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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Here is my personal thought: the Nexus 5 won't be bought through Sprint but you'll buy it on Google Play and then activate it on your Sprint account.
  2. I figured you knew, I was more pointing out for someone just reading through the thread and wouldn't know. Also they are most certainly not my folks. I am an Iowan regardless of whether I live in Nebraska the rest of my life or not.
  3. Nebraska as a whole, yes, where I live no. Unless you consider a city with ~250,000 people rural.
  4. Someone took pictures of the exact same thing in the Nebraska/West Iowa sponsor thread.
  5. I don't really have any more desire to pursue it more, it just struck me as really odd. It almost seems to me as if it isn't getting proper backhaul like it should.
  6. If those were off peak hours, then what do think the problem is?
  7. If the Nexus 5 is the device we think it is, then it most certainly is tri band
  8. Please don't promote AnTuTu, the number means absolutely nothing.
  9. I think they're trying to avoid "Florida Man" https://twitter.com/_FloridaMan
  10. I don't want to speak for him, but I think he's saying that in his area Comcast needs competition so that they can't get away with some of the crap they pull.
  11. Actually in my town they're moving into a newer, bigger and better located building, so there's my local anecdote.
  12. Wow those speeds are kinda bad, especially LTE. Is you're area really loaded or something?
  13. If you're interested in the Galaxy Gear then get a Pebble or wait for the Qualcomm Toq.
  14. To be fair to Sprint though, a lot (from my vantage point) of the problems with NV have been things that are out of their control, It's not like they're being cheap either, I think they've already spent the money.
  15. I think you're going to get your wish since the Moto X is on the big four.
  16. I hope you enjoy your time at S4GRU, it truly is a great place.
  17. I think they're going to exit the consumer Smartphone business and focus solely on enterprise.
  18. I don't think throwing more money would fix anything at this point, at the beginning of planning for NV? yes, probably. At this point they already have a contract and things are delayed due to various reasons. Also, how on earth is the "SoftBank thing" pointless? They're the reason that Sprint is going to put band 41 everywhere and without them Sprint might be in real financial danger at this point.
  19. BlackBerry probably isn't "dead" as far as a company, they just might exit the smartphone market. And why shouldn't it matter? just because it's struggling doesn't mean you can twist the facts anyway you please, that's kind of attitude just breeds misinformation.
  20. Yes, that's what BB10 uses for push email, as well as IMAP IDLE.
  21. USCC uses either band 12 or band 5 for LTE depending on where you are, Verizon and AT&T are using band 13 and 17 respectively (although they, AT&T, have promised to start using band 12). I would assume that nTelos would use band 25 but I could be wrong about that. Time tables are difficult to predict but either way, you would need a device that supports both band 12 and 5 to use USCC's LTE. See above but also add in C Spire who is primarily in Mississippi, I believe.
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