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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Well, Sprint "fails" at nearly everything it does. Is Sprint practically cursed? Or maybe Sprint just lacks the scale to force its initiatives to work. What you guys also need to realize is that any buyout of/investment in T-Mobile would be heavily financed. That is not difficult to come by because the financiers recognize that a Sprint-T-Mobile would receive an immediate combined revenue benefit. Now, instead, try getting equivalent financing for an organic buildout that has no promise of return on investment, and remember that Sprint has been a floundering company financially for many years. Good luck. AJ
  2. From a Sprint standpoint, nothing has changed. The current sweep still shows the band class 10 CDMA1X 800 carrier, and that is it. No band 26 LTE 800 carrier. AJ
  3. And that would be a risky investment with no guaranteed return. Sure, Sprint could theoretically throw the $30 billion at CAPEX instead to expand the network greatly. But what if that would attract away from VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile only an additional three million subs? Great, Sprint just spent $10,000 per sub to acquire them. That would be a poor return on the investment and might be enough finally to sink Sprint for good. Thus, you can see why Sprint wants the scale automatically gained from T-Mobile's 40 million subs. AJ
  4. Nope, never heard of her. All I can say is that someone should have helped her momma spell her daughter's name properly. AJ
  5. The Framily that gets happy endings together stays together. AJ
  6. If the "T" in T-Mobile stands for "taco," I would not mind a "merger" with the Pink Taco. AJ
  7. Ah, geez, is this the "4G fee" again? I can just see it now. I will be paying the extra $10 and told I will get a happy ending this summer. But next year, I will still be waiting. You did get the fractured speech pattern right, though. "You want happy ending? That cost extra. Me love you long time." AJ
  8. Will the "Happy Connecting" event include a "happy ending"? AJ
  9. The agita in this thread never ceases. Welcome to another episode of As the World Turns: Days of Our Lives with the Nexus 5. AJ
  10. Just do not get Samsung to correct its "enginerring." I rike it a rot because it makes me raugh. AJ
  11. The app change log indicates that you now must be rooted. So, have you gotten back to your root(s)? AJ
  12. That is an ingenious idea because, after all, where is the safest place to keep your iPhone but up your... AJ
  13. Alright, we need to put a stop to this. You can "pull it" in private all you want. But if you "pull it" when you quote someone in this thread and then post it, well, that is messed up. AJ
  14. Well, he is a doctor. He has a Ph.D. A pimpin' hos degree. AJ
  15. Instead of build your own pizza, just think of it as assemble your own iPhone. AJ
  16. Break in to Foxconn prison, and you could probably snag a new iPhone right now. AJ
  17. The VZW handset supports SVLTE. It may not even be displaying LTE signal via the "bars." AJ
  18. The issue is the account, not the device. Some of us have accounts of a certain age and/or with certain quirks that require manual intervention for phone activation. AJ
  19. Sprint does not release these devices -- the OEMs do. Sprint just agrees to "white list" them and carry them in store. Would you rather that Sprint not do that if the device encountered any hiccups in testing? Maybe the latest device offered by Sprint should be the Samsung Galaxy S4 from last summer. How well would that fly with the buying public? AJ
  20. Yeah, that is exciting. Who knows, maybe you will even start dating your new OS... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzAHZLRdIgE AJ
  21. No, I am not sure why that is not a viable option. Though I have little need to use LTE only mode, phone calls are something of an intrusive nuisance. I take/make probably three phone calls per month -- and those are almost always via VoIP from my laptop in my office. Every other call, well, instead of the proverbial rejoinder "talk to my hand," you can "talk to my voicemail." For nearly all purposes, e-mail, SMS, and Web are far more convenient and far less intrusive. If you are one of those unfortunate souls who has to use the phone regularly, I feel for you. Talking to people on the phone is a chore. In fact, maybe you are a time traveler from the past. Back to 2004, back to 2004... AJ
  22. SMS to Canada costs $10,000 per occurrence. AJ
  23. Maybe he wants to get wood. AJ
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