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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. I wasn't around for that or I would have said it's a dumb argument, Clearwire was already "owned" by Sprint so it wasn't like they weren't listening to Sprint and not doing what they wanted.
  2. I think someday it might happen, but I doubt that it would be in the next five years. Sprint just has too much to do right than having to worry about how to integrate T-Mobile.
  3. Robert (site admin) is currently in the moving process so membership level changes might take a little longer than usual. EDIT: Robert beat me to it, kinda.
  4. That seems like wishful thinking to me, but I do hope that that ends up being the case. Either that or Sprint jacks up the price so Ergen overpays for it.
  5. Just kidding, not everybody was paying attention when whole thing went down.
  6. I don't see that happening. I think DT will sell TMUS sometime but I don't it's to SoftBank.
  7. It could be that they want HD Voice to work between the three network vendors and they haven't been able to figure that out yet.
  8. I don't understand, why is it a lost cause to buy rural carriers when they before the only reason they didn't was because they didn't have the money to? Also, just because it doesn't benefit everyone doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile. Of course, it's highly dependent on how much Sprint would have to pay for it. And why exactly does who the president was matter about AT&T and Verizon? I don't see the Obama administration trying to stop AT&T and Verizon at all.
  9. Ah, I didn't even think about the Cellular overlap. Hopefully that USCC/Sprint LTE roaming deal gets done, it would greatly benefit both.
  10. AT&T has been on a spending spree lately and I think that the more likely target would be Verizon because they have all the same bands/airlinks.
  11. I think Sprint integrates with them really well and if they have to be acquired I hope it's Sprint.
  12. Boy, It's too bad that we don't have someone who lives near Sprint's home market and knows about that kind of stuff.
  13. Motorola is sending out an OTA that fixes the weird camera performance. http://anandtech.com/show/7353/moto-x-update-dramatically-improves-camera-quality
  14. Yeah, I remember that. One can only hope that since they tried to get all that money that they'll have a better plan this time around.
  15. When compared to those two devices it does seem like the mini does seem a bit narrow. P.S. Phonearea's size comparison tool is very helpful.
  16. That link was basically saying that because they're supposed to launch at the same time we think ubuntu might be on the Nexus 5. Also, I think what Canonical meant by being available on the nexus first was simply that it'll be much easier to put ubuntu on it, so that's where they're going to start.
  17. This isn't a Sprint thing either, all the carriers are like this.
  18. Good luck at you're new job, Robert! I do my best to help new/uninformed members and don't worry about S4GRU, I and all of the staff and dedicated users will make sure that this is a smooth transition for S4GRU while you worry about making a smooth transition for your family.
  19. No Tri band phone has released yet on Sprint despite them launching elsewhere so I think that being Tri band has to be a part of it.
  20. Yes, Sprint wants TDD but nobody else really does. Of course, if they don't get enough spectrum they might be forced to use TDD but that's a worst case scenario.
  21. I doubt they end up using TD-LTE for 600. Also, you have to remember that Sprint will upgrade all it's LTE to LTE-A because the difference from rel. 9 and 10 is just a software upgrade.
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