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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Clearwire LTE buildout underway this month? http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/23/clearwire-starts-building-lte-network-this-month/
  2. Shumpert's iPhone 5 review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZLOTms24E&feature=player_embedded#!
  3. looks like you're limited by yourself, if you're connected to an airave.
  4. I agree, I've watched people on boards go into a hypertensive crisis for years about Sprint raising prices and/or getting rid of unlimited data... neither of which have happened.
  5. I wouldn't expect anything else from Engadget. Engadget tends to rave over everything Apple does and they've always had a bias which favors Apple products. Not even worth reading, in my opinion. Edit: 10 bucks says they ban you for that post.
  6. I love JB. The only problem I have had so far is that when my Nexus S 4G got the the Jelly Bean OTA update, FoxFi no longer works. Have any of you guys heard if the FoxFi dev's will be making a fix so it works with Jelly Bean? Thanks in advance! Ben
  7. Nothing we don't already know, but I think Qbking77 says it pretty well in his article. http://www.acsyndicate.net/iphone-5-fails-to-impress-the-tech-world/
  8. Isn't that the truth... Remember the last time Apple innovated the antenna?
  9. One of the first thing I learned about smartphones: Never get a budget device.. you're going to be in contract for two years (typically).. you're better off paying just slightly more and getting a flagship phone. Typically the extra 50 to 100 dollars is night and day. And, 50 to 100 dollars over a 2 year contract aint much. Worth every penny, IMO.
  10. Starting your own cell phone network, designing and building your own cell phones... is there anything you don't do, Josh!?
  11. Thanks, Scott. I've found that list to be really helpful.
  12. Cool, Thanks Josh. If you're interested, I found the comparison from Engadget I was referring to that listed it as 1GB of memory. http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/12/iphone-5-whats-changed/
  13. Engadget listed it as 1GB, but I haven't seen official specs. So is the general consensus that this new iPhone supports SMR/800mhz for 1x, but not LTE?? I am hoping that when we find out for sure (if haven't already), Scott will add it to his awesome list of phones that support SMR. (Thanks in advance, Scott!).
  14. And that is probably exactly why Apple is trying to sue they hell out of everyone. I think even apple knows the iPhone5 is "meh," and may not be able to compete on its own. Then again, there really were not any major upgrades from the iPhone4 to 4s, either. see the trend?
  15. here, Just throw this on your phone and call it a day.
  16. Those are good Speeds. Do all the iPhones have that yellow Sprint logo up top?
  17. The comments in the "Sprint Community" always crack me up... Like a million little Verucas running around.
  18. Well, that blows Papa Johns out of the water.. BBQ is pry my favorite food. But at 1/2 price, I think I'm going to be lazy, have a few beers and eat some pizza. Don't you ever notice how much better food tastes when its free or significantly discounted?? Enjoy your weekend!
  19. Haha! I just came here to place an order, too. I'll pop open a frosty one while I wait! Cheers!
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