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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Why the desperation? What's the extreme emergency that's got you so wound up? If there were something earth shattering to report, we'd all know by now. Why is it so important to you? Nothing would change right away anyway, at least not on the customer facing side. How is service in your area? If Sprint isn't currently meeting your needs where you live, work and play then you need to switch to a provider that does.

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This is major cringe right here.

Same thing I thought. The dr. part made me cringe even more. Not sure what kind of doctor he is, but imagining his NIMBYness causing him a dropped call in an area with no cell towers due to NIMBYs like him, where his dropped call leads to a patient's death.

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Tim any more details on this or time frames?    Especially Portland?


Probably at least half a year or so if the last spectrum swap was any indication of things. I'm slowly doing a summary of it but I have been distracted by personal issues these past few weeks that have prevented me from being productive. 


For Portland they're trading off their entire 30 MHz PCS B block to ATT in exchange for 30 MHz PCS C block so 40 MHz contiguous spectrum in total. Enough for 10+5 or 15 MHz B25 when Sprint & Samsung pushes new firmware to the MMBS & RRU. 

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 Not sure what kind of doctor he is, but imagining his NIMBYness causing him a dropped call in an area with no cell towers due to NIMBYs like him, where his dropped call leads to a patient's death.

He is a lawyer specializing in telecom law. I doubt him missing or dropping a call on a "patient" will lead to his client's death.

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Probably at least half a year or so if the last spectrum swap was any indication of things. I'm slowly doing a summary of it but I have been distracted by personal issues these past few weeks that have prevented me from being productive.


For Portland they're trading off their entire 30 MHz PCS B block to ATT in exchange for 30 MHz PCS C block so 40 MHz contiguous spectrum in total. Enough for 10+5 or 15 MHz B25 when Sprint & Samsung pushes new firmware to the MMBS & RRU.

I wish sprint would push for more market spectrum swaps to get the entire C block to be contiguous with the G block.


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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I wish sprint would push for more market spectrum swaps to get the entire C block to be contiguous with the G block.


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Think they are trying everywhere they can. They are even swapping with US Cellular also. I got word of swap in a area of Minnesota between Sprint and, USCC.


Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

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I wish sprint would push for more market spectrum swaps to get the entire C block to be contiguous with the G block.


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Verizon and USCC is also involved in other trades but the local spectrum makeup has to make sense. Sprint missed the first few large waves of spectrum swaps which would've really benefited them but better late than never. 

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Verizon and USCC is also involved in other trades but the local spectrum makeup has to make sense. Sprint missed the first few large waves of spectrum swaps which would've really benefited them but better late than never.

I heard about the swaps with USCC in Rochester/Austin Minnesota.


Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

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"Yes, you can actually get worse cell service than Sprint"


That is the headline, yet the article is not even about Sprint.  Knuckleheads.





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"Yes, you can actually get worse cell service than Sprint"


That is the headline, yet the article is not even about Sprint.  Knuckleheads.





Someone from Sprint must have done something to his family.  It's like a personal vendetta with Sprint at everything he writes. 

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"Yes, you can actually get worse cell service than Sprint"


That is the headline, yet the article is not even about Sprint.  Knuckleheads.







Typical BGR.


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I think we can all agree that a lot of the trashing of Sprint is the frustration that Sprint hasn't gone bottom up like they want.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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He is a lawyer specializing in telecom law. I doubt him missing or dropping a call on a "patient" will lead to his client's death.

Well, perhaps too many dropped calls will lead to his clients choosing another lawyer who isn't so finicky about what he sees in his backyard.

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I think we can all agree that a lot of the trashing of Sprint is the frustration that Sprint hasn't gone bottom up like they want.


BGR is more likely to go tits up than Sprint is.



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Well, its good Sprint at least isn't talking about spending on having a SprintFiber service, or else we'd be discussing the merits of that versus deployment and densification spending.


Actually, I'm glad to hear from earlier posts here about Sprint's CapEx spending being up. Perhaps Sprint/Softbank may be changing their mind about the T-Mobile merger possibility?


It is good to hear Sprint is doing very well in Lombard. That is very closeby to me and if Sprint had a $90 two-line HD included non-expiry offer, with either a tax inclusive offer or a 10%-20% discount to cover the tax, which either idea would meet the rate I'm getting from T-Mobile, I'd try out Sprint for a few days, and if as good as it sounds, I'd switch.


Two things I miss about Sprint is band 41 and VQ.


FYI, Sprint has a global MPLS network for wireline, called SprintLink

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FYI, Sprint has a global MPLS network for wireline, called SprintLink

Thank you for informing me. Is this different than what Sprint used back in the days they were a landline phone operator?

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For our next article on The Wall, we are considering this headline...


"BGR is a trashy tech news site, but here is S4GRU's RF look at the Samsung Galaxy S8"



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Thank you for informing me. Is this different than what Sprint used back in the days they were a landline phone operator?


Same IP core.


Sprint has operated a wireline network for years, long before the birth of Sprint Nextel and Sprint PCS even. 

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Verizon and USCC is also involved in other trades but the local spectrum makeup has to make sense. Sprint missed the first few large waves of spectrum swaps which would've really benefited them but better late than never. 


That sucks.  It would have been nice if Sprint had forward thinking knowing that contiguous spectrum rules especially aggregating the PCS C+G blocks.  If Sprint can swap in markets their full A or B block for the C block they should look to do that.


Being able to deploy a 20x20 LTE block in the PCS spectrum would have worked wonders down the road.

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