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Everything posted by cletus

  1. This is a pretty good point. Also, I used to have tons of soccer teammates where the whole family had nextel service because of wanting to chat quickly across the border with relatives. I think these days many people just use a calling card cheapo phone for Mexico calls and then have an iPhone for service here in the US.
  2. Since I have a few B41 sites near me I plan to watch them via speedtests over the next few months to see if they can hold up to the onslaught of iPhone users. I am not sure how they will do seeing as they APPEAR to be just clearwire towers that I used to connect to for WiMax. My 50-60 down may be because I am one of the only ones ever on the towers.
  3. For most people it is. I do a lot of transfers from my home server setup to various computers and it also lets me encrypt traffic at router. I upgraded from an N66 (already sold, sorry) and it was a very solid router. Here is one for $58 that ends in 7 hours: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ASUS-RT-N66U-DARK-KNIGHT-Wireless-Router-/261595312222?pt=COMP_EN_Routers&hash=item3ce84bb05e
  4. I am on TWC right now currently at 100/10 and I have a ASUS AC-68 router (I think I bought this for ~170-200 on eBay) with a Zoom 5341J Modem ($58 at walmart right now, I got mine on eBay for $40 or so). This is a really impressive modem and I get slightly better signal on it than an SB6141. I highly recommend the ASUS routers. AC-68 is probably overkill but an AC-66 would work great.
  5. Thanks for this as it does confirm what most of our impressions were regarding the refocusing of 2.5GHz plans. However, this was a terribly written article and it felt more like I was reading a 5th grader's book report than an article about Sprint's rollout plans. "However at Communacopia some analysts and media seemed to misunderstand the Sprint. So I spoke with Sprint to get a clarification. Dan Wright from Sprint Corporate Communications said nothing had changed about their plan so there should be no confusion. That was good to hear." "This is an important lesson for every company to learn. Make sure every word that you say is clear and helpful. Any confusion will create a confusing mix of stories that will keep the marketplace confused. And the marketplace does not like confusion. They like to understand clearly every step of the journey." Eugh.. Edit: What a coward. The author deleted my comments on the article.
  6. Buying the router (obviously discounted for T-Mobile customers) to flash it and not use it for it's intended purpose seems like a scumbag move to me. I mean geez, you can get a used AC-66 for like $100-125 on eBay. No reason to ruin the promotion for T-Mobile customers that actually have a use for it.
  7. Neat! I was there just a few months ago and had pretty poor coverage. Now if only they would address the Austin airport
  8. Not sure if this is the right thread but I have noticed that ONLY CLEARWIRE sites seem to be able to hit the really high speeds I see on B41 connections. I have an EVO3D and the very few speedy WiMax sites that I historically connected to appear to copy exactly the only areas I get very high speed connections here in Austin. Otherwise the speeds CAN be quick (10-20 max down) but only these few areas seem to get very high speeds. Is that because backhaul on the Sprint owned towers is poor or because these towers handle ONLY B41 and no other LTE bands..or both?
  9. I totally agree with you. Sprint probably has the weakest network at airports across the country. I've lately been to Austin, DFW, Detroit airports and all 3 were 1) low signal levels 2) If triband capable had VERY low speeds of ~1-2Mbps.
  10. So is the deal they give you $80 to not get a new phone? or is it just open ended?
  11. Yeah the 100/10 I have now is nice but the process involved 2 weeks of almost total downtime. It is actually the reason I came BACK to Sprint from Ting because I realized if I had to rely on my home internet for work which often involves some quite large files I might not have a reliable connection in an emergency. My internet went out for an hour today during the rain storms we are having.
  12. This is an Apple problem, not a Sprint problem. My Dad was told the same at AT&T.
  13. Correct. The 2 year price is a ripoff unless you are already on a subsidized plan. Even the iPhone 6 16GB ends up costing an extra $236 over easypay
  14. Hey, sorry about your bad experience. FWIW, I took my Google bought N5 from Ting (Sprint MVNO) to T-Mobile and now to Sprint proper. One of the issues I ran into was some of the employees at my non corporate store did not know how to handle a N5. Mostly it came down to having to assign the SIM and also how to get the right IMEI. I went to the corporate store and they did not have an issue.
  15. If he monitors the network daily.. I wonder what his username is here?
  16. Correct. For users like yourself I doubt there will ever be a plan to match yours. Don't forget to divide your downpayment cost across the 24 months. So your cost is actually ~$58.30 + tax. Either way for the privileged few SERO-P is an excellent plan.
  17. There is a Sprint 5S 64GB for $660 right now but I think that is someone being hopeful. 64GB phones do tend to hold their premium pretty well.
  18. Yes. The plan is $50 + $20 for the phone as outlined here http://www.sprint.com/landings/iphone/ Check https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L4FXkfyfM69LNJ6-vJ0baMZxdSWJ8N8aQNS_vVd5XOM/ for how much the plan will cost yearly. So you gain unlimited talk out of the deal and it costs you $1680 on i4L plan over 2 years vs the $1978.86 you outline here. It is a better savings than you calculated. Do Sero plans qualify for employer discounts? Edit: Getting the i4L with Tep ($11/mo?) is cheaper than your current plan W/O insurance. Cool deal.
  19. FWIW I get better prices selling phones on Swappa. (I also get cheaper prices buying there as well oddly enough). Also add a pic of the SIDE of the phone. People seem downright obsessive about making sure the iPhone "doesn't have chips all over the sides"
  20. If they copy T-Mobile by letting both new AND existing customers take advantage of promotions then that would be great. What Sprint needs to do is get some low cost Spark phones for Boost and Virgin and cheaper Sprint customers that are on outdated singleband LTE or even WIMAX phones and really relieve pressure on the whole network. edit: While I was typing this IamMrFamous07 posts a link talking about sub $100 Spark phones . . . creepy
  21. Yeah there are some places in SA and Austin that remain simply AWFUL. Like my post above all it takes is a single upgrade to improve the experience for everyone. By getting my Nexus 5 onto B41 they not only make the experience better for me but it also relives the non triband users of my congestion.
  22. Also, according to http://www.sprint.com/landings/iphone/ and the reps I talked to the $50 plan is NOT eligible for employer discounts. Just saying because people have already asked me about it on the pricing spreadsheet I made.
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