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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I know, I was just assuming that maybe he had both phones sitting next to each other looking at the bars and not comparing both devices while using the app.
  2. Keep in mind that the evo lte is reporting 1x voice strength while the Max is reporting data strength, that's if you are just comparing how many bars each phone has.
  3. This is actually something worth celebrating, I am so proud of you. LOL!!!
  4. Actually I got the One Max and power jacket directly from htc to test out and keep. As far as a charger I just use the stock charger it comes with which charges the phone a lot faster. With the power jacket I am getting two days with what I would consider heavy use.
  5. Well I've been rocking the One Max(with the power jacket case) since friday and for the most part its a great device and Dat Screen!!!! As for the rf performance, its great when it comes to the 1x and 3g side of the things and compared to the One its slightly better in the 4g department but still has a ways to go to get close to the N5.
  6. The operating software has nothing to do with the radio software. With the 4.3 update also came an update to the radio software as well. If you are rooted you can easily flash an older radio if you have issues with the current radio. For me personally all the radios worked about the same, currently though I am rocking a One Max which definitely has better lte performance than the One and I am also rocking an N5 which is by far the best lte performing device you can get on sprint right now.
  7. Now that you mention it, I would say the evo 3d was probably the worst rf device I ever owned from HTC. It was definitely worse than the og evo and the evo lte so if that's the device you came from then I can definitely understand.
  8. The only person that can honestly answer that question is you. Just try them all out and decide for yourself.
  9. I must say that when it comes to 1x and 3g connectivity I never had any issues with HTC devices, my only concerns were with 4g signal levels. Also note that other carriers don't seem to have the same issues with their HTC devices compared to HTC devices on sprint.
  10. Personally I will end up with an m8 no matter what but there is no way it will perform like the N5 when it comes to lte so if lte connection is your number one priority, then the n5 it is.
  11. LMAO!!!! I wish I had 10 more accounts so I can like your post 10 more times. LOL!!! Thank you, stop with the mid level nonsense and go top of the line please. You can't, in no way, go wrong with the N5.
  12. Based on what you are saying it doesn't sound like you were in your recovery in the first place. When in recovery(twrp) the first think you should do is click on advanced then adb sideload. Also make sure that your android sdk is up to date.
  13. I don't blame you, I still think that overall the One is a better device but for lte connectivity you can't get better than the nexus 5. My lte coverage on st. thomas has almost doubled using the n5 compared to the one.
  14. If you really want to fix those gaps do yourself a favor and get a nexus 5, you will be shocked at the difference trust me.
  15. Of course we are all different and we all have different wants and needs and different tastes but for me personally I still prefer the One overall compared to the nexus but honestly if I had to chose just one device to walk with right now, it would be the n5 for sure but thats mainly because of its incredible lte performance.
  16. My Evo Lte on 3g was absolutely perfect, no complaints at all. The issues mainly had to do with 4g.
  17. Well as for 3g its fine, not really better or worse than any other 3g phone(imo). Comparing it to my One and my Evo Lte, my N5 is averaging the same 3g signal levels than the other two devices but of course it destroyed them both when it comes to 4g signal levels.
  18. Glad you got one ordered, dealing with some of these reps can be so frustrating at times.
  19. I think he was trying to say that the entire n5 can fit inside of the screen area of the one max.
  20. Went to sprint yesterday to look at it myself and all I could do was laugh when I saw how ridiculously large this device really is in person. Anyway, can't wait until I get to try it out on a daily basis.
  21. Just got through dealing with a serious bootloop over last 2 hours. I took my n5 off the charger after it was fully charged and it immediately went in to a bootloap. This is a link of someone else with the same issue, keep in mind the video is not in english but at least you can see what is happening. https://www.dropbox.com/s/czpmuj8pgy1budn/VID_20131126_085704.mp4 I ended up getting it to boot back up by constantly pressing the power botton before it could bootloop again, that seemed to work.
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