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Bob Newhart

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Bob Newhart

  1. People complaining about these companies joining up is funny, when most locations in the US can't get cable at all, yep really.
  2. Don't sit behind a computer all day........ it sucks! You're young enough to make a good choice. People will always need medical care, you always hear about those poor Doctors/Anyone/Anything driving their beemers living in the big house etc. Remember, enough money is never enough, so ignore it when people tell you that. Choose a career that you'll enjoy, your life will be so much better.
  3. Most of the city of Seattle hasn't been touched according the maps, especially the towers in SODO. Must be reasons.
  4. That doesn't make much sense, as they're not locked, it could be used on any other GSM company. That stolen database, does that even work?
  5. Yep, the full integration is really nice. I'm looking forward to later this year to see if anything changes with google hangouts and voice.
  6. You can still use google voice for voicemail with AT&T. I do. I use it with AT&T and Sprint, a single voicemail location for two lines.
  7. Just to make it clear to us all, do they or do they not have your credit card info?
  8. • Connecting 20 Million Students in 15,000 Schools to the Best Technology to Enrich K-12 Education. The FCC is making a major down-payment on the President’s ConnectED goal of connecting 99% of students to next-generation broadband and wireless technology within five years. In the coming weeks the President will announce new philanthropic partnerships – including by companies like Apple, Microsoft, Sprint and Verizon. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-executive-actions-orders-state-of-the-union-2014-1#ixzz2rpdufKpp
  9. Does the 'spinny thing' indicate data activity?
  10. I got a nonsensical text to my phone, just a bunch of codes that made no sense. Another household member got one in English though.
  11. If you're using your s3, that would be on the 1900 Mhz frequency.
  12. I use onesuite.com with a Linksys PAP2T for outgoing calls, used it for maybe 5 years, pretty reliable. I think they charge $3 per month if you want a number, can port too.
  13. All third party google voice apps and devices are getting disabled on 15th May 2014. People are hoping that it means voice is coming to the Hangout application on Android, just like it is on the iOS app.
  14. With the new Sprint user terms, the amount we're allowed to roam has been reduced. But with the Sprint 800 Mhz spectrum starting to be used now, people will roam a lot less where it is enabled. I can't wait until I think 2016(?) when its available along the border zones.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if they put CDMA by mistake and really meant a GPS signal. Otherwise, if you can get a Sprint signal, why on earth would you use wifi, doesn't make sense. But then again, all the calling plans being put out by Sprint over the last few months don't make sense either, only people with accounting degrees know what is going on.
  16. By Sprint allowing people to use the Nexus5 from the play store, they're keeping customers. Otherwise they'd be losing more of them than they are already are. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/analysts-sprint-lose-150k-subs-q4-verizon-add-15m/2014-01-16 I feel that the n5 is the only phone on Sprint that is worth having and is keeping me on their network for now. I know others feel the same, at least one other.
  17. Why would 600 Mhz make that much of a difference? It could put a slightly longer reach on existing tower locations. But they have a lot of existing spectrum that can use, but they have to build or add onto another's tower to use it. Rural is a subjective term, again.
  18. That is between the 2 and the 80 turnpike. Small/rural is very subjective, I have noticed on here that a lot of people think anything smaller than New York City is rural and NYC is the centre of the universe.
  19. Can you explain what the LTE TOY is , or link to info? If it isn't a site, why is listed on the map as a tower/site with 800 support? thanks
  20. I'm surprised that 800 site is there, that could mean we'll get others more in land.
  21. I was in Anchorage this month roaming on Alaska Digitel (GCI CDMA), great coverage, great 3G speeds, close to 2 Mbps downloads. It is shame they made that non-native coverage.
  22. With Alaska Digitel now being part of GCI , has the Sprint <-> GCI roaming agreement ended? All coverage in Alaska is now considered roaming and not native since October 2013. I saw this. http://www.fcc.gov/document/application-sprintcom-inc-and-alaska-digitel-llc-long-term-de-facto-transfer-spectrum-leasi
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