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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Old Bridge has LTE because it was part of a FIT. The rest of the Central Jersey market is no just starting deployment. Additional LTE sites probably are 30-45 days from starting to go live. And they will likely go live one at a time over a period of six months. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. A Sprint exec recently said in an interview that the entire Nextel iDEN network will be turned off at the switch level immediately on June 30th, rendering the network unusable. It will be a steady progression across the country on that Sunday. That glorious Sunday to be, 30 days from now. Oh glory, glory, hallelujah!!! Then over the coming days they will go and power down each site to stop the operational costs. Then they will begin deinstalls to get the equipment gone and stop the lease payments to site owners. Ding, dong, the witch is dead! Or should I say, "Chirp, chirp, the network's dead!"? Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. I like introverts and extroverts. Im Bi-troverted. I go both ways. But I find extreme extroverts to be over the top. I run and hide from those things. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. Barring any future unknown issues, i see Sprint/SoftBank getting approval and closing this Summer. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. I just use S4GRU on Tapatalk...so I'm immune. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. Somewhere has to be last. And I think most Americans would chose Fresno and Bakersfield to be last. Not me, personally. But I hear the jokes. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  7. AT&T and VZW are not better than Sprint. Networks for all three carriers are vastly different in different places. And everyone has different needs. It is foolish to say that AT&T and VZW are better for everyone, everywhere. Just as foolish as saying Sprint is best for everyone. We don't even say that. I personally have Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile. Tonight I was in a place in Santa Fe, New Mexico where my Sprint 3G was actually faster than my Verizon LTE and T-Mobile HSPA+. In that instance, Sprint was the best carrier for my data needs. This is often not the case, but illustrates that no network is perfect. VZW LTE performance is rapidly declining. And I have noticed Tmo performance declining since they reinstituted unlimited. No network is immune. The bottom line is we are very open about the current state of the Sprint network. It's all throughout our forums. I don't bullshit, sugar coat or lie. And we do not advocate for any service. We openly and frankly tell people they should leave Sprint if they do not meet their needs or cannot wait out the upgrades. However, I don't know what you expect from a Sprint forum site made up of Sprint customers who are excited about and track the network upgrades? It's not a pro AT&T or Verizon forum, that's for damn sure. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  8. I find that hard to believe considering the Iphone 5 for instance which only comes in two models: a CDMA version and a GSM version. Apple's specs for CDMA support the 800MHz carrier: http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html The only difference is the software radio that's loaded onto the phone from the carrier. There's no change in hardware, just firmware. Once tri-band is fully available, Apple won't be making a new model for their phone, but rather Sprint will be loading new firmware to enable its operation. We hear this time and time again, every time a new band comes along. It never happens. The same was said about WiMax and LTE too. It's not going to happen. The only exception is sometimes a device is built to be ready for the network, and it is intentionally deactivated. Like the T-Mobile GS4 and Nexus 4 will support Tmo LTE with a firmware upgrade. But the bands are already supported. There is no Sprint device, not one, that is capable of supporting LTE 800 with just a firmware upgrade. Everyone that has a Sprint LTE 1900 device will have to upgrade to a LTE 800 device if they want to use that band. Same with TD-LTE 2600 on the Clearwire network. The Sprint model of the iPhone 5 only supports CDMA on the SMR 800 band, not LTE. Even if it were possible, which it's not, but even if it were, it would be unlawful for Apple to push out this firmware upgrade. It never went through FCC certification to run LTE on the SMR band. If Apple is going to go back through FCC testing and approval, they will wait for the next incremental upgrade to the iPhone (this Fall) and include LTE on Band 26 in that unit. Apple will sell more units this way. Apple would have no motivation to go back and reengineer their existing products. They will hide behind the smokescreen that it can't be done and insist you to upgrade. The same talk was out about the iPhone 4, which didn't support CDMA on 800 SMR band. They said that the radio and antenna for CDMA 850 was close enough that a firmware upgrade could switch it to support CDMA 800. That never happened, either. CDMA 800 on SMR band did not occur until the iPhone 5. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. I'm really digging the ability to see the topic title staying at the top of the screen as I scroll through a thread. It is more often than not that I forget what thread I'm in and have to hit the back button to find out. This has been my biggest complaint with Tapatalk and Forum Runner. I'm glad they've fixed it! Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. Since Clearwire is deploying and will continue to deploy its TD-LTE network, I think that is a non-issue. It will not become a problem unless Dish gets 100% control of Clearwire. But even that requires Sprint approval. And Sprint will not approve unless they have already mitigated the problem. Robert
  11. Tell me about it. I was down to 1.2Mbps on Verizon LTE today in Española, New Mexico today with a full signal. I was around 500kbps on Verizon LTE in Farmington, New Mexico last week. I just had to switch back to Sprint 3G just now at the mall in Santa Fe, NM when my Tmo HSPA+ just dropped down to 400kbps with a full signal. Sprint 3G is running 600k at least. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. Am I missing something in the quoted post?? Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. The green circled panels are legacy PCS panels. Sprint has used dozen of different legacy panels over the years. They can look like anything, really. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. Can't Intel and the others wimp out of the deal now that there is an offer for $1 more? They could. But I don't think it's likely. But it doesn't much matter at this point. Sprint needs a good chunk of those other minority shareholders. I don't think they've got the others anymore with Dish's latest deal. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  15. I notice that this permit lists a few extras compared to the ones issued in Lodi... does this mean that the tower you posted is just a higher volume (which I'm sure it is) or that the ones in Lodi will not be LTE?I guess a better question would be... How do we know that an upgrade is going to be for LTE and not general network improvement like better 3g? Virtually every full build site will get LTE. Pretty much only the GMO sites are being held back at this time. GMO sites typically do not need permits in most areas. So if you see a site in the permit process, we can say with 99% certainty it will get LTE. It may take awhile until the appropriate backhaul arrives. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. I'll look this up when I get home. If I remember... Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. Is there any place they do gmo in cities because permits are hard to come by? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta I don't know of any where Sprint intentionally went the GMO route to avoid a difficult permitting process. Also, there seems to be some confusion about GMO's and permitting. To clarify, MOST jurisdictions would not require any permits to do a GMO installation. There are a few exceptions. Here in New Mexico, building permits are issued by the State and not by individual (except Albuquerque). The State of New Mexico did require GMO sites to get electrical permits, but that was it. These were easy, fast and inexpensive. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. It went out Nationwide the other day. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. HSPA+ can produce speeds that are equivalent to LTE speeds in some cases. Sprint does not have anything like that. Just EVDO and LTE. In some ways, it's fair to say WiMax is the Sprint equivalent. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. Our members do not want to hear about where the Sprint network is bad and how bad it is there. They come here to discuss wireless technology and what/where things are occurring. I did not make the rules at S4GRU. They were made with our Sponsor Members. We have created a forum that they want to be a part of and support financially. They were very clear they did not want this site to host Sprint complaints and whining about how Sprint is not the best carrier for others needs. We have been upfront and communicated that with everyone. It's in our posting guidelines and our mission statement. There are many places for people who want to complain about Sprint to go. But no place for anyone else, except S4GRU. S4GRU is not for everyone. If it's not for you, then we understand. Robert from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. Is there an idea of when we are supposed to start seeing the 800/2600? I know they are supposed to start deployment this year but it seems like it is still a long way off unless cell sites already have it in them and just needs to be flipped ON after the correct authorization. Also what will happen since the clearwire acquisition is: 1) being delayed, and 2) if dish blocks it and is forced to liquidate? Tri-band devices will go on sale this summer, with smartphones going on sale this Fall. Clearwire has already starting deploying their TD-LTE network. Sprint will start deploying LTE 800 in June and start firing it up in July in some places. The future is upon us. The Clearwire sale is not impacting their 2013 deployment plans. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. I have discussed this phenomenon in many posts. Sprint brings up 3G in clusters. The 4G LTE can be brought online one at a time when each is ready. So many 3G sites that are accepted are still on legacy. Not until all the sites in a cluster are ready will they switch over the 3G to the NV side. The only exception of when 3G can go live immediately when complete is if the site is an island and doesn't have RF seams with other sites or if the site is GMO. Those can be brought online immediately. 3G sites have to be brought online in clusters because of interference issues with adjacent legacy sites. If not done in clusters, the user experience would go way down. Especially on voice. They would be running around trying to take care of problems all over the market. Problems seams would appear and disappear every day. It would be mayhem. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  23. Only 66% of sites have been upgraded to LTE 1900 in the DFW market. So still aways to go for full coverage on PCS. Additionally, when LTE 800 starts to be deployed around DFW, you will need a new device to use it. Robert
  24. OK...that's it. We are all booked up on the countdown sponsorship now. We will be auctioning off the final 24 hours of the countdown clock on EBay in the not too distant future. Robert
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