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iPhone 7/7 Plus User's Thread


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Any updates on ur situation?



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Sprint would not honor my 2 year upgrade. However I got a $10 loyalty credit and I traded my iPhone 6 in for $26 in credits a month for 24 months. Basically paid for the upgrade.
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Sprint would not honor my 2 year upgrade. However I got a $10 loyalty credit and I traded my iPhone 6 in for $26 in credits a month for 24 months. Basically paid for the upgrade.

That's terrible on Sprints end. I would call corporate and complain lol. You got your phone though right? How are you enjoying it so far.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

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That's terrible on Sprints end. I would call corporate and complain lol. You got your phone though right? How are you enjoying it so far.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

Yea I agree. So far really enjoy the phone. Being that I hadn't upgraded since the 6, this phone feels like its flying.
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Yea I agree. So far really enjoy the phone. Being that I hadn't upgraded since the 6, this phone feels like its flying.

Yeah that's how I felt too. I've adjusted to the 7 Plus so much sometimes I forget I have the bigger of the 2 phones honestly might sound crazy but I wouldn't mind a lil bit just a tad. It's funny cause I used to hate these big phones now I want a lil more [emoji23].



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

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Just received my first iPhone ever. 7 Plus Jet Black. Only used Palm and Android phones in the past. I hope I will like it.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

You will, it's just gonna be an adjustment for you since you've been with Android for so long. Be sure to get a case I heard that thing is a scratch magnet.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

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Just received my first iPhone ever. 7 Plus Jet Black. Only used Palm and Android phones in the past. I hope I will like it.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

When my mother had an iPhone 6s for a short time when we had T-Mobile, I decided to try it and was surprised by how much more I liked iOS than Android.


Unfortunately though, iOS does not support video game emulators. If it did, I likely would be an iOS convert, as it isn't just a matter of my preference of iOS, but I greatly dislike Android as it is.

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Just received my first iPhone ever. 7 Plus Jet Black. Only used Palm and Android phones in the past. I hope I will like it.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

same here, moving from nexus 6p and s7 edge and loving the 7+ 128gb on Sprint so far.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Interesting new article by our friend Milan on the performance of the Intel and Qualcomm variants of the iPhone 7. The qualcomm variants (Sprint and Verizon and unlocked) perform 30% better than the Intel variants. The Samsung S7 performed better than the iPhone7 by a significant margin.



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After using the iPhone Plus for a few days, these are a couple things I noticed.


This phone is quite heavy. It does feel very high quality.


The home button is really nice. It really does feel like you are pressing it down. But still prefer the button on the back of the phone.


Battery life is really amazing. Way better than the Nexus 6p. But it takes a long time to charge. My battery charging habits have changed as a result.


I'm still having trouble with the notification system. This is the biggest change coming from Android and Palm. Palm had the best notification system but the way it works in Android is not bad either. I miss the flashing notification light.


The keyboard works well. I usually use SwiftKey in Android. I will eventually give a try on the iPhone. I have a feeling SwiftKey might not work as well on the iPhone but I will find out.


It is inconvenient to always have to go to the settings app to make changes. It would be nice if iOS would allow you to access setting options directly from the apps. Setting changes in the control center are limited. But that is a minor gripe.


Display looks good despite lower resolution.


It works well as a phone. Calls do not drop and call quality is an improvement. It will be nice to use wifi calling but I haven't tried it yet. Speaker is clear and loud but Nexus 6p had better speakers.


I really like imessage. Wish something like it would be available on Android.


So far, really happy with my new expensive phone but still adjusting to a few things. I really hope to figure out a way to like the notification system.

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After using the iPhone Plus for a few days, these are a couple things I noticed.


The keyboard works well. I usually use SwiftKey in Android. I will eventually give a try on the iPhone. I have a feeling SwiftKey might not work as well on the iPhone but I will find out.


SwiftKey is available and actually use it as my main keyboard. It works very while it sometimes does crash in certain apps which is usually fixed by restarting the app itself. There are a lot of themes and the swiping feature works very well. The only thing is ik it's like $2 on iOS. Yep apart of being on iOS is paying for the nicer things lol.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

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SwiftKey is available and actually use it as my main keyboard. It works very while it sometimes does crash in certain apps which is usually fixed by restarting the app itself. There are a lot of themes and the swiping feature works very well. The only thing is ik it's like $2 on iOS. Yep apart of being on iOS is paying for the nicer things lol.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

I use SwiftKey also from android and like the number row on top but hate swiftkey for iOS and I'm even testing swiftkey beta and still went back to iOS keyboard until number row is added and dictation is better while using swiftkey.



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I have my 7+ Matte Black 256 and actually had to work with Marci Carris in their executive customer satisfaction area to actually get things moving.  And they did.


But here's what happened: not only did they give me credit on a monthly basis for my old phone they also gave me credit for the month I waited with hearing very little.


As far as performance: I did a speedtest 900 feet from my nearest local tower and received 90.44 megabits download speed and 14.57 megabits up.  So that was quite nice.

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I'm still having trouble with the notification system. This is the biggest change coming from Android and Palm. Palm had the best notification system but the way it works in Android is not bad either. I miss the flashing notification light.


Go to settings>General>Accessibility>scroll down to Hearing section and select "LED flash for Alerts"



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After using the iPhone Plus for a few days, these are a couple things I noticed.


This phone is quite heavy. It does feel very high quality.



Battery life is really amazing. Way better than the Nexus 6p. But it takes a long time



If you have a Apple OEM 10 or 12 Watt iPad charger you can use it as you iPhone 7 plus charger and it will charge at the 10 watt rate (much faster)


Apple builds the 10 watt charger circuitry into the plus models you just need the bigger Apple built iPad charger to activate it!


I use it every day with my iPhone 6 Plus and now my 7 plus and it is wonderful!


Perfectly safe and designed by Apple to function.

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If you have a Apple OEM 10 or 12 Watt iPad charger you can use it as you iPhone 7 plus charger and it will charge at the 10 watt rate (much faster)


Apple builds the 10 watt charger circuitry into the plus models you just need the bigger Apple built iPad charger to activate it!


I use it every day with my iPhone 6 Plus and now my 7 plus and it is wonderful!


Perfectly safe and designed by Apple to function.

Ps. Your iPhone will query the USB ID of the cable and charger so it needs to be OEM Apple lighting or Apple MFi program certified to work. The charger as well......this is a good thing as it keeps your phone from becoming a bomb! 


my iPhone 7 plus charges so fast its blinding....


if you have a 12.9 ipad pro you can use the new MacBook charger to charge the 12.9 pro and it is blinding fast!


Apple has a BAD habit of keep these things too quiet! I am a registered developer so I get this from their forums....

Edited by ZebraDude
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SwiftKey is available and actually use it as my main keyboard. It works very while it sometimes does crash in certain apps which is usually fixed by restarting the app itself. There are a lot of themes and the swiping feature works very well. The only thing is ik it's like $2 on iOS. Yep apart of being on iOS is paying for the nicer things lol.



Sent from my shiny iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB

don't ever feel sad about paying for apps. The Developers need to eat as well.....The best apps will be paid apps as the developer is making money (becoming a side job) and can devote time in keeping his app running well...:)

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Any suggested car chargers? A few times my old S7 Edge charger will have my iPhone lose battery with auto brightness on and near full brightness.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I use this because I still have my Nexus 6p as well and a lil expensive but I think worth it! https://amzn.com/B01G5B069C

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For those that might have taken advantage of the Sprint iPhone trade in offer for lease/installment credits to get their 7/7+, have you started receiving your monthly credits yet after sending in your old iPhone?

i got the confirmation the iPhone 6 was received.
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    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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    • My favorite is the nexus 6.  Love the form factor also.
    • Well it's the newest Pixel, so I'm guessing at least a few of us are out there, myself included! I have had almost every Google phone since the Nexus 4. The Nexus 5 might be my all-time favorite for what it was at the time, but I love my Pixel 8. No real drawbacks for me, but I can't give a personal comparison to the S22.
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