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Bob Newhart

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Bob Newhart

  1. I was near a yellow 3G/4G site in Orting, WA yesterday with a Nexus5. It picked up LTE for the first time for me. Pretty weak signal out on the West side of town in McDonalds, but still got about 4Mbps down on LTE with a strength of between -105 and -115. A person with an s3 had the same signal strengths on their phone, but their download speed was less than 3 Mbps. We ran this test several times independently. Driving East of town, speeds went upwards of 25 Mbps.
  2. And neither have great coverage. They'd be better off building coverage instead of buying customers.
  3. A lot of recent updates for this service area over the last few days by Robert's reports.
  4. Thanks teeitup, good to hear. I shall drive a little south to a yellow pin and see what happens. They have 800 Mhz over in Richland, jealous!
  5. When I read the hoopla about 180 Mbps on spark, I laugh. All people want is 1 (one) Mbps, or a signal where they don't have one. I don't understand why they are spending a penny on this spark, when they haven't completed 35% of the NV upgrades, according to the status map.
  6. And it works. There is a reason he is CEO, he is an actor.
  7. Since it has an SD card, it will be interesting to see if it gets the same SD support as the s4 GPe. The external access to the SD card has been mostly been removed since the 4.3 update, and now for sure in the 4.4 Google play editions don't get the best software support. On the s4 GPe, the front camera resolution just got reduced from 2 MP to VGA, even though it advertises 2 MP on the play store.
  8. Yep that is correct, it has to be solid for it to listen for the 'ok google or ok jarvis' command. I found issues when not having the language set to US English.
  9. Why does a user only use 700 MB per month? The answer would be different for different cell companies. If the signal/speed isn't there, a user isn't going to use a byte or even a nibble.
  10. You used to be able to link to full screen maps with a zip code. For example, I used to use this: http://sensorly.com/fullscreen/map/4G/US/USA/ATandT_Mobility/lte_310410#q=98001 Now when you enter a zip code, you have to wait for it to search for the city, then you click it. Then you select carrier. Then you wait, Then you select 3g or 4g, then you wait. Then it asks you if its ok to save cookies. Still can link to direct maps though. http://www.sensorly.com/map/4G/US/USA/ATandT_Mobility/lte_310410#q=Auburn%2C+WA+98001%2C+USA Looks like they are using the same web site designer as T-Mobile. Life is hard for me now.
  11. I'm sure it is security issues, but the inverse,where they wouldn't have their listening/logging software installed, so they don't want them here.
  12. Does an increase of 3db mean about twice the signal strength?
  13. On the main screen that shows the 1xRTT / eHRPD / LTE/ Wi-Fi signal strength bars, Can the eHRPD carrier be listed also on this same screen? Just how the 1xRTT carrier is. Both are shown on the notification pulldown eHRPD (Verizon) and 1xRTT (Sprint). thanks
  14. I'm surprised they aren't just giving it away.
  15. I got mine from their ebay store. I also got their ultra fit, but I like this one better, the grippyness is great.
  16. I have this, its really good. No problems at all. One of the best cases I have seen.
  17. So you can roam internationally, if you have it enabled. This was a similar setting to those in the Verizon Droid phones.
  18. I have issues where its in the CDMA Sprint mode, and it coming with errors saying that it can't find a T-Mobile signal. Ugh.
  19. Is it real obvious when its an HD call? I know when use Vonage to Vonage with their app, that is very clear.
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