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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Oh, I thought of the T-shirts. But Legere likes to wear his own "magenta" ones. AJ
  2. As a potential Sprint-T-Mobile breakup fee, I would offer Legere a lifetime supply of pomade, five sport coats and pairs of distressed jeans from the Gap, and a personal meeting with Don Johnson of "Miami Vice" fame. I think he would take it. AJ
  3. I would appreciate it if someone would be willing to sample in other major forums and comment sections what the popular response is to this new top 5 percent throttling policy, then report back the consensus and some highlights. I would do it myself, but I fear the worst from uninformed, angry people, and that just might cause me to have an aneurysm. AJ
  4. Yes, it will. The policy may need to be adjusted over time. And that is why Sprint set the current threshold at 5 GB per month. That is wise. AT&T enacted a similar top 5 percent policy several years ago but was not at all transparent about the usage required to ascend into that top 5 percent, leading to much relevant criticism. AJ
  5. Pump and dump. Sit and spin. I think that we are coming up with a lot of great ideas that Legere can go do with himself. AJ
  6. We should buy that and send it to Legere as his new desk chair. I would gladly chip in. AJ
  7. Right. Basically, the use of a few is creating congestion that is unintentionally "throttling" the use of others. This new policy turns the tables on the cause -- explicitly throttling those who are greatly contributing to the congestion. I have no problem with that. Call it operant conditioning. Reinforce the idea to these few that exceeding 5 GB usage per month leads to throttling, managing data below 5 GB per month leads to no throttling. AJ
  8. And users are not really sharing a 30 Mbps pipe. In the real world RF environment, average maximum throughput is much lower than that. I have a post on the subject that I will share later. AJ
  9. Just post a pic of yourself in a big hat instead. We will get the message. AJ
  10. Not "only." If somehow you rack up enough "normal web usage" to degrade network capacity for others, that qualifies. AJ
  11. Look at it this way. The top 5 percent may be using, for example, 50 percent of the capacity. That is a reasonable estimate. And if those 5 percent get throttled down, that could free up the 50 percent for other users. So, those overloaded band 25 sectors may not be so overloaded any longer. AJ
  12. Dan is 60 years old and likely has tens of millions of dollars in the bank. He can do almost whatever he wants with the rest of his life. If I were even 40 years old and had even $1 million in the bank, I would mostly stop working and more seriously start pursuing my interests. I could afford top notch gear for pro photography or test bench equipment for audio/video component measurements. And the funny thing is that -- when you have money and are not concerned about making more money -- you often find yourself in the position to make more money. I could probably earn a fair sum publishing my photos and/or my A/V component test bench results. It might be worth it if Legere, who has repeatedly slandered Sprint, has to make an about face and spin Sprint into something positive. Yep, Legere just might have to sit and spin. AJ
  13. I think you mean the "Cruise Director." You will have to speak to her about that. AJ
  14. To put some Qualcomm initiatives into perspective, Qualcomm also proposed GSM1x so that GSM operators could both keep their preferred GSM MAP (i.e. backend network) and switch to a notably superior CDMA1X airlink. It went nowhere. In short, GSM1x could have existed but never did. AJ
  15. Well, you do have me. I carry a big stick. But I do not always speak softly. Regardless, I know of an industry that I would like for the "trust buster" to come back from the dead and charge into head first -- like a bull moose. AJ
  16. There is no such thing as "partial W-CDMA." It is 5 MHz FDD or nothing. Additionally, GSM is ridiculously outdated at this point and not standardized for SMR 800 MHz -- that would be a fool's errand. Now, if not for IBEZ and incumbent issues, such that Sprint had sufficient SMR spectrum nationwide for a single HSPA+ enhanced W-CDMA carrier, that might have been a viable option. Band 26 W-CDMA is standardized; albeit, it has never been utilized anywhere. AJ
  17. Yep, we basically have two pipsqueaks equipped with pea shooters going up against two giants carrying blunderbusses. To make matters worse, the two pipsqueaks spend much of their time sniping at each other. Meanwhile, the two giants are laughing all the way to the bank. AJ
  18. For an analog, most of the population is not knowledgeable about Net Neutrality. However, that does not mean the likes of VZ, AT&T, and Comcast should just get their way. The population needs experts informing them and/or making wise decisions for them. See my point? This is largely a tangential point, but I feel it to be related. I cannot help but think what harm VZW and its decisions have done to Sprint over the past 10-12 years. First, VZW effectively killed EV-DV by rushing to EV-DO. Then, VZW did likewise with UMB by selecting LTE. On the latter count, if VZW had just shed Vodafone a few years earlier, we probably could have had UMB, which would have been much better for 3GPP2 operators. And we would not have this nonsense of Eurasians telling us to do things their way. AJ
  19. Uh, if you have ever been "jammed," I think you would know. AJ
  20. And I would think the general consensus here at S4GRU would be "Hell no!" After we finally got low frequency voice in SMR, it would be taken away, replaced with T-Mobile PCS/AWS. Back to square one. Also, your statement about using SMR for GSM voice does not make sense. Please elaborate. AJ
  21. Gag. That would just throw CDMA1X 800 on to the scrap heap already. And that would be a bad move. You see, e/CSFB does not work so hot if LTE is deployed below 1 GHz while whatever is the circuit switched voice carrier -- W-CDMA or CDMA1X -- is deployed around 2 GHz. The propagation characteristics, hence coverage footprints are so different. T-Mobile sure as hell better realize this; otherwise, its band 12 LTE 700 deployment is going to fail e/CSFB calls right and left. That is probably one reason why T-Mobile is pushing VoLTE up in the schedule. AJ
  22. That is AMR-WB -- the way that the Eurasian centric 3GPP does HD Voice. AJ
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