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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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The whole Sprint/T-Mobile merger is becoming a tired topic in this thread. I think it would be best best for you to create a separate thread to continue that discussion there.


Are you crazy?!  Do not encourage him to create a new thread.



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I'll be traveling in about a week and hope to hit b41 for the first time ever while on trip. First stop is mobile, AL...doubt I'll see if there...2 nd stop is Slidell. That's where I'll likely find it. Then on to McComb where I'll sit on Cspire LTE roaming as native... I sat on Cspire last year while in McComb...pretty decent. It was enough for me to enjoy some ps4 gaming via hotspot.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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I'll be traveling in about a week and hope to hit b41 for the first time ever while on trip. First stop is mobile, AL...doubt I'll see if there...2 nd stop is Slidell. That's where I'll likely find it. Then on to McComb where I'll sit on Cspire LTE roaming as native... I sat on Cspire last year while in McComb...pretty decent. It was enough for me to enjoy some ps4 gaming via hotspot.


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I just visited Birmingham and Montgomery, AL a month ago and didn't run into any Band 41. Just Band 25 and 26. Hopefully, you'll have better luck.

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OMG how DARE YOU be on topic and relevant!

I know right!


I wonder why they are only deploying that is pretty limited considering the available technology.  I guess once they go with Config 1 it'll provide up to +200Mbps. This gear is like NEW NEW, had just a single carrier online and I was able to pull 60Mbps off it.  So having 200Mbps capacity should last a while. 


Just they have more than just 40MHz worth of 2.5GHz spectrum and this stuff isn't even 4T4R.  When all the other carriers have 3~5 antennas per sector, Sprint goes "cheap" on their second antenna.


But hey, if deploying these small units allows them to deploy to 2 or 3 additional towers at the same cost as something like the 8T8R gear, I'm all for it.

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I just visited Birmingham and Montgomery, AL a month ago and didn't run into any Band 41. Just Band 25 and 26. Hopefully, you'll have better luck.

I don't foresee getting any band 41 in the entire of Alabama.unless things have changed since I last talked with Sprint


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I don't foresee getting any band 41 in the entire of Alabama.unless things have changed since I last talked with Sprint


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When I was in Huntsville, I got B41 twice.  Unless SCP was playing tricks on me (I wouldn't doubt it).

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When I was in Huntsville, I got B41 twice.  Unless SCP was playing tricks on me (I wouldn't doubt it).

Huntsville is a hugely important, high tech job center.  One could only hope Sprint could see the wisdom in deploying band 41 there.  That, and that they were able (from a financial perspective, amongst other variables) to actually follow through on said notion.

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I know right!


I wonder why they are only deploying that is pretty limited considering the available technology.  I guess once they go with Config 1 it'll provide up to +200Mbps. This gear is like NEW NEW, had just a single carrier online and I was able to pull 60Mbps off it.  So having 200Mbps capacity should last a while. 


Just they have more than just 40MHz worth of 2.5GHz spectrum and this stuff isn't even 4T4R.  When all the other carriers have 3~5 antennas per sector, Sprint goes "cheap" on their second antenna.


But hey, if deploying these small units allows them to deploy to 2 or 3 additional towers at the same cost as something like the 8T8R gear, I'm all for it.

NSN just completed a cluster of four mini mac installs here in my town within a week.  All four sites went live within two days after the install and B41 coverage is blanketed in my town town with a few cell sites having 8T8R.  My download speeds went from 5-14Mbps on 800/1900MHz to 75-110Mbps when outside.  Very impressed with what these NSN mini macs can do as far as coverage, I don't see 800MHz or 1900MHz anymore when I am outdoors.  My phone hands off from 2.5 to 2.5 without it dropping down to 1.9 or 800 when traveling around town.  Very impressed! 

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Can we stop with the rumors about John being a smoker.  Is this even confirmed?  It seems pretty silly to me because he seems to be in good shape and has nothing to do with this topic.


Yes, I agree with this. Why is it any of our business if he is a smoker/drinker? Who cares.


 if he did drink, I think that would affect him more athletically than say, smoking. Still, that isn't a certainty. Nor am I judging.



Incorrect. If you really want to get technical, smoking affects your athletic abilities far more than drinking.


For example, smoking has more systemic complications, such as reduced V/Q ratios stemming from circulatory system diseases. 



Such as this ridiculous uproar over the "Opiod Epidemic", which any imposed restrictions on physicians prescribing could have very real and serious consequences on people with chronic pain, such as what I have. 


Are you seriously trying to advocate for lesser restrictions?


As a licensed MD, I disagree completely. The restrictions are in place for a reason and need to be far stricter. There are far too many patients being over-medicated and have become too dependent on their dosages.


The fact that you think there is no opioid epidemic in this country is ridiculous.

Edited by WiseGuy321
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Yes, I agree with this. Why is it any of our business if he is a smoker/drinker? Who cares.




Incorrect. If you really want to get technical, smoking affects your athletic abilities far more than drinking. For example, smoking has more systemic complications, such as reduced V/Q ratios stemming from circulatory system diseases. 


It depends on many different factors though, such as how much a person smokes, how much a person drinks, etc. I seriously doubt John Legere smokes like a chimney, otherwise it would be easy to detect in his voice, as heavy smokers often are more raspy-sounding, they cough, and so on. John Legere, despite being unprofessional in a lot of what he says, at least has to sound somewhat intelligent and cohesive when he speaks and can't be coughing during his interviews and whatever else he's doing when he speaks publicly. If smoking were getting to him, I think that would be obvious, but its not. However, he does have a persona that kinda makes you think of him as a smoker, which is why I agreed with the assessment of that made by another member here.


Of course heavy drinking and heavy smoking in any large amount for a long time will affect athletic ability. I for one though am not concerned about it beyond that, as I do not watch sports or really have any interest in athletics, beyond just health issues. Yet, I  can say it perplexes me how my aunt, a very long-time heavy smoker, who eats a lot from fast food places for several years, is incredibly thin and in shape for her age, and she walks faster than Forrest Gump can run.

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I seriously doubt John Legere smokes like a chimney, otherwise it would be easy to detect in his voice, as heavy smokers often are more raspy-sounding, they cough, and so on.


However, he does have a persona that kinda makes you think of him as a smoker



If I tried to use this diagnostic criteria to distinguish between a smoker/non-smoker, I would've been humiliated in front of the residents and kicked out of medical school instantly...

Edited by WiseGuy321
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Yes, I agree with this. Why is it any of our business if he is a smoker/drinker? Who cares.




Incorrect. If you really want to get technical, smoking affects your athletic abilities far more than drinking.


For example, smoking has more systemic complications, such as reduced V/Q ratios stemming from circulatory system diseases. 




Are you seriously trying to advocate for lesser restrictions?


As a licensed MD, I disagree completely. The restrictions are in place for a reason and need to be far stricter. There are far too many patients being over-medicated and have become too dependent on their dosages.


The fact that you think there is no opioid epidemic in this country is ridiculous.



I had a tooth out and they gave me percocet. Freaking percocet. The stuff they give terminal cancer patients. I cut the pills into quarters and was still in orbit. I think I had a total of about 1.5 pills and switched back to ibuprofen. There is most definitely an issue with over prescribing. I had originally mentioned that the ibuprofen didn't last long enough but that did work more than well enough to block the pain. I had asked for something that I could take more frequently or that would last longer, I specifically said I didn't need anything stronger. Yeah, Percocet is the answer :) Coming from a country that thinks pain management is "eat an apple and take an asprin" I can appreciate the idea that we shouldn't have to suffer pain unnecessarily but I think we jump to far too quickly. And lets not get me started on antibiotics!

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If I tried to use this diagnostic criteria to distinguish between a smoker/non-smoker, I would've been humiliated in front of the residents and kicked out of medical school instantly...

My point isn't to impress a medical school. There are a lot of different opinions/views in medicine itself, so I wouldn't even call it an exact science, especially with the medical community so divided on critical pain-relieving opiods that some doctors want to restrict, leaving their patients in a whole lot of pain, while others are empathetic and really want to tell the other doctors and the DEA to go to hell.


I'd rather leave things being simplistic, which is the reason I wrote the post the way I did. As it is, I'm not on S4GRU to impress doctors.

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I had a tooth out and they gave me percocet. Freaking percocet. The stuff they give terminal cancer patients. I cut the pills into quarters and was still in orbit. I think I had a total of about 1.5 pills and switched back to ibuprofen. There is most definitely an issue with over prescribing. I had originally mentioned that the ibuprofen didn't last long enough but that did work more than well enough to block the pain. I had asked for something that I could take more frequently or that would last longer, I specifically said I didn't need anything stronger. Yeah, Percocet is the answer :) Coming from a country that thinks pain management is "eat an apple and take an asprin" I can appreciate the idea that we shouldn't have to suffer pain unnecessarily but I think we jump to far too quickly. And lets not get me started on antibiotics!

Richy, I'm glad to hear you don't want people to be left in pain. Most pain patients I've known from sitting in offices waiting and just talking with people in chronic pain, all seem very genuine. Unfortunately, there is this overblown drug scare that has the potential, and in many cases already is putting people with pain in crisis. I'm glad I'm being treated well with what I'm on, knowing I would not be alive without it, which is why I'm very empathetic to others in pain and struggling to find a doctor who actually cares about them and not panicking about the DEA.

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Yes because one gets to 1080 pages by staying on topic ;)


It will likely get to 1081 pages fairly soon.


I've suggested a name change to this thread in the past to clarify a topic, and was told by staff that it would mess up the SEO and this was a general thread that took whatever direction members went with in conversation, so long as it didn't remain way off for longer than a short few posts back and forth. Personally though, I'd rather the thread just be named "General Sprint thread" and have a separate "All Things thread" elsewhere.

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My point isn't to impress a medical school. 

You're missing the point completely. It's about learning how to properly diagnose a condition, not impressing the people around you.


Patients tend to think they know more than their doctor because they go on WebMD or read some forums. Clearly, you're doing the same thing. 


I understand you have a condition, but using that as an excuse (of sorts) to rant on this website is quite annoying IMO. Your posts singlehandedly kill the mobile readability of this website.


struggling to find a doctor who actually cares about them and not panicking about the DEA.

I think your views on this matter are out of touch with reality.


If the DEA is able to trace back drugs used in an OD, who (do you think) gets in trouble? It's the MD who loses his/her license.


Once again, you've drifted this thread off topic. Have a good day.

Edited by WiseGuy321
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Richy, I'm glad to hear you don't want people to be left in pain. Most pain patients I've known from sitting in offices waiting and just talking with people in chronic pain, all seem very genuine. Unfortunately, there is this overblown drug scare that has the potential, and in many cases already is putting people with pain in crisis. I'm glad I'm being treated well with what I'm on, knowing I would not be alive without it, which is why I'm very empathetic to others in pain and struggling to find a doctor who actually cares about them and not panicking about the DEA.

I can't believe you said over blown drug scare. Apparently some haven't seen firsthand how out of control it is.


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