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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I do think the FCC would approve a Sprint/T-Mobile merger. Some divestiture could be required. This is nothing like the AT&T/Tmo deal. Robert
  2. We have been discussing it today here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3898-dish-offer-to-acquire-clearwire-for-440-per-share-in-cash/?p=148217 Robert
  3. New thread started: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3937-keep-a-word-drop-a-word-4/ Robert
  4. We have started a new thread for KAW-DAW. The previous thread is now over 5,000 entries and has been closed. If you've never played Keep a Word, Drop a Word before, it is really simple. See below... Example Post 1: customer satisfaction Example Post 2: tough customer Example Post 3: tough break Example Post 4: break wind Comprendo? See, it is really simple. For each new post just keep a word from the previous post and drop the other and replace with a new one. Please KEEP your posts to JUST 2 WORDS, but if you are stuck and must to, you can include a "helper" word, like: a, the, an, etc. BUT the next post CANNOT use that "helper" word as the one they keep for the next post. You can however use the same "keep" word as the previous poster if you want to. Otherwise just have fun with it and let's see where it goes? If things get stalled out just start a new line of thought by making a new 2 word saying. I will kick off the game below...
  5. As far as I know, there is no way to know if you're on a repeater or not. As far as LTE goes, there are so many dynamics involved with a repeater, there is no way for me to be able to guess whether this affects LTE in your neighborhood or not. I'm sorry I cannot be of more help. Robert
  6. I wasn't really sure what you were saying. But it was this quote of yours that was throwing me off: "I feel like the are all put at the end of the month as some sort of deadline to complete and not the exact date it'll be done." Thank you for clarifying that part. Robert
  7. The market will not be complete in 30 days. Nowhere even close to that. The Columbus market will have to be deployed in a similar fashion to the Chicago market, as it is also going from Motorola to Samsung equipment. They may have to do an intensive 3G upgrade first to minimize voice service disruptions at NV/legacy RF seams. Robert
  8. As much as I would love for you to donate and upgrade, there is no specific info about the Columbus market in the Premier Sponsor thread about LTE timelines. As wonderful as the Premier Sponsor data is, that is not included. Original Network Vision deployment schedules are there, but only for first and second round markets. Robert
  9. A cluster of 3G Network Vision upgrades were accepted in the Spokane Valley last week. They are shown on maps in the Sponsor section of S4GRU. Robert
  10. It's an XR site. Most Sprint Macro Sites are labeled XC in the Site ID where this one says XR. XR's are repeaters. Repeaters are typically not listed in the NV Sites Database, because they do not get macro site upgrades. A repeater will repeat an NV signal the same as a legacy signal. One day repeater sites may get upgraded to be able to repeat LTE. But it's not a part of NV 1.0. Robert
  11. Activity is well under way in the Gulf Coast market from vendor Ericsson. GMO sites are nearly 100% complete, and full build sites are beginning now. I am creating this thread as a placeholder for our members to discuss Sprint Network Vision deployment in the Gulf Coast market.
  12. Activity is well under way in the Rochester market from vendors Samsung and Alcatel/Lucent. GMO sites are being worked on in the south of the market by Alcatel Lucent. Samsung recently started work in the Rochester area on full build sites. I am creating this thread as a placeholder for our members to discuss Sprint Network Vision deployment in the Rochester market.
  13. Activity is well under way in the VT/NH/ME market from vendor Alcatel/Lucent. GMO sites are nearly 100% complete, and full build sites recently began. I am creating this thread as a placeholder for our members to discuss Sprint Network Vision deployment in the VT/NH/ME market.
  14. Although the Winston/Salem market is a later 4th Round market. Activity should begin soon in Mid 2013 from vendor Alcatel/Lucent. I am creating this thread as a placeholder for our members to discuss Sprint Network Vision deployment in the Winston/Salem market.
  15. You have to do what's best for your business. Also note that service is not built out in neither South Bend or Louisiana. It sounds like NV 2.0 with 800MHz service was really more what you needed from Sprint all along. With AT&T, you'll get that low frequency spectrum now. Sprint is just starting to roll that out, and it's going to take some time. Best of luck to you. Robert
  16. I decided to create this pinned topic to be a directory for easy browsing to Market Threads. See below: Alabama Albuquerque Arkansas Atlanta/Athens Austin Baltimore Boston Buffalo Central Illinois Central Iowa Central Jersey Central Pennsylvania Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Colorado Columbus DFW Dakotas Delaware East Iowa East Kentucky East Michigan East Texas Ft. Wayne/South Bend GA/SC Coast Georgia Gulf Coast Hawaii Houston Idaho Indianapolis Inland Northwest Jacksonville Kansas LA Metro Las Vegas Long Island Louisiana Lower Central Valley Memphis Miami/West Palm Milwaukee Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Myrtle Beach Nashville New Orleans New York City Norfolk North LA North Wisconsin Northern Connecticut Northern Jersey nTelos Oklahoma Orange County Oregon/SW Washington Orlando PR/VI Philadelphia Metro Phoenix Pittsburgh Providence Raleigh/Durham Richmond Riverside/San Bernardino Rochester SF Bay San Antonio San Diego Shentel South Bay South Carolina South Texas South West Florida Southern Connecticut Southern Jersey Southern Virginia Swiftel Tampa The Panhandle Toledo Tucson/Yuma Upper Central Valley Upstate NY Central & East Markets Utah VT/NH/ME Washington DC West Iowa/Nebraska West Kentucky West Michigan West Texas West Virginia West Washington Western Pennsylvania Winston/Salem
  17. Definitely. I don't think there is going to be any movement on 800MHz in the IBEZ in 2013. Robert
  18. Definitely. And this all gets back to Charlie. The persona, the man. Clearwire wanted to divest spectrum for a long time. Sprint has wanted to host somebody's network for a long time. Yet, Dish couldn't make a reasonable deal. Charlie was playing games. He was trying to get AT&T, Tmo and Sprint get into a bidding war to host his network. It didn't materialize. He is playing games with the future of his company. He is about to lose big time. The time to negotiate has passed. Neither Sprint/SoftBank or Clearwire are going to now. Also, Charlie is getting to the point where no one in the wireless indistry likes him or trusts him. His only chance is an outright purchase now. His strategy is to annoy SoftBank to the point of giving up on the U.S. market. Charlie knows that all future Sprint bids for Clearwire come from SoftBank money. SoftBank will have to fund it. Sprint is nearing the end of the line of what it can offer. So basically, the only way Dish can walk away with Clearwire right now is to get SoftBank to back down. To say, "the American market is not worth all this trouble." That's why Charlie is being so aggressive, boisterous and annoying. I think this is the only strategy he has left. Get Masayoshi Son to get tired of swatting at flies. This could backfire, though. Many assume Son is not willing to put a whole lot more money on the table for Sprint or Clearwire. They may be wrong. Son and SoftBank may even be prepared to overpay. Masayoshi may have a lot of fight left in him. If I were Masayoshi Son, I would bury Charlie Ergen right now. I'd meet with Crest and Mount Kellett and ask them what price would it take to support Sprint/SoftBank deal for Clearwire and match it 48 hours before June 13th shareholders meeting. Even if it was $7-$8. SoftBank will gain most of the overpayment back in economies of scale on their TDD-LTE 2600 ecosystem. And SoftBank is likely much more concerned with a long term gain. Yes, that's what I'd do. But I would probably be bankrupt in 2 years too. Robert
  19. I have no inside info on this. I'm guessing it will not be an immediate overnight light up of 1000's of sites. But I would guess a pretty rapid succession of CDMA 800 acceptances for the 90-120 day period after June 30th. And I would expect new sites would start being deployed with 3G and 800 together from the get go. Maybe even CDMA 800 and LTE 1900 together, as the 800 is more like the LTE in the fact it does not need to be brought online in clusters. Eventually getting to LTE 800/1900 and CDMA 800 being deployed all together at new sites. Robert
  20. Your point is based on the supposition that all Charlie Ergen wants is the Clearwire network and EBS spectrum. However, his actions point to something much grander. I feel that if that is all Charlie wanted, Sprint and SoftBank would have given it to him. He wants that at unreasonable terms or much more. Either he wants the BRS, or he wants the entirety of EBS/BRS...which is essentially all of Clearwire. And I do agree with you that Dish has no position here. The only thing they can do is delay and cause a ruckus. Robert
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