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HTC 10 Rumor Thread (Was HTC One M10 Rumor Thread)


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I will be curious to see the early results.  Hopefully rootable.  Plus other items on my list: good TX/RX, bandwidth, SCP support, turn off bands,  screen visibility in sunlight, etc. Ability to augment battery is always good.  Likely will make my decision a month after launch when realworld results are in.  Main competition at this point would be the LG G5 if they CAx3 support, or if S7 becomes rootable.

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I will be curious to see the early results.  Hopefully rootable.  Plus other items on my list: good TX/RX, bandwidth, SCP support, turn off bands,  screen visibility in sunlight, etc. Ability to augment battery is always good.  Likely will make my decision a month after launch when realworld results are in.  Main competition at this point would be the LG G5 if they CAx3 support, or if S7 becomes rootable.


It doesn't yet seem clear if the HTC 10 is going to be 2xca or 3xca, despite knowing it will work on Sprint's LTE Plus network. While I know this idea might confuse some customers, Sprint might be able to explain this well in their marketing to make it help sell the network better. That idea I'm referring to is to give both 2xca and 3xca their own identifying names. Perhaps LTE Plus could refer to 2xca, while Sprint could give 3xca the name of LTE Premium, or Premium Plus to give a better distinction while keeping the word Plus in there. It seems Sprint is attaching the maximum possible speeds in their marketing of LTE Plus, so with something such as LTE Premium Plus as the identifier for 3xca, they can list the higher speed specification along with that. Then using the distinctions in their marketing, people can tell by the speeds attached to the name, while more advanced users, such as those here on S4GRU will know LTE Plus means 2xca, while LTE Plus Premium means 3xca. Sprint would not need to actually tell people what is 2xca and what is 3xca, just use naming and speed. The advanced users certainly should know the additional meaning to it though,

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My next phone will be either an LG G5, Nexus 5X, or an HTC 10.  Given all I've heard about all three, I'm leaning toward the HTC 10, but am also waiting to see it in person and what others have to say.


- Trip

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My next phone will be either an LG G5, Nexus 5X, or an HTC 10. Given all I've heard about all three, I'm leaning toward the HTC 10, but am also waiting to see it in person and what others have to say.


- Trip

Do yourself a favor and do not get the Nexus 5x. I switched from the phone to a Galaxy S7 Edge and have never been happier. The Nexus 5x is slow, has a washed out screen, poor battery life, and large bezels. I wouldn't get the LG G5 either as the build quality is lacking and the software needs to mature.


The HTC 10, although I haven't seen one, appears to be good from the reviews I am reading. I'd also consider the Galaxy S7 if I were you. Love mine.

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Went to a VZW store today and they said they wouldn't have it on display for a week. It wasn't a corporate store though. I really wanted to just walk in, play with it, say I was happy with Sprint and have no interest in switching, and keep standing there playing with it for 10-15 minutes. LOL

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Do yourself a favor and do not get the Nexus 5x. I switched from the phone to a Galaxy S7 Edge and have never been happier. The Nexus 5x is slow, has a washed out screen, poor battery life, and large bezels. I wouldn't get the LG G5 either as the build quality is lacking and the software needs to mature.


The HTC 10, although I haven't seen one, appears to be good from the reviews I am reading. I'd also consider the Galaxy S7 if I were you. Love mine.


My sister has the Nexus 5X so I've seen it and I think I'd be happy with it except for the lack of MicroSD.  Actually, that lack is why I'm leaning away from it.


With the G5, the reason I'm leaning away from it is the placement of the power button the back.  I want to put my hands on it to see about the build quality, but I'm also hopeful they might make an ATSC 3.0 module at some point for it, which makes me think I want it.  But that's a huge "if" and probably isn't worth holding out for, since it's at least a year away and probably more.  Maybe a future LG phone.


I don't want the S7 for multiple reasons (my current phone is an S5), not least of which being the Sprint coverage maps suggesting that LTE roaming is unavailable on the S7 versus the others mentioned here.  That may change in the future, of course, but I've waited long enough.


In any case, I'll be waiting to see the HTC 10 and the G5 in person (and confirming LTE roaming now works on the 5X) before making a decision.


- Trip

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It doesn't yet seem clear if the HTC 10 is going to be 2xca or 3xca, despite knowing it will work on Sprint's LTE Plus network. While I know this idea might confuse some customers, Sprint might be able to explain this well in their marketing to make it help sell the network better. That idea I'm referring to is to give both 2xca and 3xca their own identifying names. Perhaps LTE Plus could refer to 2xca, while Sprint could give 3xca the name of LTE Premium, or Premium Plus to give a better distinction while keeping the word Plus in there. It seems Sprint is attaching the maximum possible speeds in their marketing of LTE Plus, so with something such as LTE Premium Plus as the identifier for 3xca, they can list the higher speed specification along with that. Then using the distinctions in their marketing, people can tell by the speeds attached to the name, while more advanced users, such as those here on S4GRU will know LTE Plus means 2xca, while LTE Plus Premium means 3xca. Sprint would not need to actually tell people what is 2xca and what is 3xca, just use naming and speed. The advanced users certainly should know the additional meaning to it though,

Having all these different names for their lte network will do nothing but confuse consumers. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what its called, whats important is that it performs well everywhere or at least in most places.

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Having all these different names for their lte network will do nothing but confuse consumers. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what its called, whats important is that it performs well everywhere or at least in most places.


Don't you think Sprint changing names of their network technology from Spark to LTE Plus already is confusing to customers, yet I haven't seen anyone here complaining about that.


To be fair though, all carriers are guilty of having too many different naming schemes for their network technology. They do this for marketing purposes in order to get people to think that there is something new and improved about what for the most part really isn't, or just minor and/or insignificant changes. My suggestion for Sprint though, is to at least give it something distinguishable between something that actually does make a difference, as there clearly is a difference between 2xca and 3xca. There will be times people will notice a difference in their network experience between them.


Now will it matter to everyone? No, of course not. Many people here have spoken about being plenty satisfied with 2xca. Although, that doesn't mean there won't be people who notice and like the difference 3xca makes for their network experience. Sprint ought to let people know of that in some way, as it will help to increase their business by marketing what 3xca offers. However, using technical terms like 2xca and 3xca will confuse people. It would be easier for Sprint to come up with a generic name like Plus and Premium Plus to distinguish those differences simply by saying while Plus is really great, Premium Plus capable devices give that top of the line experience in certain circumstances. Maybe they could use the highway analogy for it too.

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Don't you think Sprint changing names of their network technology from Spark to LTE Plus already is confusing to customers, yet I haven't seen anyone here complaining about that.


To be fair though, all carriers are guilty of having too many different naming schemes for their network technology. They do this for marketing purposes in order to get people to think that there is something new and improved about what for the most part really isn't, or just minor and/or insignificant changes. My suggestion for Sprint though, is to at least give it something distinguishable between something that actually does make a difference, as there clearly is a difference between 2xca and 3xca. There will be times people will notice a difference in their network experience between them.


Now will it matter to everyone? No, of course not. Many people here have spoken about being plenty satisfied with 2xca. Although, that doesn't mean there won't be people who notice and like the difference 3xca makes for their network experience. Sprint ought to let people know of that in some way, as it will help to increase their business by marketing what 3xca offers. However, using technical terms like 2xca and 3xca will confuse people. It would be easier for Sprint to come up with a generic name like Plus and Premium Plus to distinguish those differences simply by saying while Plus is really great, Premium Plus capable devices give that top of the line experience in certain circumstances. Maybe they could use the highway analogy for it too.

No, sprint shouldn't do anything different at this time, for what? To appeal to consumers like you who represent less the 1% of their overall consumer base? What percentage of sprint's entire network still doesn't have band 41 much less 2xca or 3xca? There is absolutely no point in having all these marketing gimmicks when sprint still has a long way to go to get their network up to par and consistent where it needs to be. If their network is were it needs to be then it wouldn't make a difference what they call it.

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Some of us will not see B41 for a while much less 2xca or 3xca


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk


I'll admit that is a good point. Perhaps Sprint could have a notice in the marketing of it not being available everywhere. A good thing about this though, is Sprint could have a coverage map showing these different areas, which using the generic names I've recommended or whatever else, could be helpf8ul.

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btw, the editor function has been glitchy here the past few days. Anyone else here notice this? I made a typo in my previous post, and the editor isn't allowing any changes. It looks different too when I open it.

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Don't you think Sprint changing names of their network technology from Spark to LTE Plus already is confusing to customers, yet I haven't seen anyone here complaining about that.



Actually, quite a few people complained about the whole Spark thing. Perhaps they retired spark branding because they realized it was a mistake or that they could do better.

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Already shared this a few days ago (April 29). ;) I think everyone missed it though!

Funny cause it says to find out more on the HTC 10, visit Sprint.Com. But there's nothing on their site about the device.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

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Funny cause it says to find out more on the HTC 10, visit Sprint.Com. But there's nothing on their site about the device.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

Carriers have always had lackluster releases imo.  Everything's so unorganized when it comes to device releases.

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Having all these different names for their lte network will do nothing but confuse consumers. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what its called, whats important is that it performs well everywhere or at least in most places.

At this point the main benefit to 3xCA is so that Sprint can advertise insane peak download speeds and claim to be the fastest network in those areas where it's rolled out. In the future we'll actually need 3xCA to run whatever crazy applications we'll all have on our phones one day (assuming our mobile data usage continues to increase on the same pace it has been in the last 5-10 years from now). But for right now, it's really more of a marketing thing than anything else and explaining things in the simplest possible terms is clearly the right way to go (just look at how effective those Verizon commercials are). 

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My next phone will be either an LG G5, Nexus 5X, or an HTC 10.  Given all I've heard about all three, I'm leaning toward the HTC 10, but am also waiting to see it in person and what others have to say.


- Trip



The N5x is pretty slow/laggy.  I can't figure out why.  I wouldn't recommend it.


The LG G5 is much better than the N5x.


The GS7 and G5 are both pretty nice.  Waterproofing of GS7 and USB-C port of the G5 are the respective advantages between them.


The HTC 10 looks great, I really want to test it out but I cant help but feel Google/HTC will deliver a very similar device with stock nexus loaded later this year with Android N.  That'll be my next device!

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  • Posts

    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
    • I don't know enough about the nuts and bolts of NR to know the answer, but is there a reason they're not doing two overlapping 100 MHz n41 carriers and using selective resource shutoff to make each one 97 MHz?  Thus making use of the full 194 MHz instead of leaving 4 MHz unused as implied by the current standard 100+90 configuration? - Trip
    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
    • https://www.lightreading.com/wireless/tds-telecom-to-launch-mobile-service-via-nctc-s-mvno Surprising given merger.
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