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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. I just connected to lte at 81 memorial
  2. I had to take a trip to edmund today,luckily I was passenger and scanned for Sprint towers like a hawk. A surprising number of them had NV antennas visible from the highway. I had several 70 mph speed tests that yieded 1.5mbps + 3G. Also hit my all time high non airave 3G download speed of 2.37mbps (10 miles past sapulpa) Thinking back I wish I would have counted how many rru/sector there was,but at the time I was more concerned with locating the towers and looking at what equip if any had been changed.
  3. Your usage directly relates to what you do while your using service. If you are tethering to check email on a laptop you aren't causing any harm, and while unauthorized tethering is against the Terms of Service tethering for email does not interfere with anyone else's usage. On the other hand if you are streaming video content on a desktop and playing PS3 online tethered you are deffinitly abusing the bandwidth, and slowing down the connection for your towermates. It's the constant draw of data that slows it down and the heavier the draw the less room there is for others on the same site.
  4. I consider it the best of both worlds.
  5. Yes, setting other variables that may affect final performance aside; multiple connections don't slow down the pipe (at least not so much with newer equipment) each packet has a scheduled time slot, multiple connections do eat away the bandwidth however, which is the pipe.. Depending how crazy your little tethering party gets over there you will be eating the bandwidth of your site. Eat all you want, don't cry when its no longer unlimited. Yes, Sprints current 3G is not fast. In all urban non upgraded areas 3G crawls, without proper backhaul these legacy sites are way over capacity. This directly kills performance, the current legacy network was designed in a day where the smartphone was a thing of the future.
  6. 1GB of mobile data seems like a very average data consumption number, Granted i only have 3G, but i stream music,videos,data intensive apps,social media etc, I consume about 2.5GB each month. With LTE i suspect ill consume more like 4GB. I feel that even my "heavy" data usage should remain unlimited as i am using the data per the terms of service. I think Sprint could remain unlimited up to 10GB or so and after that $5/GB. And anyone using 334 GB in 1/2 a month probably needs their own fiber line and should be kicked off Sprint.
  7. At&t does have 10x10 in Tulsa, I saw many 50-70mbps tests at launch, now that has "dwindled" into the 20s. I have a friend with Verizon that has about 12mbps everywhere he goes,and back at launch time (December 2011) it was getting 25mbps. I look forward to 4x4 mimo the additional spectrum offerings will be given their chance to shine.
  8. You are correct,all variables equal 700mhz penatrates structure better than 1900mhz. I believe 1900mhz serves a good purpose for LTE,if I remember reading right it's one of the bands least suceptable to interferance. I'm not entirely sure if its just "naturally" stable or if its because its a niche band and sees very little use aside from Sprint. (I'd need AJ to set that straight) but a clean (interference free) airlink is required for each user's connection and the LTE ecosystem overall.
  9. as far as NV goes, where you have service today, it will be improved greatly by NV. NV itself does not eliminate the deadspots that lie throughout the city. Theoretically those will still exist. However most likely with the deployment of CDMA 1x 800MHZ it should minimize any dead-zones as well as increase your in building signal. I think after our deployment is finished in T-Town (in city performance) should rival that of Verizon. There are many on here with more knowledge than i, hope they jump in here and say anything i missed.
  10. That's an excellent ping time, have you seen any tower work?
  11. Do you have an airwave? Many of us live in older homes built from brick and 1900mhz can't penetrste. I get no reception in the house and about 4 bars on my front porch. Sprint's airave gives me 5 bars inside my house and I don't think I've ever dropped a call on it,whereas I use to have to be outside. If you tell sprint of your situation they may offer you one.
  12. I'm just waitin for the day they flip on the 4G
  13. My 3g has been fine the last week or so. I havent done too much speed testing but its worked well for streaming music and such. It still has a tough time streaming video and if its HD content forget about it.
  14. Just drove past a full build in progress at 81st & Mingo, this tower is less than a mile from my home .
  15. guess that's better than waiting, fixed location performance should increase with each site that comes online correct? as the signal location approaches your physical location.
  16. It't not broadcasting. I would bet they hold off a bit longer so they bring more online.
  17. A 2nd LTE site has been accepted in Oklahoma, this one is in Bixby.
  18. Hmm, sounds like a nice weekend project...perhaps in the sponsor section.
  19. Galaxy s3 with espier launcher, looks like iOS! I ditched my iPhone 5 for the S3 and never looked back. You very well may be able to trade the 4S for the s3
  20. I had some excellent LTE in Memphis a few months back,.... as far as when a site goes live nobody can tell for sure. Once it's been accepted for 3G I believe it could go live at any time...this could still take a while. But knowing that its close is semi-comforting. I can almost taste the LTE goodness now!
  21. I have been envisioning some community Wifi lately, would be an excellent use of tax dollars!
  22. Very nice to see LTE coming on line in a neighboring state!
  23. I just ate all my lunch before my youtube video started playing!
  24. Each tower is designed to address a specific need. Some towers are designed to shoot down a stretch of road. Some are designed for high capacity etc. As far as follow the street I mean each tower only has a certain coverage area. The street that's covered could be the street with the tower. And other streets may be out of range. Not sure how far the build out is in your area but LTE coverage will most likely mimic the current 3G coverage when its complete.
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