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Boost and Virgin throttling heavy data users to 128kb in May


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I think they should just move to a more structured data plan with no overages.







After you hit your limit, 128kb/sec


I think it's much more realistic way to sell data without the downfall of overages.

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I think they should just move to a more structured data plan with no overages.







After you hit your limit, 128kb/sec


I think it's much more realistic way to sell data without the downfall of overages.


If there is a clear way on the phone, maybe with an app where users can see their data usage each month.


T-Mobile has an app that shows this on their pre-paid plans.


Maybe people could then also choose to request non-compressed images as part of their plan.


I think the way that words like abuse and fraudulent are thrown around is funny, these people are paying money to use their phone on plans that Sprint is selling. People should be allowed to use these phones any way they wish. Just because Sprint doesn't plan and upgrade their network to keep up with demand, it is not these users fault, they are paying money.


In a lot of areas we can only to be too happy to have the 128kbps limitation, as it never gets that high. So lets get there first before limiting everyone.

Edited by JoeJoeJoe
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If there is a clear way on the phone, maybe with an app where users can see their data usage each month.


T-Mobile has an app that shows this on their pre-paid plans.


Maybe people could then also choose to request non-compressed images as part of their plan.


I think the way that words like abuse and fraudulent are thrown around is funny, these people are paying money to use their phone on plans that Sprint is selling. People should be allowed to use these phones any way they wish. Just because Sprint doesn't plan and upgrade their network to keep up with demand, it is not these users fault, they are paying money.


In a lot of areas we can only to be too happy to have the 128kbps limitation, as it never gets that high. So lets get there first before limiting everyone.

Some phones show it in the settings, like the n5 for instance. 99.9% of the times I've seen abuse and fraudulent used on s4gru has been it response to the 1-2% of users who are using 50+ GB a month. The ones who are purposely downloading stuff on their phone instead of WiFi, streaming to a TV, torrenting, or illegally tethering. Those people are abusing the network and are eventually going to ruin the network for everyone, when Sprint runs out of spectrum and gets rid of unlimited and becomes like the other carriers. I've never seen someone on here advocate not using your phone to the fullest, they're just advocating to keep the network healthy and enjoyable for everyone.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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A lot of people who use Boost or Virgin are too "poor" to afford home broadband.





Yes, that is true.. but the network cannot handle the stress..at least not right now.

I see a lot assuming going on,


my wife uses Virgin Mobile  and we have HI-speed internet(FIOS) home phone also.

She makes an great salary she just does use a cell phone much other than to text me. Never uses any data or minutes. She doesn't see the point in having a big bill if she doesn't have to, she would rather spend he disposable income on things she likes. Take it for what it's worth but I know a few people like that. They just text and browse Facebook or twitter. 

I was a Sprint customer since 1998 and left in 2012 only to come back 2014 because of the Framily plan and I'm only paying $35 bucks. 

Instead of assuming everyone is poor because it sure looks like a lot of people are trying to get cheap Framily rates just say these companies are for price conscience people. Network abuses can be anywhere and on any company. 

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Wouldn't it just be easier to eliminate the Boost and Virgin brands? They should do it now while they are still having subscriber losses from the NV build out.

That would be a lot of subscribers to lose on top of what's already leaving.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I still don't get why sprint still has two prepaid brands. Virgin and boost should be consolidated to keep things simple and save on costs


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


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I still don't get why sprint still has two prepaid brands. Virgin and boost should be consolidated to keep things simple and save on costsSent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

3 prepaid brands. Frankly they should just consolidate all of them into the Virgin brand since it seems to be the most popular.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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3 prepaid brands. Frankly they should just consolidate all of them into the Virgin brand since it seems to be the most popular.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2


I think they have to pay big $$  to license the Virgin brand though.

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3 prepaid brands. Frankly they should just consolidate all of them into the Virgin brand since it seems to be the most popular.

Yes, a threesome with a Virgin is unexpected.



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For the three prepaid brands, Sprint could license New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle."


I am mobile, so somebody else post the video.



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3 prepaid brands. Frankly they should just consolidate all of them into the Virgin brand since it seems to be the most popular.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2


I always get a crack out of it when people rate their network experience on Virgin's "network" much higher as people do on Sprint. Hopefully never tells them it's the same CDMA/LTE (WiMax) network.

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Btw, some Sprint MVNO's like Voyager Mobile just cancel customers when they use too much data. We are not talking my kind of data use but go beyong 4-6 GB/month and your account will go. Why bother to promote unlimited data? The customer was a young girl who is watching her cartoons on Hulu and Netflix and got booted for that.

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For the three prepaid brands, Sprint could license New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle."


I am mobile, so somebody else post the video.



For you AJ.

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I always get a crack out of it when people rate their network experience on Virgin's "network" much higher as people do on Sprint. Hopefully never tells them it's the same CDMA/LTE (WiMax) network.

It's a placebo effect. Just because the name doesn't say Sprint, they automatically think it's better.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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It's a placebo effect. Just because the name doesn't say Sprint, they automatically think it's better.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2


I wish it would cure bad network :-) suffering

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I wish it would cure bad network :-) suffering

There is a cure for that. Once the network is complete and all the backhaul is done, then things will finally be much better.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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There is a cure for that. Once the network is complete and all the backhaul is done, then things will finally be much better.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

I hope so. Because after all, you quoted someone named "bandwidth hog" who was complaining about poor network conditions... Might've found a part of the problem.

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I hope so. Because after all, you quoted someone named "bandwidth hog" who was complaining about poor network conditions... Might've found a part of the problem.

There's no cure for bandwidth hogs. They'll continue to hog forever.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I hope so. Because after all, you quoted someone named "bandwidth hog" who was complaining about poor network conditions... Might've found a part of the problem.


I doubt that I am the cause for Sprint's bad coverage or their 1x network which is covered up as 3G.


There's no cure for bandwidth hogs. They'll continue to hog forever.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2


Yes, B41 with unlimited data :-)

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I doubt that I am the cause for Sprint's bad coverage or their 1x network which is covered up as 3G.



Yes, B41 with unlimited data :-)

No, the cure isn't band 41, because people who want more will always want more after that, and after that. It never ends.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I doubt that I am the cause for Sprint's bad coverage or their 1x network which is covered up as 3G.



Technically you MIGHT be... I know that when I have been on completely overloaded towers I have jumped down to 1x or even roaming in the past... you if you are hogging bandwidth you ARE messing up "coverage"...


I have come to the conclusion that unlimited data has to go.  I think it is unfortunate that (a) T-Mobile has done it making Sprint sort of stuck with it and (B) that Sprint has based their advantage on it in ads (again making them stuck with it).  I think reasonably price buckets of data are the way to go (aka -- 5 or 10 gb chunks for a reasonable price)... This would allow most of us to do what we want but choke off the "bandwidthhogs"... 

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Technically you MIGHT be... I know that when I have been on completely overloaded towers I have jumped down to 1x or even roaming in the past... you if you are hogging bandwidth you ARE messing up "coverage"...


I have come to the conclusion that unlimited data has to go. I think it is unfortunate that (a) T-Mobile has done it making Sprint sort of stuck with it and (B) that Sprint has based their advantage on it in ads (again making them stuck with it). I think reasonably price buckets of data are the way to go (aka -- 5 or 10 gb chunks for a reasonable price)... This would allow most of us to do what we want but choke off the "bandwidthhogs"...

I don't think it has to go. They monitor your usage anyways so people who are continually using over 50gbs a month(which is about the max reasonable usage if you're using it like you're supposed to) should be throttled to 1x speeds. If that doesn't convince them to stop it, then they should boot them.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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