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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Yeah, the Max is just tad bit to big for my personal preference but my girl loves it, so I will give it to her once I get through with it and reactivate my one in its place then wait for the next flagship to come out.
  2. themuffinman


    Very true. Actually what I wish they would do is release the device no more than a couple of weeks after it has been officially announced. When the One was announced there was quite a bit of hype for it but a lot of it faded away being that it took two to three months for it to be available for sale and by that time the s4 was right around the corner. Like you said though, as long as there aren't any delays of any sort, I really hope that when they officially announce the device that the street date be no more than two weeks later.
  3. themuffinman


    Two weeks or two months, doesn't really make a difference. There is nothing htc can do to significantly impact sales of the next galaxy phone. HTC simply doesn't have the marketing budget like what samsung has, and thats what it will always come down to. I really hope HTC can partner up with a much larger corporation so they can get the capital needed to compete with samsung on advertising.
  4. Yeah, I think its unnecessary as well, definitely overkill. No way you would be able to tell the difference on a 5.25" screen.
  5. All other devices on my account worked just fine and like I also said, I swapped out my n5 with my One and mms worked fine but once I reactivated my n5 it wasn't working but as of this morning its working again.
  6. What do you guys(and gals) think about it rumored to have a 2560*1440 screen?
  7. I tried a few different apps, I also made sure that the apn settings were exact. I can't speak for anyone else but it was definitely a n5 issue. I activated my One on that same line and mms worked perfectly, I then reactivated my n5 and had the same issue. I don't know what it was but at least mms is working again.
  8. I am using textra as well, but when I got up this morning everything now seems to be working fine.
  9. Stopped using hangouts for a while now but for the last couple of days or so I haven't been able to send or receive any mms on my n5, no issues on my One or One Max. Edit: Triple checked my apn settings and even performed a hard reset and my mms issues are still there. Also, it doesn't matter what messenger app I am using.
  10. "Cheap feel and feature spam problem" LOL, this made me laugh a little.
  11. The nexus 5 is all about lte connectivity. There isn't any other device on sprint right now that can come close to the n5 when it comes to lte connectivity plus it very inexpensive and worth every penny if you buy it off contract or get it for a few dollars on contract. If you really like htc and sense, then you will probably enjoy the latest versions of sense. Sense 5/5.5 on the one/one max is very streamlined and overall performance is just as fast even when compared to the nexus 5 which has better hardware and is bloat free. If you don't mind waiting though then I say just wait a few more months for the latest version of the One to be released which should be around spring at the absolute latest. In the end you really have to look at whats is important to you.
  12. A few iphones had issues like this last year, the problem seemed to fix itself over time for many people while others just exchanged it.
  13. I understand what you are saying but it could also be argued that sprint already had a competitive network pre 2010 and have always been competitively priced yet they haven't had customers breaking down their doors up until that point. Now whether they should change their name or not could easily be argued but my point is it will still take more than just competitive pricing and a great product/service for customers to come running, sprint has got to do more to build consumer confidence. There are lots of companies out there that make great products that are also priced competitively but due to the lack of consumer confidence they can barely afford to keep their doors open. Tech sites don't control the industry so whatever they say doesn't really matter to me either but sprint does in fact have an image problem and it will take more than just service and price to change consumers perception of sprint. Build it and they will come mentality doesn't always work out that way. Here at s4gru, we have a lot of facts to back up the things we already know so its easy for us to see a more positive outlook for sprint but everyday consumers simply don't see that at all.
  14. I am not gonna lie, I have always thought that sprint will eventually change their name once their network upgrades are more mature. A lot of consumers have negative perceptions of sprint compared to other networks and regardless of how great the network might get, it probably won't be enough to shake that perception. But who knows, only time will tell.
  15. There were two more sites that got accepted on friday, the tower in the bovoni area and the tower on mountain top. So thats a total of 5 towers accepted with 3 to go on St.Thomas.
  16. First obvious question, have you performed a hard reset? Also, do you have the 16gb or the 32gb?
  17. It most definitely is. I am definitely not surprised by this news, I think I may have even mention this before but in either case though, I just don't see it happening.
  18. There are 3 towers that have LTE on st thomas and st croix as of right now. Not sure what's the status on the remaining 5 towers on St. thomas, the remaining 2 on st croix and the 1 on st john. But I have seen work being done on some of the other towers that doesn't have lte so hopefully the remaining towers will come online soon.
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