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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. To put that level of usage in perspective, it requires an average of 8 Mbps for every second of the entire month. If I ever met the asshat who thought that fair and appropriate, I would punch him in the gut. AJ
  2. Uh, no, 1 TB per month over mobile broadband is not abuse. It is network genocide. AJ
  3. "Cover your ass soon"? What, is Robert wearing a hospital gown? AJ
  4. Yeah, you are stock, and I am bond. AJ
  5. Talking to an uneducated worker entrusted to do tech support is like talking to a dog -- it just looks at you with big eyes and nods. AJ
  6. For the next iPhone, Apple will use the grain of sand SIM. AJ
  7. Are we talking about insect body parts or antennas? AJ
  8. This thread smacks of first world problems in a third world country. AJ
  9. It will be delayed while Thom Yorke sues NSN for trademark infringement. AJ
  10. Shh! The Walmart can hear you. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/154591/it-can-hear-you AJ
  11. Keeping the subsidy model is what makes that handset cost an inflated $700. So, it becomes a vicious cycle. AJ
  12. Take the word "mobile" out of the title and the best option for short Mexico trip is -- do not go. AJ
  13. Let us clarify. Absent some sort of nefarious hack, no one is going to camp on band 26 all of the time. AJ
  14. That is called SRVCC, which stands for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity. It is a 3GPP thing. And while it probably could be harmonized with CDMA1X, I doubt that it will. AJ
  15. You will not need your own mobile service while in Mexico. The cartel that kidnaps you will let you use one of its phones when you need to call your family to pay the ransom. AJ
  16. No. While I would rather see the cellular baseband on the same SoC in an MSM configuration rather than an APQ configuration, the battery drain difference for the latter at this point is difficult to judge, hence minimal. And I think that Anand overstates the case when he says "most of Qualcomm's recent flagships." Last year, the HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, LG Optimus G, et al., all used separate Snapdragon APQ and Gobi MDM chipsets. This seems to be a cycle with Qualcomm. The year prior, most of the flagships -- such as the Samsung Galaxy S3 -- were on an MSM platform, thus incorporating both processor and baseband onto the same SoC. So, much of 2014 will be APQ plus MDM. Then, 2015 will be focused on a new flagship MSM that combines both processor and baseband. AJ
  17. No, ASCII and text. (And if you do not get it, look at the picture and say it aloud.) AJ
  18. It would or still will be confusing for many consumers. Billy Ray will get a new VoLTE enabled VZW handset and wonder why in the dickens he can video call with Jim Bob but not with Buddy Lee -- not understanding that Jim Bob does but Buddy Lee does not have a VoLTE enabled handset. A lot of users are going to think that this is just a network upgrade and that any handset with a front facing camera will cut it. Another point to keep in mind is that VoLTE on VZW benefits users only with potentially higher quality calls -- with or without video. They already have simultaneous voice and data, since VZW has steadfastly stuck with a dual RF path SVLTE paradigm. So, most of the VoLTE advantages flow to VZW itself, since VZW may then start to offer single RF path, 3GPP only handsets. I actually hope that VZW gets a little too far over its skis on this one and really pushes single RF path, 3GPP only handsets. Rural VoLTE coverage is going to stink like shit, and it would be fun to see VZW take a hit to its supposedly bulletproof network reputation. AJ
  19. If those band stats are accurate, your international handset in your location is compatible with only AT&T GSM/W-CDMA and T-Mobile GSM. If you want "3G" service, you have no choice other than AT&T (or an MVNO that rides on the AT&T network). AJ
  20. My spell checkers are on either side of my nose and between my ears. AJ
  21. In this case, VZW may be using "VoLTE" to refer not to the transport mechanism but instead to the higher fidelity codec. In other words, a call to a non VoLTE handset or landline would be transcoded and lose any fidelity gain. It would still be VoLTE on one end, but to the technologically challenged average user, it would not sound like a "VoLTE" call. AJ
  22. Yes, arm wrestling for custody of his son. What quality cinema. AJ
  23. Yes, Charles in charge... I vote for Scott Baio as the new CEO. AJ
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