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Everything posted by cletus

  1. Pretty solid speeds driving around town these days (don't worry I was in the passenger seat)
  2. Maybe he just hasn't had time to wait in line for 3 hours for Franklin's BBQ here in Austin //Edit: ON A NON BBQ NOTE: I am super excited for Sprint's future. I think there is considerable risk going forward with how the whole lease debt offloading and the scheme for densification in general BUT at least where I am Sprint has rapidly turned the corner and surpassed even my expectations. Super hopeful for the next Nexus 5 to have CA and the next iPhone too so my family can really take advantage of the new and improved network.
  3. Hum, not sure what evoked that response but it seems clear from the data http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/blog/special-reports/2015-1h-national-us that my experience is, in fact ,not unique. If you scroll down to AT&T you will see they are the ONLY carrier to have the following characteristics: 1) To have MORE markets in the 0-5 and 5-10 Mbps speed tiers in 2015 than 2014 (Verizon only went up 1 market in the 5-10 category) AND 2) To have LESS 20 Mbps+ markets To me that suggests that AT&T's network performance as a whole is not only not getting BETTER but actually SLOWING nationwide. My experience is actually representative of this decline which is why I posted it.
  4. Here is the Rootmetrics blurb in Austin: AT&T’s median download speed decreased from 21.3 Mbps to 12.3 Mbps since our testing in December. Sprint’s median download speed increased from 8.5 Mbps to 10.8 Mbps. Sprint will easily surpass AT&T on the next testing phase here. I am seeing 20+ Mbps everywhere I have tested over the last 2 weeks or so.
  5. Geez. I hope they take enough customers that AT&T's network actually improves for once (work phone is AT&T). But seriously that seems SUPER aggressive. Marcelo making moves = mmm.
  6. damn you. fine. you all win. If anyone else is in the Austin area I will be at http://estanciachurrascaria.com/ for lunch
  7. Also, with a grain of salt here are the newest rumored specs: http://www.gforgames.com/gadgets/lg-nexus-5-leak-hardware-specs-48424/
  8. I'd bet he chooses something else like churrasco or some other style of South American "BBQ" (churrasco is amazing when made with plantains and fried egg and avocado) I am so hungry right now
  9. Netflix and Youtube aren't. I think Youtube @1080p60fps can use something like 1.5 GB/hr or higher. If you watch Twitch streaming it can DEFINITELY get way up there since it is not as optimized as Netflix/Youtube. Music doesn't pull even close to the data video does which is why the whole whitelisting of music is really not all that big of a deal except for people who stream higher quality music a TON.
  10. Interesting results on Dads vs Moms. My experience has always been it is Moms who push for kids to have phones earlier than Dads do (at least in the group of friends I have)
  11. Here is hoping the new Nexus devices and new iPhone(s?) all support CA going forward then. My wife just went from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 6 and has already been having a much better experience on Sprint now that she can hop on B41 that is pretty much blanketed Austin now. I hope Sprint can keep it up but I fear they will need more than a debt swap/lease offloading to Brightstar to bring them to a place where they are doing well.
  12. Probably a fake leak but it isnt TERRIBLE looking to me at least. It just looks like they slimmed the phone down as much as possible. Makes me wonder how good of a camera that will be.. Still leaning towards the LG Nexus 5 after seeing this though.
  13. The surprising thing for me has been AT&T's relative decline compared to T-Mobile and Sprint. I could see Sprint really challenging AT&T for #2 network on RootMetrics if Sprint can get their act together
  14. Hey, as long as Google Fiber comes to your town then you have internet options to do it! Google Fiber announced they were coming to Austin and my TWC internet was boosted 5x the past speed so now I have 100 down for $45/mo. Residential Plans Current Speeds New Speeds (Downstream/Upstream) (Downstream/Upstream) Everyday Low Price 2×1 3×1 Basic 3×1 10×1 Standard 15×1 50×5 Turbo 20×2 100×10 Extreme 30×5 200×20 Ultimate 50×5 300×20
  15. I called in and they waived both this activation fee and the next fee if I upgrade before 12/31. Give it a shot.
  16. Same here. Until 4k screens don't come with huge battery life penalties I am fine with 1080p. If 1080p is good enough for me to watch a movie on my TV then it should be good enough on a itty bitty screen as well. The jump from 480/720/1080p was noticable but I feel the jump from 1080p to 2k and 4k is less noticeable because except for a few youtubers (MKBHD) and Netflix (House of Cards?) I can't think of any reliable sources for 4k video anyways. I mean, honestly, as it is streaming Twitch.tv to my phone even @720p looks great. The fact of the matter is many people can't stream 4k over a household internet connection much less a mobile connection. Even Netflix with their excellent compression is at 15.6 Mbps or higher when trying to do 4k. (They recommend 25 Mbps minimum connection speed though https://help.netflix.com/en/node/306) The sad truth is that something like 25% of American households have home internet connections that can reliably sustain that speed. We just plan don't have the infrastructure for land connections much less mobile connections.
  17. So, just as a side comment.. I think it will launch on the 10th or later. Why? Because the Sprint iPhone promo for $15 ends on 9/10.
  18. I just hopped on the deal for $15/mo. My wife's iPhone is honestly cracked and super beat up. Plus she wants the newest generation so this seems like a good way to go iPhone 6 to the new iPhone for the same price. Also, I was able to call Sprint and get both this activation fee and the next activation fee waived if we move to the next phone. ...plus it means my wife will have no objection to my getting the new Nexus 5...
  19. IMO the best part of this is that having a reliable source of cheaper iPhones for resale which Apple really wants because it is getting stomped on by the cheaper Android phones (most notably Motorola). This accomplishes that while letting Apple sell at it's very high price new at retail. I imagine that Apple is a big supporter of regaining marketshare and getting iPhones into the hands of more people who will probably buy new from them in the future.
  20. Anecdotal sure but my wife is in Chicago for a wedding and some other stuff and she says her coverage and speeds are awesome. Much better than when she finished school there 7 years ago (one would hope that would be true). Anyway my point is she is getting good coverage and speeds even on her iPhone 5.
  21. I called in and they waived the first activation fee (for when I get to the store) and told me to call in when I get the next iPhone to waive the other one. Super easy conversation and no hesitation on their part. Good job Sprint customer care.
  22. The only hitch in this new offering is this: Do you have to pay the $36 activation fee for each phone? So, if my wife gets an Iphone 6 now ($36) and then an Iphone 6s or whatever ($36).. that is about 10 months of the difference between $22/mo and $15/mo. Just food for thought. I have a rather large corporate discount at Sprint so I will have to look if that includes waived activation fees as well.
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