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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 User Thread


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Since it sounds like you have a minimal number of apps, just blow it up and start from scratch. Can't go wrong with that approach. If you start restoring apps and data from a backup, you're likely to just recreate the issue.

OH, I have about 100 apps, but only use 5-7 daily pretty heavily.  Probably have to bite the bullet.

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OH, I have about 100 apps, but only use 5-7 daily pretty heavily. Probably have to bite the bullet.

Just do it....

OH, I have about 100 apps, but only use 5-7 daily pretty heavily. Probably have to bite the bullet.

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So, I was JUST coming back to give everyone an update on this.

Yesterday at about 10:15 PST I had 71% battery life left, after having taken it off the charger at 05:00 PST Tuesday morning.

The ONLY thing I have done is as I described, I turned ON the notifications in the Settings>Accessibility>Notification area. It appears that notification light is function as it was before, blinking when there is say new messages, emails, etc., even though previously it was doing this and the notification settings were turned OFF. So, it's ON now and still doing the blinking (and I should say even though I actually UNCHECKED ALL on the applications list, so technically it should NOT be doing notifications at all)

Well, that was 23:30 HOURS AGO, and I still have 32% battery life. Power savings says it should run another 8:00 hours, which would put the run time at 36 hours easy, and that is after having had it run down to 70% yesterday morning in 5 hours, so I think starting at 100% it should now run even better.

This is the ONLY thing I did to the device and usage patterns, locations are the same (home, work, 3rd place), and usage is probably higher actually since I used GPS and had to connect to several new WIFI yesterday.

So, I really think SOMETHING is going on there. Another question for the group, when YOU go into that area of accessbility>notifications and then click on the LED NOTIFICATIONS button, does it take a LONG time to get to that final page? For me, after I click on the NOTIFICATION REMINDER selection, the screen goes black and it takes about 5-7 seconds to get to the actual LED notifications page?

Now, I haven't turned it off yet again, which I will try next, but if ANYONE is having battery problems currently, maybe try there first. See if it is ON, if it is OFF turn it ON..maybe switch back and forth. This really has dramatically changed the experience for my unit at least.

Oh, one more question. Is there someplace where it now say how long it has been running, or does one just have to do the math from the DATE/TIME on the left side of the graph to NOW?

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Oh, one more question. Is there someplace where it now say how long it has been running, or does one just have to do the math from the DATE/TIME on the left side of the graph to NOW?


I have the exact same questopn

... Used to tell you the exact Usage...

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Oh, one more question. Is there someplace where it now say how long it has been running, or does one just have to do the math from the DATE/TIME on the left side of the graph to NOW?


Go to about device, status, scroll to the bottom. It will tell you how long since your last restart. Just keep in mind, that time doesn't reset after the phone was last charged. It only resets when you restart the phone.


Sent from my Note 4.

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As much as I appreciate trying to get the battery time to last that's not really the world I live in. I use my phone all day long multiple apps etc. How long I can get it to last turning this and that off is not real world for me. I have "everything" on and get about 10 to 8 hours use before charging. Which with the fast charge is nice as I can charge for 15 to 29 mins and I'm food till I go to bed. Sounds like I'll be staying on the 4.4 rom until tex gets a 5.0 version out. Thanks for all the input though it's good to see people active in this thread!


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Maybe it is smart lock based on location? I could see that eating battery.


My N4 with very light today is at 82% at 6:30PM..that seems OK.

I use location and a Wear watch. My battery is good. I'm guessing because as long as the watch is present, geo locating is not necessary.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Just got a note 4 today and have a quick question is there a way to put a settings shortcut on a home screen? I use to have one for howuch data I've used and my battery usage. Other than that I love the phone so far.


Sent from a Note 4

I use an app "QuickShortcutMaker" from the play store that creates shortcuts to certain settings instead of going thru the usual layers to get to the setting.

After you download the app, click and hold anywhere on your home screen,

click on Shortcuts,

select Activities QuickSortcutMaker,

click on Activities tab (if not already there),

scroll down to Settings, click on it to open up the sub-list,

scroll down within Settings to Battery (there are a few in there) and look for the one that is




do the same for Settings Data Usage.

where underneath it it states...


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I've heard numerous complaints about call quality and dropped calls before, but never experienced it until recently.


If there was one thing I learned about the Note 4/Edge recently is that the call quality/durability sucked. Mind you, I never noticed it before since I hardly ever call. I'm mostly data consuming, texting, etc. And when I did call, it was very brief. But when i was trying to get the LG G Flex 2 activated and on my family plan i had to call in to support to get it done since the ID was not in the system yet. I used my Note Edge at first , I was on the phone numerous times for hours and not because the process took long, but because the call would drop continuously (and usually at the worst time just when they were about to get it done). I switched over to the Note 4 and the same thing. 


I don't know if an software update would fix it or not, but if it is fixable via an update, knowing that this update has not fixed it is disappointing.



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I have not had any issues with dropped calls with the Note 4. I have, however, in the last week or so noticed a lot more network connection errors with Wi-Fi calling.

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I was hoping the radio would be updated on it once lollipop came around but the signal is just as poor, battery life the same for me.


So you find the Note 4 to be poor vs. your G3?


This is my first Spark device so it is hard for me to compare.  Band 26 will naturally get better reception than 25, but I haven't been blown away by it.  Maybe it is from lack of optimization.  I know that signal levels are reported differently on voice bands vs. LTE bands, but voice is stronger for me.


I do think after the Lollipop update Band 41 is a little better, but maybe I'm wrong.  


There are still times when I drop to 3G and it takes too long to go back into LTE.

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I've heard numerous complaints about call quality and dropped calls before, but never experienced it until recently.


If there was one thing I learned about the Note 4/Edge recently is that the call quality/durability sucked. Mind you, I never noticed it before since I hardly ever call. I'm mostly data consuming, texting, etc. And when I did call, it was very brief. But when i was trying to get the LG G Flex 2 activated and on my family plan i had to call in to support to get it done since the ID was not in the system yet. I used my Note Edge at first , I was on the phone numerous times for hours and not because the process took long, but because the call would drop continuously (and usually at the worst time just when they were about to get it done). I switched over to the Note 4 and the same thing.


I don't know if an software update would fix it or not, but if it is fixable via an update, knowing that this update has not fixed it is disappointing.



I have the note edge and hate the call drops. With I would never hehe gotten this phone.


Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

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Anyone having force closes of certain apps and Bluetooth? When I connect my Pebble watch with my car Bluetooth at the same time I get a lot of dropped Bluetooth connections and the standard "Bluetooth has stopped." May have to factory reset but I didn't really want to.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Anyone having force closes of certain apps and Bluetooth? When I connect my Pebble watch with my car Bluetooth at the same time I get a lot of dropped Bluetooth connections and the standard "Bluetooth has stopped." May have to factory reset but I didn't really want to.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Nope I haven't, and I have a Pebble!
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