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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No. Remember that BRS/EBS 2600 MHz is unpaired spectrum. It allows for only TDD operation. AJ
  2. Good lord, this thread has become a Premier sausage fest. Did you guys scare off everyone else? AJ
  3. Yes, VZW CDMA1X would need to be deployed in Cellular 850 MHz or PCS 1900 MHz spectrum. Unless I am unaware of a spectrum lease or affiliate type contract, VZW holds no spectrum in either band in Alaska. So, I do not know what is going on with this voice service deployment. Neal Gompa probably knows. AJ
  4. I seriously doubt that he has the knowledge of FCC construction requirements to back that up. In some ways, Son is just another asshat who thinks that he can throw his money around and get his way. AJ
  5. Upon closer examination, that appears to be a cow, not a donkey. Plus, he may not own it. So, we cannot definitively say that he has his head up his ass. AJ
  6. That reminds me of a great Saturday Night Live sketch with John Goodman called "The Referee Pittman Show:" AJ
  7. What Sprint did or did not do a decade ago may not have mattered. I do not necessarily buy this, but some say an industry that has large barriers to entry and requires massive investment in infrastructure can support at most two effective competitors. The Twin Bells may have been and will continue to be preordained. AJ
  8. We have used the all you can eat buffet analogy a lot. So, if you think the previous version inaccurate, try this one. The guy who runs to the buffet and fills his plate every time the shrimp cocktail is brought out is told to have a seat and let the other patrons have fair opportunity, too. Then, he can go back to the buffet. AJ
  9. No, not many here will "hate" your comment. In fact, I firmly agree. But I also realize that Sprint is fighting for its own viability against the Twin Bells and a Santa Claus like T-Mobile. If Sprint were to cut off "unlimited" data for everyone, there would be cacophonous "rabble, rabble" from the peanut gallery -- even from those users unlikely to be affected by the current throttling proposal. Sprint would get pilloried on numerous fronts. AJ
  10. No, it would be like telling the person gorging himself directly off the buffet to go to the back of the line, grab a plate, and let the people who are taking only sensible portions on their plates get to eat, too. AJ
  11. The defense is that no, the proposed throttling is not a perfect system. But "unlimited" data is an even more imperfect situation because too many people use too much data without any cognition of how it affects other users. Then, gridlock ensues. And, for the record, no one is taking away your "unlimited" data. You just may get throttled during peak times on congested sites. Since you claim to use most of your data off peak, that should have little effect on your access. If so, then go. Do what you need to do. At AT&T, you will pay for your level of usage. But the Sprint network cannot currently stand so many "unlimited" users. A few years ago, AT&T was in the same predicament. What goes around comes back around. AJ
  12. I know where he gets his info... AJ
  13. Sprint is not likely to do much additional organic buildout for its existing 50 million sub base. It has long since reached the point of diminishing returns. Rather, an organic buildout probably requires the economy of scale added by a T-Mobile acquisition. And that looks to be a tough sell. AJ
  14. The CCA plan sounds good on paper, and it will help in some regions. But do not get any grand illusions. The total CCA footprint is still less than that of VZW. Plus, many CCA members are already in bed with VZW via the LTE in Rural America program. So, they are off the table for Sprint. In the end, the Twin Bells have duopolized the truly national urban/rural wireless buildout. That ship has sailed, and Sprint will probably have to make do with something less. AJ
  15. Again, maybe you chose the wrong place to live because many other places do not have that problem. Regardless, you chose the wrong place to complain because that is against the rules. So, shut it. AJ
  16. Maybe you just chose the wrong place to live. Too bad. AJ
  17. Has no one verifiably reported the secondary band 25 LTE carrier EARFCN? Remember, I have a thread for that. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5454-network-vision-and-spark-earfcn-logging-thread/ AJ
  18. Oh, I left out "figment." AJ
  19. You made a typographical error. Instead of "faction," did you mean "fiction," "fixation," or both? AJ
  20. Well, you need to be sure. The cliche in real estate is "location, location, location." The same basically applies in wireless. Location, location, location means proximity, proximity, proximity. Hypothetically, if Sprint had a site every half mile, it would destroy VZW and AT&T in coverage -- no matter how much low frequency spectrum the duopoly held. Along those same lines, consider wireless history. Tampa is an original Aerial PCS A/B block market. I will not bore you with the details, but Aerial -- one of T-Mobile's primary ancestors -- was able to enter the markets of Columbus, Houston, and Tampa (but not Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Pittsburgh) about 2-3 years prior to Sprint. T-Mobile may function better in those markets where its predecessors had a jump start, as it could grab site locations and market share to get the ball rolling. Anyhow, I am glad that you finally found your natural home at the zoo. Are you housed in the chimpanzee cage or the hyena enclosure? AJ
  21. No, it will not be any different on .17 in Kansas City. I was the first to document a band 26 carrier with my spectrum analyzer, but I had never made an actual band 26 acquisition until today. I finally decided to try the .15 modem zip this morning. Voila! For the last six months on .17, I had no band 26. But on .15, I had immediate band 26. And that continued to be prevalent as I made my rounds in Lawrence and the Kansas City metro today. AJ
  22. ...and receiving a citation for public indecency. AJ
  23. I have a better "simple:" do not go. You are a glutton for punishment if you attend an amusement park during the summer. Do it in April or September when the dumbass kids are in school and the lines are nearly non existent. AJ
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