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Everything posted by cletus

  1. It is a species of shark. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullhead_shark The last Nexus 5 was codenammed Hammerhead.
  2. For a quick answer: Not even in the same ballpark. https://swappa.com/buy/samsung-galaxy-s-6-sprint/us https://swappa.com/buy/apple-iphone-6-sprint/us Iphone 6 was released September 2014 while the Galaxy S6 was released in April 2015 and the Iphone STILL sells for more than the Galaxy. The difference is even more pronounced when you go to older iphones vs older galaxy models.
  3. The way I read it is that my wife has an Iphone 5. She turns that in and gets an Iphone 6. If she then upgrades to the new Iphone 6s that comes out this year she can keep the $15/mo cost with the new phone.
  4. Very interesting! I will definitely consider as my Wife's birthday is coming up (and it will mean a good excuse for me to upgrade to the new Nexus 5 when it comes out....)
  5. I seem to be in the minority if you go by reddit comments, etc but I really like the look of this phone.
  6. I do program management at an RF engineering company where we primarily work with radars (government contracts obviously). The RF test setup some of our end customers have is simply insane. Racks of $200k a pop test equipment with every option. I am confident I would never be able to make enough to replicate those setups in multiple lifetimes.
  7. These verizon plans are absolute crap. 12 GB with 4 lines is $160 BEFORE the cost of new phones. I mean jesus with new phones you might be looking at another $100 a month! I mean, I get that it is a rock solid network blah blah but still that seems incredibly costly for the amount of data you get.
  8. Totally agree. After I bought my Nexus 5 I realized that a good phone doesnt mean it has to be a $600 phone these days. The new Moto G is actually looking incredible for the price point it is at ($219 for the 16 GB model? Review here ) I look forward to the new Nexus 5 that is coming out too.
  9. http://www.theverge.com/2015/8/7/9116493/verizon-is-doing-away-with-contracts Getting rid of contracts and going to shared data is an unexpected move from Verizon.. I thought they would hold on to contracts until the end of time.
  10. BTW for anyone wanting to read the transcript: http://seekingalpha.com/article/3397085-sprint-s-r-marcelo-claure-on-q1-2015-results-earnings-call-transcript if it prompts you to login: Username: fabskxha@guerrillamail.com Pass: bugmenot
  11. Slightly off topic but has anyone else been going longer between phone upgrades or is it just me and my friends/are we just getting old? I used to get a new smartphone every year or so but now I am still on my Nexus 5 and my wife is on her iphone 5 and we are pretty happy. I guess for me there are diminishing returns for the expense of a new phone. My only real want is a better camera but my N5 has what I consider decent battery life. The N6 didn't hold my interest long due to price and size but maybe the next N5 will be something that I get. Maybe my buying habits have just permanently changed now that I am not getting subsidized phones and instead buying them outright so I've become more price conscious.
  12. Nexus 2015: Return of the LG. I hope the new Nexus will be priced around this range. I love my Nexus 5 and when I tried the Nexus 6 I just didn't like the size or the price of it.
  13. Weird that I had to edit the quote for this to show up ^ Anyways, my sister actually has this issue and is probably coming to Sprint over it. Mostly I think she is pissed because the vast, vast majority of people will be slightly annoyed at this bait and switch but deal with it because moving carriers is more than $12/mo of hassle for many people. She doesn't see it that way and I think once she figures out her exact employer discount will be coming onboard with Sprint. Uncarrier my ass.
  14. This doesn't really impact me as I can use my work VPN to bypass this stupid limit. The real problem is WHY was this even considered? At least make it 5 MB down so people can do HD Netflix Even then imposing a limit is still stupid as hell. Netflix and Youtube are honestly incredibly bandwidth efficient. The quality you can get on Netflix at recommended for HD levels is awesome! I don't even want to update the pricing spreadsheet with this abortion of a plan.
  15. In an effort to promote discussion: Why is carrier aggregation important for Sprint? Doesn't Sprint have tons of spectrum to work with? Don't get me wrong, I am for sure excited for higher speeds as most of my usage tends to be burst downloads when i tether my laptop to my phone when I am in the field (12 GB this month! ) so anything that saves me a few moments is just extra icing on the cake. Will it help edge case issues such as dropping to 3g in a low LTE signal area/or help speeds in low LTE signal areas? When I am on the outskirts of a cell here in Austin (which has GREAT LTE coverage) I can see some very slow speeds still. Or is this mainly to help the above case I described by throwing more available bandwidth at people? How does this help when for Sprint I feel that it would still be limited by backhaul in many cases? Thanks ahead of time for any clarification.
  16. So where do we talk about carrier aggregation excitement? This is probably the one thing that will make me upgrade my Nexus 5 and my wife's phone as well. Austin is a fantastic Sprint market except for very, very small pockets where you get kicked to 3g (usually doing airplane mode on/off kicks you back to a weak lte signal). All things considered I will probably re-up with Sprint in the future.
  17. I moved to Sprint because of the deals they offered on the shared data plans. When my promotional rate expires I will re-evaluate and go from there. I've always been a Sprint fan and even though I left Sprint I only went to Ting because the Sprint network wasn't worth the plans they were charging. Now the network is great and seems fully fleshed out. Unfortunately that has definitely taken some of the fun out of being on S4GRU because now I don't really have any questions about why the network is slow or why I can't get LTE everywhere. The only hitch I have is my wife's iphone 5 only gets 1 LTE band so she isn't as impressed by the turnaround as I am on my Nexus 5.
  18. I am still happy with my Nexus 5. It runs great and never had an issue. My only complaint would be the terrible speaker and poor camera but for the price at launch it was a great deal.
  19. I find it kind of interesting that the results are not skewed higher. I figured S4GRU would be on the higher end with most users above 5GB and quite a bit more in the 15 GB+ range. I won't be changing my plan but it does give me a bit of pause for next time I re-up.
  20. 3 things happened here: 1) I went from a position where I met vendors to a higher up position where I no longer have to 2) We got fiber internet and gigabit wifi at work and 3) my wife was at home on bedrest and then the baby came in March (neat to see the spike from the hospital stay as the wifi was terrible there). I avg about 50-75 GB+/mo over WiFi now. Happily I only pay $88 after taxes for the 24 GB shared plan (+4 GB from that promotion) because I expect to be upwards of 8 GB per month when my wife goes back to work. Streaming music adds up quick!
  21. Sure but I bet the average user is probably at like 2-3GB which probably puts it at $40ish which is $960. Even if they are between your estimates and my estimates then Google does alright. They don't have any physical network to support or huge outlays of capital here and if we are honest this doesn't appear to be something Google is super heavily invested in going forward.
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