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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. It's true of all high speed networks. HSPA+ and LTE Advanced too. They use a much higher modulation which is much more fragile with a weaker air link. I have Verizon LTE also on a work phone and a personal hotspot. Verizon LTE maxes out around -93dBm RSSI (-118 RSRP equivalence). Around the same as Sprint LTE. Tmo HSPA+ will still work beyond -93dBm, but performance plummets. There is no perfect high speed wireless network that has great performance even with weak signals. But in areas with weak signals, LTE is still faster than 3G in most instances. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  2. It's posts like this that make me realize that unlimited's days are numbered...because people like you are going to use 'the shit' out of LTE even in places they could offload with no net effect on performance. I hope you enjoy 'the shit', because you won't have it for much longer. But don't forget to wash it off your hands. Wireless networks are a shared resource. When you over use when you could off load (even when you paid for it), you just are impacting someone else who is away from WiFi who cannot offload (and they paid for it too). I don't need LTE in my home. I need LTE where I go. You folks who think you need LTE in your home so you can get your monies worth are pathetic. I can sympathize with people who live in a rural area with no options, or low speed options. But you people who have a reasonably fast WiFi connection at home but want to use 'the shit out of LTE' in lieu of WiFi are extremely short sighted. Bet you won't be using 'the shit' out of it when Sprint institutes data caps. Idiocy. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  3. We do sometimes get info about market starts. But only in markets where we have a local source. So far, we do not have a source in the Kentucky area. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  4. There has been no new information. Once a market starts deployment, I don't usually find out until our members see activity in Sprint towers. If you see something, take a picture and post it. We can identify Network Vision panels and RRU's usually very easily. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  5. They are upgrading the entire network, not just cities. So they upgrade each site the moment it is ready. It is typically faster to have a rural site ready to upgrade than an urban site. Backhaul install is usually much faster at rural sites, as well as planning, zoning and permitting. Frankly, I get tired of all you city folks who get all pissed off because for one time in human history, the rural areas got something first. Part of me wants to laugh and point at you. I get tired of the, "Doesn't Sprint know how important I think I am? I should get LTE first!" As has been stated many times in this thread, I am very grateful that Sprint has put PR at the top of the deployment schedule. PR will likely be the first market totally complete. And San Juan will likely have complete coverage before most stateside cities. Sprint is treating you guys very well, all things considered. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  6. I have had issues with Tapatalk developer attitude as well. It is not limited to Forum Runner. That being said...Tapatalk has a new server extension pack update I can install. It may help with some of the bugs. I will try to get to that this week. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  7. And if you can snap some panel pics where we can confirm NV work is under way, we can add it to the In Progress map. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  8. pussy cat Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  9. Negative. Looks like AT&T on there top where they are working. I don't see any NV work in this pic. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  10. S4GRU requires posting to be in English. Muy pocos de nuestros Moderators habla espanol. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  11. In the S4GRU Sponsor section we have maps that show every Sprint site in the country. As well as all the completed Network Vision sites. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  12. I'm going to mark it as In Progress in the database. Let me know if you are able to confirm with pics. Thanks! Robert
  13. LTE performance is very signal strength dependent. Weak and distant LTE signals will produce mediocre results. Sprint Android devices (except for LG's) do not show LTE signal strength, even when 4G icon is shown. It is discussed here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2040-bars-lie-for-lte-signal-strength-how-to-determine-your-actual-lte-signal-strength/ Robert
  14. Apple Maps is just using a color purple to denote airports that is not very complimentary to Sensorly's purple color to show 4G coverages. If the color purple is uniform over a very specific area, it clues us in that it is not the coverage purple. Robert
  15. You cannot use the AT&T and Verizon explanation. That is not what they did. They didn't make fatter data pipes for everyone just to continue doing whatever the hell they want, they instituted caps to limit the amount of data people consume. And if people consume as much data as possible, even when they can offload with no net effect, they are saying they are looking forward to the same data caps on Sprint. Period. That is extremely short sighted. Robert
  16. I've added the Belle Chasse site as In Progress to the maps. Thanks! Robert
  17. And it probably will if you do not clear your LTE record. Robert
  18. I think the Brooklyn signal was up high at that location. There is an elevated train platform there. You probably will not get it at street level. But it may have been testing, as described above. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  19. Chicago is (or was) a spectrum constrained market for Sprint. Once a site is maxed out with the available spectrum, there was not much left for Sprint to do to help performance. Especially on 3G. Also, Sprint didn't have any additional resources to deploy a 2nd LTE 1900 carrier in Chicago. However, now that Sprint is buying USCC's spectrum in Chicago, it has much more breathing room. They can deploy another LTE carrier and lots more 3G and voice carriers. They won't be able to add these in the near future, but its going to do a lot for capacity in your market. Until then, Sprint will be deploying more small cells around Chicago to take more burden off the macro network. Once LTE is fully deployed, it will help a lot as well to reduce the burden off 3G. And Network Vision handles all the traffic more efficiently. It will get better and better every month in Chicago for Sprint customers from here on out for a year or two. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  20. There have been a few spots where I think this has happened. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  21. I disagree. Sprint's OEM's are actively working or mobilizing in all the cities they have named. These are not places that will not start for six months. If so, most Sprint markets would be on that list, as most of NV markets will be under way within six months from now. People want to know this. Even if maybe you don't. They didn't say launch was imminent. They said work was starting in the coming months in these cities and LTE may be available at sites as they complete. I think this is pretty good info to pass on to your customers. Its no different than what Verizon did. They posted a list in late 2011 of the cities that will begin LTE work in 2012. Except their list was for a whole year. Sprint has broken theirs down to a much smaller chunk. Obviously people want to know where Sprint is working and where they are working next, or S4GRU wouldn't be so popular. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
  22. Portland is in Sprint's Oregon/SW Washington market, and is different than the Sprint's West Washington market that covers the Seattle/Puget Sound area. Work is definitely underway in the West Washington market. It may be in your market also, but we have not heard any confirmation yet. If not now, then work should start in the next 30-45 days. Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk
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