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2 year subsidy phone upgrades early warning info


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No. Not at least when I asked since I was trying to buy the phone directly from Apple to avoid paying Sprint's shipping fee. As far as I know, Sprint will only allow you to buy your phone early if it is done through tele-sales and you have a good excuse (I.E., people can't hear you or your screen is broken beyond repair). They didn't even want to budge when I asked if I could buy directly from their website.


They did give me the option to go to one of their corporate stores, but they did advice me that it would be up to the store manager to decide if they'll let me upgrade early or not.


I guess calling and asking wouldn't hurt, but I doubt they'll let you upgrade early from Best Buy.

Thanks for responding greenbastard, yeah I can confirm what you said. I called Sprint and they were willing to do the override and let me get the upgrade, but said that Best Buy's system wouldn't recognize the override so I wouldn't be able to upgrade through them. Gotta wait 2 weeks I guess!

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Would this work if I'm trying to get a contract upgrade through Best Buy?

Another option is to buy out the remaining portion of your contract. Shouldn't be too much since you only have 2 weeks left.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Another option is to buy out the remaining portion of your contract. Shouldn't be too much since you only have 2 weeks left.

Be careful doing this because I have read time and time again on sprint message boards people doing just that and it still not being recognized in Best Buy and other stores as eligible for a subsidized phone. Supposedly the two systems are not linked and just because you pay off your contact doesn't mean the system that shows upgrade eligibility will be updated also.


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My contract ended on March 27th of this year and I was able to pre order the S 7 at Best Buy. My account changed to upgrade eligible I believe on February 28th or March 1st I am not quite sure exactly. The Best Buy upgrade checker indicated I was eligible when Sprint changed it on their end. Who knows , you might luck out like I did.



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My contract ended on March 27th of this year and I was able to pre order the S 7 at Best Buy. My account changed to upgrade eligible I believe on February 28th or March 1st I am not quite sure exactly.


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Sounds about right. It has always changed to eligible for me on the 1st day of the month the contract is set to expire.
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I agree it is always the first of the month of when it ends. I had Sam's club check mine after Sprint supposedly let me out of my contract early by 2 months by calling and asking just a few days ago, but still shows at Sam's not eligible. Basically Sprint was willing to do telesales or corporate store for the upgrade but I can't do it anywhere else till 10/1. I refuse to do it through sprint because they are only offering a $50 rebate for the Note 7 and Sam's club is offering a $150-200 gift card.


I assume plenty of deals will be had getting closer to black Friday so I will just wait till at least October.


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It doesn't say that you will be forces off of subsidy, just that you can't do it at a Sprint retail store. You can still get a subsidy through telesales, sprint.com, and third-party retailers such as Best Buy.

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Look what I found on the Sprint Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/4y2oiz/subsidy_2year_contract_dies_on_826/?st=irya8vhf&sh=8de50b64


Looks like they will be forcing us off. Will be making a lot of people mad!

That isn't what it says at all.

As of 8/26, Sprint retail stores (both corporate and indirect dealer) will no longer be able to process subsidy transactions, period. For existing customers who look to upgrade or add-a-line with subsidy, they can do so via sprint.com or telesales. Those will be the only Sprint channels to offer it.


If indeed they do limit it so that you only upgrade via telesales or online in some aspects they are making it more difficult for the average consumer to upgrade via subsidy. In other aspects the savvy existing customer will enjoy the experience of not having speakers, screen protectors, and other random add-on products jammed down their throats. Sprint isn't in a position right now to cut off subsidized upgrades all together in the near term. This move seems like a smart business decision right now as if you get someone in the store seeking an upgrade the staff has the chance to up-sell on offers or new plans. For everyone else that is smart enough or does the research the previous upgrade path remains.

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That isn't what it says at all.

If indeed they do limit it so that you only upgrade via telesales or online in some aspects they are making it more difficult for the average consumer to upgrade via subsidy. In other aspects the savvy existing customer will enjoy the experience of not having speakers, screen protectors, and other random add-on products jammed down their throats. Sprint isn't in a position right now to cut off subsidized upgrades all together in the near term.

I know that, what I was getting at was they are making it harder for us to get a 2 year contract deal, but for me I never gone into a sprint store to buy a phone. Always done it online and or at BestBuy.


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Hopefully the 2-yr subsidies will continue at Best Buy. If they won't, I'll probably leave Sprint for AT&T.


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The bigger part of this Reddit thread is the rumored plan consolidation, which you can say already began with SERO last week. Having a huge number of plans increases sales training costs and affects customer relations (because no sales person can remember them all). Of course getting to fewer plans could cause even more problems. T-Mobile has already been down this path. Of course we will all try to hang on to our better plans, as we each define them given our own needs and circumstances, for as long as we can.


Besides the consistent payments with access to a new phone every two years without drama, the 300MB of roaming per month is also a draw. Once these plans disappear, the 100MB of roaming in the current plans may move from a soft cap to a hard cap IMO. It would be nice if Sprint would see the light and at least offer additional roaming of some sort of cost plus basis, ie the most expensive roaming plus 20% in 100MB increments for example.


Once these plans move to telesales and online only, it will be quite easy for them to quietly disappear.

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I tried to upgrade about a month and a half early and they put a note on my account that they would override it, but that could only happen with telesales or a corporate store because I checked at Sam's club and I'm not eligible for a new 2 year.


I was going to wait till 10/1 when I'm off contract and hopefully Sam's still had the $150 gift cards per phone still, but now I'm screwed. Either pay $399.99 twice for two Note 7's to telesales now and wait for two $50 rebates to come back thus making me pay $200 more for the phones or lose the ability to buy and get 2 year contracts at places like Sam's when I do go to upgrade.


This ticks me off. Maybe I can sweet talk them into giving me a $300 credit if I buy two Note 7's since Sam's is offering that.


The whole reason I like the subsidy is the extra perks at Best buy and Sam's to buy from them and then with my corporate discount it's cheaper to stay on ED1500 anyway.


If I can't get a 2 year at Best Buy or Sam's on 10/1 there is no point staying with Sprint. I'll go Verizon since I'll be paying more money anyway and get better service where I live.


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According to the subreddit, the second killing of 2 year contracts for new subs that was supposed to happen on August 26 has been moved up to tomorrow: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/4yx9b6/psa_2_years_ending_823/?st=is6gsgax&sh=bbbfa462


After tomorrow, you gotta go online or go through telesales. I'm hearing mixed things about third party retailers like Best Buy.

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This ticks me off. Maybe I can sweet talk them into giving me a $300 credit if I buy two Note 7's since Sam's is offering that.


The whole reason I like the subsidy is the extra perks at Best buy and Sam's to buy from them and then with my corporate discount it's cheaper to stay on ED1500 anyway.


If I can't get a 2 year at Best Buy or Sam's on 10/1 there is no point staying with Sprint. I'll go Verizon since I'll be paying more money anyway and get better service where I live.

After tomorrow, you gotta go online or go through telesales. I'm hearing mixed things about third party retailers like Best Buy.


And where does the money for those third party retailer deals come from?  Not out of thin air.


Think about it.  Are Best Buy, Sam's Club, etc., really giving you, for example, $300 off, drastically cutting their margins or even losing money on the deal?  No, at least some of that money comes from Sprint in the form of commissions for contract sales/renewals.  And if contract subsidy goes away, so do those big commissions -- which, by the way, are part of the reason, part of the problem why so many handsets have inflated full prices in the $700 range.


So, yes, please go to VZW or elsewhere.  Jump ship like a rat.  If you are not satisfied with Sprint and can afford other service, then you should not be using Sprint in the first place.  Do not use a service you do not like just because it is cheap.



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And where does the money for those third party retailer deals come from?  Not out of thin air.


Think about it.  Are Best Buy, Sam's Club, etc., really giving you, for example, $300 off, drastically cutting their margins or even losing money on the deal?  No, at least some of that money comes from Sprint in the form of commissions for contract sales/renewals.  And if contract subsidy goes away, so do those big commissions -- which, by the way, are part of the reason, part of the problem why so many handsets have inflated full prices in the $700 range.


So, yes, please go to VZW or elsewhere.  Jump ship like a rat.  If you are not satisfied with Sprint and can afford other service, then you should not be using Sprint in the first place.  Do not use a service you do not like just because it is cheap.





You know AJ, I have always respected your posts on XDA and on here, but I think maybe you let your personal feelings and or power of being a moderator here to get to your head.  I was not bashing Sprint at all, and I am well aware where you come down on subsidies and 2 year contracts as you have made that abundantly clear over the years.


The great thing about Sprint is that people have choices to make the decision that is best for them.  So there is supposedly about 36% of their customer base that still use 2 year subsidies.  If Sprint wants to risk ticking off those people and losing those subscribers and you are fine with it, then I'm sorry but you will doom Sprint for the future to come .  Just because you disagree with what some people do doesn't mean that Sprint should cut their ties with those people.


Yes I keep with Sprint due to 2 year contracts and my corporate discount.  That is why I also continue with my ED1500 plan on my two lines.  You may think I'm some drain on Sprint, but obviously they are making money on me or they wouldn't offer me the corporate discount they offer me, or allow me to upgrade to a new 2 year contract early and they are actually also going to match Sam's club offer for the Note 7's I wanted.  If I am the drain and the scum of the earth as you would call it they wouldn't offer me crap and tell me to pound sand.


The new services, leasing plans, installment plans all have me paying a ton more for the same service.  Supposedly this move from contracts to leasing and installments was supposed to be transparent, easy, and cheaper for the consumer, but that never panned out.  If you ever read the sprint forums you see countless people complaining of billing errors and subisdy charges.  I'm sure some are because the consumer didn't know what they heck they were doing but I see some that Sprint royally messed up as well. This new process has done nothing but confuse the average customer and frustrated them.


The truth is I stay with sprint because indeed it is cheaper, and in 99% of my travels has reliable service.  I live in Georgia, so obviously when I travel in rural areas the service is spotty, but at least I can roam on Verizon's towers and get calls in and out while not really having data, so for the price point and the fact that I have unlimited data (yes I know you hate unlimited data as well, I'm such a leach or I'm sure that is your opinion of me....) it is worth to stick it out on the 1% of the time I get horrible coverage or the slower LTE speeds no matter where I'm at compared to other carriers. 


There is nothing wrong with me or anyone else shopping with their wallet.  If I'm forced onto some new plan or have to do installments that would cost me more money, or get rid of unlimited data then the cost/benefit analysis of what I said above changes.  If I'm going to pay the same amount as I would at another reliable carrier then Sprint loses its advantage, and I would vote with my wallet for a change.  In your opinion I'm scum for thinking that way, but I thought this site was never an "advocacy" forum for Sprint rather a forum where honest discussion could be had about Sprint without being bullied.  So much for that.

Edited by troyd96
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According to the subreddit, the second killing of 2 year contracts for new subs that was supposed to happen on August 26 has been moved up to tomorrow: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/4yx9b6/psa_2_years_ending_823/?st=is6gsgax&sh=bbbfa462


After tomorrow, you gotta go online or go through telesales. I'm hearing mixed things about third party retailers like Best Buy.

Just bought a note 7 upgrade today on my 1500 2 year plan. I was told that starting today I could only get it online from a very knowledgeable rep who has worked with me before. The online store did not show the two year options for me, but he was able to get it to work. I will go back and buy my accessories from him, which I believe is the bulk of their commissions. The new plans are great for video watchers, but I use mostly data, including roaming which is 300mb on my plan.
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Just bought a note 7 upgrade today on my 1500 2 year plan. I was told that starting today I could only get it online from a very knowledgeable rep who has worked with me before. The online store did not show the two year options for me, but he was able to get it to work. I will go back and buy my accessories from him, which I believe is the bulk of their commissions. The new plans are great for video watchers, but I use mostly data, including roaming which is 300mb on my plan.

My family is also on ED1500, 4 lines. I got my whole family on 6s, all contracted except my dad who's leasing because his phone broke before his upgrade became available. We're gonna run out his 18 month lease and figure out whether or not we wanna stay on Sprint and switch to Unlimited Freedom or go somewhere else. ED1500 has been a fun ride but looks like its time is running out.

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You know AJ, I have always respected your posts on XDA and on here...


To my knowledge, I have never posted on XDA.  You have me confused with someone else.  Or someone else is impersonating me.


But, bar none, "unlimited" data, sweetheart legacy plans, and contract subsidy are bad for Sprint and the rest of us.  Because somebody has to pay the piper.  Ultimately, that ends up being Sprint and the rest of us.  And that is why some of us legitimately get irked at laments, complaints, or threats over discontinuation of any of the aforementioned.



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To my knowledge, I have never posted on XDA.  You have me confused with someone else.  Or someone else is impersonating me.


But, bar none, "unlimited" data, sweetheart legacy plans, and contract subsidy are bad for Sprint and the rest of us.  Because somebody has to pay the piper.  Ultimately, that ends up being Sprint and the rest of us.  And that is why some of us legitimately get irked at laments, complaints, or threats over discontinuation of any of the aforementioned.





I understand that but right now that unlimited data, legacy plans, or contract subsidy is what keeps a lot of people with them especially in areas where the coverage is spotty or where LTE is slower compared to the other networks.  You take away some of that stuff and Sprint loses its advantage and loses subscriber base.  Until they can upgrade their LTE speeds and network to equal Verizon they can't be like the rest of the carriers and stay alive.


I don't think mine is some sweetheart plan like SERO, I am paying a huge subsidy cost built into my ED1500 plan, I just have an 18% discount that saves me like $5-10 more a month because it come off the whole cost of the service instead of just the data.  Subsidized phones on legacy plans like ED1500 were supposedly making Sprint money or they wouldn't have continued with them for so long.  The cost of the phone being built into the plans to recoup it, so I can not see how a plan like mine loses Sprint money.  In fact it actually makes them even more money if I decide not to upgrade immediately after 24 months as I am paying high subsidy plan cost with no subsidized phone on the account.  


As far as unlimited data, I'm not crazy.  I use between 5-10 GB's per month.  My wife uses between 3-7 GB's per month.  That is not some crazy amount, and all other carriers offer data plans up that high.  I'm not sure I'm the problem.  I understand people that tether illegally and use 20+ or 50+ GB's per month are the issue.  I would never dare do that.


I think they should get rid of any plan that is costing them money, like SERO, but ED1500 was obviously making them money at some point, and it is a legitimate plan that made money for years.  I'm not getting some crazy discount, so I don't see why my particular situation is a drain on Sprint?

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I understand that but right now that unlimited data, legacy plans, or contract subsidy is what keeps a lot of people with them especially in areas where the coverage is spotty or where LTE is slower compared to the other networks.  You take away some of that stuff and Sprint loses its advantage and loses subscriber base.  Until they can upgrade their LTE speeds and network to equal Verizon they can't be like the rest of the carriers and stay alive.


I don't think mine is some sweetheart plan like SERO, I am paying a huge subsidy cost built into my ED1500 plan, I just have an 18% discount that saves me like $5-10 more a month because it come off the whole cost of the service instead of just the data.  Subsidized phones on legacy plans like ED1500 were supposedly making Sprint money or they wouldn't have continued with them for so long.  The cost of the phone being built into the plans to recoup it, so I can not see how a plan like mine loses Sprint money.  In fact it actually makes them even more money if I decide not to upgrade immediately after 24 months as I am paying high subsidy plan cost with no subsidized phone on the account.  


As far as unlimited data, I'm not crazy.  I use between 5-10 GB's per month.  My wife uses between 3-7 GB's per month.  That is not some crazy amount, and all other carriers offer data plans up that high.  I'm not sure I'm the problem.  I understand people that tether illegally and use 20+ or 50+ GB's per month are the issue.  I would never dare do that.


I think they should get rid of any plan that is costing them money, like SERO, but ED1500 was obviously making them money at some point, and it is a legitimate plan that made money for years.  I'm not getting some crazy discount, so I don't see why my particular situation is a drain on Sprint?


To be honest, I don't think you are a drain on Sprint, not in that regard. No one thinks that of any customer.


The challenge becomes at what point does Sprint make a move which makes the best sense for them? 


A few years ago T-Mobile had 100% of their subscribers on subsidy plans, and pulled the plug overnight on their customer base. Every customer who walked into a store looking to upgrade was told to switch to newer plans or finance their devices. At least Sprint is giving customers an option by letting them continue to keep their subsidies for as long as possible.


At a certain point there won't be any options other than Unlimited Freedom and IB/lease for devices. At that point the customers who want to stay will hang on, and others will jump ship if they want to pay more for their services.

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You know AJ, I have always respected your posts on XDA and on here, but I think maybe you let your personal feelings and or power of being a moderator here to get to your head.  I was not bashing Sprint at all, and I am well aware where you come down on subsidies and 2 year contracts as you have made that abundantly clear over the years.


The great thing about Sprint is that people have choices to make the decision that is best for them.  So there is supposedly about 36% of their customer base that still use 2 year subsidies.  If Sprint wants to risk ticking off those people and losing those subscribers and you are fine with it, then I'm sorry but you will doom Sprint for the future to come .  Just because you disagree with what some people do doesn't mean that Sprint should cut their ties with those people.


Yes I keep with Sprint due to 2 year contracts and my corporate discount.  That is why I also continue with my ED1500 plan on my two lines.  You may think I'm some drain on Sprint, but obviously they are making money on me or they wouldn't offer me the corporate discount they offer me, or allow me to upgrade to a new 2 year contract early and they are actually also going to match Sam's club offer for the Note 7's I wanted.  If I am the drain and the scum of the earth as you would call it they wouldn't offer me crap and tell me to pound sand.


The new services, leasing plans, installment plans all have me paying a ton more for the same service.  Supposedly this move from contracts to leasing and installments was supposed to be transparent, easy, and cheaper for the consumer, but that never panned out.  If you ever read the sprint forums you see countless people complaining of billing errors and subisdy charges.  I'm sure some are because the consumer didn't know what they heck they were doing but I see some that Sprint royally messed up as well. This new process has done nothing but confuse the average customer and frustrated them.


The truth is I stay with sprint because indeed it is cheaper, and in 99% of my travels has reliable service.  I live in Georgia, so obviously when I travel in rural areas the service is spotty, but at least I can roam on Verizon's towers and get calls in and out while not really having data, so for the price point and the fact that I have unlimited data (yes I know you hate unlimited data as well, I'm such a leach or I'm sure that is your opinion of me....) it is worth to stick it out on the 1% of the time I get horrible coverage or the slower LTE speeds no matter where I'm at compared to other carriers. 


There is nothing wrong with me or anyone else shopping with their wallet.  If I'm forced onto some new plan or have to do installments that would cost me more money, or get rid of unlimited data then the cost/benefit analysis of what I said above changes.  If I'm going to pay the same amount as I would at another reliable carrier then Sprint loses its advantage, and I would vote with my wallet for a change.  In your opinion I'm scum for thinking that way, but I thought this site was never an "advocacy" forum for Sprint rather a forum where honest discussion could be had about Sprint without being bullied.  So much for that.


I normally do not quote lengthy posts in their entirety.  That is bad forum etiquette.  But, in the case that you edit your post further, I have quoted it all for the record.  The words "scum of the earth," "drain," and "leech" are yours, not mine.


Nothing that I wrote took advantage of my position at S4GRU.  Nothing that I wrote broke the rules.  Nothing that I wrote was offensive.  Nothing that I wrote bulled anyone.  What I wrote was honest analysis of the situation, followed by a suggested action.  Any other member of S4GRU would have been and is free to write the same.


Correct, S4GRU openly establishes itself as an information site, not a Sprint advocacy site.  Rarely, if ever will you see any staff member try to recruit a user to Sprint.  But that does not mean we are forbidden to advocate that certain users seek or take their service elsewhere.


As for "doom," on its present course, Sprint is doomed.  If Sprint continues "unlimited" data and contract subsidy at legacy price points, it is doomed.  If droves leave because Sprint discontinues those policies, Sprint also is doomed.  But I will take that latter chance, as it is predicated on a condition that may not happen.  People may be unhappy, they may threaten to leave, but they may not see much better options elsewhere.  To that end, just look at T-Mobile last week.



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I think a lot of the cost savings of "on contract" has been an illusion for a while unless one is still on SERO, which is part of the reason why Sprint still has network and balance sheet issues in the first place.


I'm not so sure the new Sprint plans wouldn't be cheaper than the ED1500 when calculated out over two years. Maybe the new plans would appeal in that regard.




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I think a lot of the cost savings of "on contract" has been an illusion for a while unless one is still on SERO, which is part of the reason why Sprint still has network and balance sheet issues in the first place.


I'm not so sure the new Sprint plans wouldn't be cheaper than the ED1500 when calculated out over two years. Maybe the new plans would appeal in that regard.




Funny I did just this calculation the other day to prove to someone on a sprint forum that I was right (new plans are more expensive for me than old) for my situation.  I am copying and pasting that below:


My breakdown is the following.  I have 2 lines on ED1500.  The base on the 1st phone is $110.  On that $110 I get an 18% corporate discount which is $19.80 off.  I then pay $19.99 for the 2nd line and pay two $10 Premium data add-on charges.  All of this is a grand total of $130.19 before all the junk fees and sales tax.  My total overall is around $144 with all fees and taxes inclusive.


A new unlimited plan with sprint is $75 for the first line and $45 for the 2nd line.  Then if I decide to lease or installment the phone (to make this comparable to getting a subsidized phone this is how I would have to compare) it would be $20/month per line on what Sprint calls a subsidy fee.  So right here we are already up to $160 without discounts.  The phone I like is the Note line, so to add two note 7's to our plan it will be another $35.42/line.  So now we are up to $230.84 before discount, fees, and taxes.  Since I don't have access to someone that actually has a corporate discount and on a new plan so I am unsure how much actually comes off, but it is my understanding that the corporate discounts on new lines only comes off the data charge?  I assume also that is only off the first line so that would be off of $75.  So a discount of $13.50.  So I am paying $217.34 before fees and taxes.  Over 24 months that is $5216.16.


On my $130.19 ED1500 plan that is $3124.56.  Now lets add on the cost of the subsidized phones.  The Note 7 through Sprint is $349.99 (after $50 rebate).  So now the total is $3824.54 adding the two phones in for 24 months. 

So the difference is $5216.16 - $3824.54 = $1391.62 I would paying more on a new plan over 24 months versus my old plan and 2 new subsidized phones at a 24 month contract.


I don't know how it is cheaper for you with the new plans, but I would assume that means you don't get unlimited data for it to be any where near cheaper than the old legacy plans and discount. 


So of course it is a no-brainer why I stay on my plan which again was supposedly a profitable plan for Sprint for many many years.  Even without a corporate discount it is still $916.42 cheaper for 24 months for me to stay on my ED1500 and continue to get subsidized phones.  Now if they decided to get rid of these scam "subsidy fees" they add anytime anyone uses installment or leasing for the new plans then yes the new plans would be more comparable to the old plans like ED1500, but still for me they would still cost more than I'm paying.


I thought the whole point of the leasing/installment thing was that it would eventually make the cost of service cheaper over time.  I have never seen it actually be cheaper for me, and I'm sure I don't live in a vacuum.  Anyone on an Everything Data plan (with or without a corporate discount) will pay less money over 24 months getting subsidized phones every 24 months, then jumping ship to a new plan and paying installment/leasing.  


The only case where this is not the case is if you buy your phone outright and bring it to Sprint or buy it outright from Sprint, but from what I hear it is a pain in the butt right now getting BYOD's added to their network as seen in countless sprint forum posts....

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Funny I did just this calculation the other day to prove to someone on a sprint forum that I was right (new plans are more expensive for me than old) for my situation.  I am copying and pasting that below:


My breakdown is the following.  I have 2 lines on ED1500.  The base on the 1st phone is $110.  On that $110 I get an 18% corporate discount which is $19.80 off.  I then pay $19.99 for the 2nd line and pay two $10 Premium data add-on charges.  All of this is a grand total of $130.19 before all the junk fees and sales tax.  My total overall is around $144 with all fees and taxes inclusive.


A new unlimited plan with sprint is $75 for the first line and $45 for the 2nd line.


Except that's wrong. It's $100 for two lines unlimited. Plus 5GB of tethering included.

(1st $60, 2nd $40, each additional, $30).



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    • Uploaded data without issues on Friday. Now with the latest update I am getting "Cluster #1 skipped: invalid file format detected. File exported for inspection." Doing same with all other clusters. Did this on 4 phones in a row.  Seems to work on s24 ultra just fine. On s21 ultra it says "web data upload failed. No data to send" although 8800 records were displayed. Now gives same error as above. I have not sent the data from 3 other phones.  All should have latest update.
    • After several months of testing, an update to SignalCheck Pro is rolling out on Google Play. It may take up to 48 hours to become available for download. Notable changes include: Added option to display site notes for NSA 5G-NR cells. Enabling this new option (Preferences > Display Settings > Show NSA 5G-NR Site Notes) will cause the app to make an "educated guess" as to what the most appropriate site note is linked to the connected NSA 5G cell, using the PCI and the device location. If it finds an existing entry that is likely to be relevant, it will display the note along with the distance from where the strongest signal from that cell was logged. While connected to NSA 5G, these notes cannot be edited; a valid NCI is required to add/edit notes and that information is not available on NSA connections.   Added option to log cells with missing/invalid PLMN (such as NSA 5G-NR cells). Users asked for the ability to log data for NSA 5G, so a new option (Preferences > Logger Settings > Log Cells with Missing PLMN) will permit this.   Added option to display LTE info above 5G-NR info. Enabling this new option (Preferences > Display Settings > Show LTE Cells Above 5G-NR Cells) shows the same information that is currently displayed, but moves the LTE information above the 5G-NR information. Other changes: Code optimizations and enhancements. Improved Android 15 compatibility. Overhauled Purchases module. Resolved force closes impacting some GSM/LTE connections. Resolved issue with improper 5G-NR PLMN display when NR/LTE PLMNs did not match. Resolved issue with improper PLMN display with single-digit MNCs. Resolved issue with incorrect 5G-NR bands displayed on some devices due to Android bug. Resolved issue with incorrect number of neighbor cells displayed when some cells were unknown. Resolved issue with missing 5G-NR data when sector display is enabled. Resolved issue with saving 5G-NR site notes when NR/LTE PLMNs did not match. Resolved issue with settings to log missing GCI/NCI/TAC/PLMN being ignored. Resolved issues with web data export function. Updated internal libraries. Updated provider database. Updated target API to Android 15. I appreciate all of your support, and a big thank you to the members of the Beta Crew that help with testing and feedback!
    • Oct security update is out.
    • Stopped by again today and the antennas are up but it isn't live just yet. If other Sprint conversions are anything to go by it'll likely take about a month for the site to go live.
    • It is an Android bug that was reportedly fixed in August 2023 but definitely has not been. I have implemented numerous workarounds in SCP to correct the NR bands the app displays. The OS ignores the possibility that many NR-ARFCNs are valid across multiple bands.. it reports the lowest NR band that is valid for the current ARFCN. In your example, channel 432530 can be n1, n65, or n66.. so the OS just (lazily) reports n1.   Awesome, thanks! I will add an n65 override also.
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