand is basically a household name just like apple. HTC simply doesn't have the bank that samsung has to market their devices in a similar way and thats the bottom line. The One really was a work of art and offered the perfect balance between excellent hardware, build quality and polished software that runs smoothly but unfortunately they are extremely limited by lack funds. You have to be able to spend money in order to make money.
  17. Looks like its live now, so check again.
  18. I don't have my One with me at the moment, but you should be able to go in and check for updates and the kitkat with sense5.5 update suppose to be available. Can anyone else verify? http://phandroid.com/2014/01/31/sprint-is-the-first-us-carrier-to-update-the-htc-one-to-android-4-4-kitkat/
  19. Not bad at all for a mid range device, thank you for taking the time to do this.
  20. Google never intended to do anything with Motorola so I am not surprised by this at all. Once Google bought Motorola, I was kind of hoping that a Motorola nexus was in the works but after Google made it clear they were letting Motorola continue with business as usual I simply assumed that Google really bought them for their patent portfolio and that's it.
  21. Yeah, linked to something similar a couple pages back. Not really sure what to think but it does seem pretty cool if it turns out to be the case. I just hope it turns out to be very useful and not some gimmick.
  22. I don't even know what to think, when holding it in either hand it is easy to reach the top cut out with either index finger so if it turned out to be a fingerprint sensor then its definitely in a better position than the one on the One Max.
  23. Was browsing ebay the other day and came across some cases for the m8, so I decided to order one. I received it yesterday and compared it to the One Max and the One as far as overall size. http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/HTC%20One%202%20tpu%20case/2014-01-28072206.jpg
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